Governor Hochul Announces Approval of Major Offshore Wind Transmission Line

Governor Hochul Announces Approval of Major Offshore Wind Transmission Line

Approved Transmission Line Will Connect to Proposed 924-Megawatt Sunrise Wind Farm

Offshore Sunrise Wind Farm Will Result in a Direct Investment of More Than $408 Million in New York and Create 800 Jobs

Project Designed to Help Meet Goals of New York's Nation-Leading Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act

Environmental Bond Act ‘a Giant Win’ for Long Island

Environmental Bond Act ‘a Giant Win’ for Long Island

New York State’s Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act of 2022, which voters passed by a comfortable margin on Nov. 8, will be of greatest benefit to Long Island, an environmental activist said this week.

NEW YORK: Long Island to Host Offshore Wind Training Center

NEW YORK: Long Island to Host Offshore Wind Training Center

ALBANY, New York, November 14, 2022 (ENS) – A land transfer between New York State and Suffolk County late last month will bring a National Offshore Wind Training Center to the State of New York, Governor Kathy Hochul and Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone have announced.

$4M in funding awarded for investigation of 'forever' chemicals at Gabreski Airport

$4M in funding awarded for investigation of 'forever' chemicals at Gabreski Airport

Remediation efforts are expected to begin within the year at Gabreski Airport in Westhampton Beach, where the Department of Defense was found responsible for contaminating the groundwater supply with “forever" chemicals, and a toxic Superfund site was declared in 2016.

Event: Protect our Drinking Water from Dangerous “Forever Chemicals”


Photo by Lisa Fotios:


Join us for a lunch and learn webinar to learn how you can help push New York State to take strong action to protect our drinking water from dangerous PFAS chemicals

In recent years, many communities across New York State discovered that their drinking water sources are contaminated with harmful PFAS chemicals. PFAS are referred to as “forever chemicals” because they are very persistent, meaning they build up in our bodies and don’t break down in the environment. 

The NYS Department of Health (DOH) recently proposed new draft regulations for PFAS chemicals in drinking water. Proposing new standards for additional PFAS chemicals is an important step forward; however, we cannot accept standards that are not adequate to protect public health. The proposed standards must be strengthened. NYS DOH is currently accepting public comments on their proposed regulations and it is imperative that the public weighs in!

Join experts from Citizens Campaign for the Environment, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), and Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and learn about the environmental and health risks associated with PFAS exposure, the latest science on these emerging contaminants, and how you can weigh in with NYS on this important issue.

Presentations will be followed by Q & A. Free and open to the public. 

Date: Monday, Nov 21, 2022 
Time: 12:00 PM -1:00 PM
Where: Via Zoom (register today)

Adrienne Esposito, Executive Director, CCE
Dr. Kyla Bennett, Director of Science Policy, PEER
Miriam Rotkin-Ellman MPH, Senior Scientist & Toxics Director, NRDC

*This program is also co-sponsored by Green Inside & Out.

Thank you for joining us!
Your friends at CCE

Environmental Bond Act approved by voters Tuesday

Environmental Bond Act approved by voters Tuesday

The Environmental Bond Act would change how the state would approach climate change mitigation moving forward.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — Voters across New York this election had an opportunity to make their voices heard on the Environmental Bond Act, and on Tuesday voters approved the proposition.

$4.2 billion Environmental Bond Act offers hope for New York

$4.2 billion Environmental Bond Act offers hope for New York

On the ballot for New Yorkers in the midterm elections is a $4.2 billion environmental bond act. Labeled as Proposition 1, the Clean Air, Clean Water and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act will be the first of its kind since 1996 if it is passed.

New Yorkers vote in favor of the Environmental Bond Act

New Yorkers vote in favor of the Environmental Bond Act

The $4.2 billion Environmental Bond Act received majority support across the state of New York on Tuesday's midterm election. 60% of New York voters supported the legislation. Lawmakers have promised that the act will not result in a tax increase.

Where the Candidates for NY Governor Stand on Climate Issues

Where the Candidates for NY Governor Stand on Climate Issues

Gov. Kathy Hochul and Congressman Lee Zeldin have starkly different stances when it comes to energy policy and other environmental issues, at a time when New York is at a critical juncture in planning and implementing its ambitious plan to lower its carbon emissions.

