2025 Long Island Sound Summit
The Long Island Sound Coastal Watershed Network (LIS CWN) is focused on bringing together communities, groups and individuals working to reduce pollution loads entering Long Island Sound and its rivers, harbors, and bays. Our goal is to increase the pace and number of clean water projects by sharing the latest science, technology, policies and practices, spotlighting lessons learned, and building new opportunities for collaboration and partnerships across Long Island Sound geographies.
This year’s Summit will be an opportunity to explore the power of collaboration in advancing clean water solutions. Informed by each other’s perspectives and experiences and guided by resources like the updated Long Island Sound Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP), we will focus on building strong partnerships, sharing knowledge, and exploring communication approaches.
We hope you can attend the 2025 LIS Summit as we explore the benefits of partnerships in targeting and reducing local sources of pollution entering the Sound, mainly consumer plastics and debris, fecal bacteria, and nitrogen entering the Sound through stormwater, sewage, and groundwater.
Join us to:
Connect with Network members and clean water professionals across the Sound.
Learn about tools and resources for clean water project design and implementation and tips for communicating about your work.
Share personal experiences and lessons learned.
Discover new collaboration opportunities to advance key projects.
Event Details:
Date: Thursday, March 27
Time: 11am – 2:45pm
Location: Beacon Hall, Housatonic Community College, Bridgeport, CT
Cost: $25 Registration Fee (covers your lunch)
Register: Limited spaces! Register Now!
Thank you for joining us!
All of us at CCE