Today Governor Hochul released her SFY 2024-25 Executive Budget Book, which indicates that her executive budget proposal will provide $500 million over two years for the Clean Water Infrastructure Act. Last year, the program was funded at $500 million for one year. Since 2017, New York has provided $5 billion for this important program, which has provided significant results for New York’s environment and economy. In response to the proposed cut, Adrienne Esposito, Executive Director at Citizens Campaign for the Environment, issued a statement.
New York Governor Kathy Hochul has vetoed a bill that would have banned the harvest of horseshoe crabs for bait or biomedical research, saying in her veto statement Dec. 13 that she believes the management of marine species “is better left to the experts” at the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
The draft environmental impact statement for the proposed Las Vegas Sands resort and casino at the site of the Nassau Coliseum was met with both resounding support and critical opposition at a public hearing at the Nassau County Legislature on Monday.
State officials have called on Northrop Grumman to propose a more stringent plan to investigate the extent of contaminated soil at Bethpage Community Park, the former dumping grounds of Grumman Aerospace.
The state Department of Environmental Conservation action comes weeks after the agency accused the Town of Oyster Bay of causing delays to the prolonged cleanup.
The federal government’s decision this week to ban or strictly limit use of two toxic chemicals known to cause cancer will restrict a pair of pollutants that have contaminated Long Island's groundwater for decades, advocates said.
Water usage under the threat of droughts and air pollution from traffic congestion were the chief concerns of speakers against a $6 billion casino resort project proposed for the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum site, now in the middle of an environmental review.