Chandler: At milestone anniversary, LI needs more protection

Chandler: At milestone anniversary, LI needs more protection

As the nation observes the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act (CWA), perhaps nowhere is that landmark more crucial than Long Island which is totally dependent on underground aquifers for its source of drinkable water.

LI water providers to get $48.7M in grants to treat contaminants

LI water providers to get $48.7M in grants to treat contaminants

Long Island water providers will receive $48.7 million in state grants to treat several contaminants in drinking water, a move that suppliers say will not only help clean the water but lessen the costs to ratepayers of these projects.

Highlights and Happenings: October 2022


Image by Julia Hanf from Pixabay

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Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Bond Act 
On November 8th, New Yorkers will have the opportunity to vote on Prop 1: The Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Bond Act. If enacted, the Bond Act will allocate $4.2 billion to a variety of critical environmental programs and projects that will protect drinking water and upgrade infrastructure, protect communities from extreme weathers, conserve open space, and fight climate change. We are working around the state to educate the public on the benefits of this important funding and reminding everyone to vote yes on Prop 1. In October, we joined our partners, community stakeholders, and environmentalists for a series of press conferences and rallies in support of the Bond Act. On Long Island, we joined Students for Climate Action, water suppliers, business owners, farmers and more for a great rally on Halloween. In Buffalo, we joined environmental partners and labor leaders for a rally at Canalside. We also hosted a Lunch and Learn on the importance of the Bond Act with The Nature Conservancy and NY League of Conservation Voters. This November, make sure you vote yes on Prop 1! 

Investing in Workforce Training and Education for Long Island’s Offshore Wind Future 
New York is poised to be a national leader in offshore wind, with five wind farms already selected and a mandate of 9,000MW of offshore wind by 2035. This will not only bring environmental and health benefits to our communities but will also allow us to create thousands of jobs and make NY a hub of offshore wind development. To get ready for this new industry, a National Offshore Wind Training Center will be opening in Brentwood, Long Island. Last month, we stood with our union partners and Governor Kathy Hochul to announce the site of the $10 million National Offshore Wind Training Center and $9 million in grants for workforce training initiatives! 


Congressional Candidate Climate Change Chats 
Long Island is on the front lines of climate change. Our Congressional representatives from Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4 have a crucial role to play in ensuring protections for our coastal communities, local economy, and environment. In October, we joined Students for Climate Action (S4CA) and the Citizens Climate Lobby to talk with several Long Island candidates running for Congress and learn how to plan to address climate change if they are elected. The event features interviews with Jackie Gordon, Andrew Garbarino, Laura Gillen, Robert Zimmerman, and Bridget Fleming, so make sure to check it out. 

Developing a Shared Vision for Clean Water in New York 
For the sixth year in a row, we convened a diverse group of stakeholders from around the state for our annual Clean Water Roundtable. This group of environmental leaders, water suppliers, wastewater treatment operators, environmental justice organizations, construction contractors, and other stakeholders work together to develop a list of shared priorities for clean water in New York State. Roundtable participants heard from agencies and experts who gave presentations on drinking and wastewater infrastructure needs, emerging contaminants, source water protection, and lead drinking water pipes. Based on the presentation and subsequent discussion, we will be creating a collaborative action plan our diverse group can work together to achieve in 2023, so stay tuned! 

Working with Advocates from around the Great Lakes to Advance Restoration 
We joined with hundreds of advocates from all the Great Lakes states for the annual Healing Our Waters Great Lakes Conference, held in Milwaukee. We celebrated our recent success of a billion dollar federal investment in the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, but also planned ahead for 2023, when we will be fighting for additional GLRI funding, investments in upgrading water infrastructure, equitable investments that benefit disadvantaged communities, and more! 

How Was Long Island’s Water Quality for Summer 2022? 
Want to know more about the health of Long Island's waters this year? We joined Dr. Chris Gobler, The Nature Conservancy, and Friends of the Bay for the release of the summer 2022 water quality map. This summer, we saw an unprecedented number of fish kills and are seeing worse harmful algal blooms in our bays and estuaries due to the combo of nitrogen pollution and climate change. However, there is good news. In places like western LI Sound, we are once again seeing a much smaller dead zone and improved water quality due to upgrades to sewage treatment plants. We have a problem, but we have solutions too—we must reduce nitrogen from sewage and septics to restore our bays, lakes, and harbors. You can learn more about this summer’s water quality impairments and see the map here. 

Preserving Plum Island 
We have fought for years to preserve Plum Island; an 840 acre, largely undeveloped island in Long Island Sound that serves as a critical habitat for birds and has tremendous ecological value. We are urging the Biden administration to designate Plum Island as a National Monument, ensuring that wildlife is protected, cultural and historical values are maintained, and people are able to enjoy this unique ecosystem for generations to come. If you haven’t yet, send an email to the administration in support of permanently preserving Plum Island. 

Protecting Our Coastlines 
As part of the Inflation Reduction Act, there will be upcoming opportunities for local municipalities to invest in coastal resiliency, shoreline restoration, and protection of local bays, harbors, and estuaries. We had a great press event last month with U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer, the Town of Hempstead, and Operation SPLASH to highlight the importance of these funding options for Long Island municipalities, particularly as we recognize the 10th anniversary of Superstorm Sandy. 

Remembering Superstorm Sandy 
On the 10th anniversary of Superstorm Sandy, we joined Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone and other key stakeholders to tour Smiths Point Marina on Long Island. This area was severely damaged during the storm, along with much of the coastline throughout the south shore. The county has just completed restoring 80 acres of marshland in this critical area, and overall has restored nearly 400 acres of wetlands and natural buffers along south shore Suffolk County. Projects like these, which bolster natural buffers against storms and sea level rise, are necessary to protect coastal homes, combat flooding, and reduce pollution to our local bays and harbors. 

Dedication of Crab Meadow Beach 
This summer, the Huntington Town Board unanimously accepted a plan 10 years in the making to protect the environmental asset known as the Crab Meadow Watershed. The Crab Meadow Watershed Hydrology Study and Stewardship Plan studied this unique and special area of glacially formed features that drains into Long Island Sound. The Crab Meadow Beach, in addition to be a crucial Long Island Sound Stewardship Area, is beloved by the local community. In October, Crab Meadow Beach was dedicated to former Huntington Town Supervisor Frank Petrone for his commitment to environmental protection. It was a beautiful event – congratulations again to Supervisor Petrone. 

Early turnout, early warning?

Early turnout, early warning?

Voters in New York can be fickle about ballot proposals. They voted down an environmental bond act in 1990. And last year, voters put the kibosh on constitutional amendments addressing same-day voter registration and absentee voting.

It is in that context that supporters of the Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs bond act are trying to raise awareness about the measure on the Nov. 8 ballot.

Suffolk County Executive, Environmental Groups, Campaign For Prop 1

Suffolk County Executive, Environmental Groups, Campaign For Prop 1

New Yorkers will vote on Proposition 1, or the Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Bond Act, this election day.

OAKDALE, NY — Suffolk County community members are urging New Yorkers to vote 'yes' to the Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Bond Act (Proposition 1) this election day.

Suffolk looks to expand on wetlands restoration projects

Suffolk looks to expand on wetlands restoration projects

Suffolk County is eyeing $4.5 million in federal grant funding for wetlands restoration projects along 390 acres of county-owned land on the South Shore, County Executive Steve Bellone announced Friday, the eve of the 10th anniversary of Superstorm Sandy.

Hochul, Bellone Announce Land Transfer to Bring National Offshore Wind Training Center to Suffolk County

Hochul, Bellone Announce Land Transfer to Bring National Offshore Wind Training Center to Suffolk County

Governor Kathy Hochul and Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone have announced the successful land transfer between New York State and Suffolk County to bring a National Offshore Wind Training Center to New York.

Nonprofit groups have one mission: Encouraging people to vote

Nonprofit groups have one mission: Encouraging people to vote

The organizations are varied: nonprofits engaged in equity issues, economic empowerment, civil rights, voter education and civic engagement. But as New York and the nation look to the midterm elections next month, their goal is the same — to encourage people to vote.