2025 Long Island Sound Summit
11:00 AM11:00

2025 Long Island Sound Summit

The Long Island Sound Coastal Watershed Network (LIS CWN) is focused on bringing together communities, groups and individuals working to reduce pollution loads entering Long Island Sound and its rivers, harbors, and bays. Our goal is to increase the pace and number of clean water projects by sharing the latest science, technology, policies and practices, spotlighting lessons learned, and building new opportunities for collaboration and partnerships across Long Island Sound geographies.

This year’s Summit will be an opportunity to explore the power of collaboration in advancing clean water solutions. Informed by each other’s perspectives and experiences and guided by resources like the updated Long Island Sound Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP), we will focus on building strong partnerships, sharing knowledge, and exploring communication approaches.

We hope you can attend the 2025 LIS Summit as we explore the benefits of partnerships in targeting and reducing local sources of pollution entering the Sound, mainly consumer plastics and debris, fecal bacteria, and nitrogen entering the Sound through stormwater, sewage, and groundwater.

Join us to:

  • Connect with Network members and clean water professionals across the Sound.

  • Learn about tools and resources for clean water project design and implementation and tips for communicating about your work.

  • Share personal experiences and lessons learned.

  • Discover new collaboration opportunities to advance key projects.

Event Details:

Date: Thursday, March 27 
Time: 11am – 2:45pm
Location: Beacon Hall, Housatonic Community College, Bridgeport, CT
Cost: $25 Registration Fee (covers your lunch)
Register: Limited spaces! Register Now!

Thank you for joining us!

All of us at CCE

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Long Island Climate Change Symposium
9:30 AM09:30

Long Island Climate Change Symposium

Please join us for free Climate Change Symposium! This forum is for everyone wanting the facts and truth on climate change, its impacts to Long Island, and climate solutions. 

We are excited to welcome Dr. Paul Shepson, Dean of The School for Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University, as our keynote speaker. There will also be a panelist discussion featuring Dr. J Bret Bennington, Professor and Chair of the Dept of Geology, Environment, and Sustainability, Hofstra University, amongst others. The symposium will conclude with a Community Q&A session. 

Long Island Climate Change Symposium 
Thursday, April 10
Location: Babylon Town Hall, 200 Sunrise Hwy, Lindenhurst, NY
Time: 9:30am - 12pm 
Registration: This event is free to attend and open to the public. Spots are limited, please register at https://tinyurl.com/climate-symposium. We also encourage you to share the invite and spread the word! 

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

All of us at CCE

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Earth Day Advocacy Day in Albany
9:30 AM09:30

Earth Day Advocacy Day in Albany

Join CCE and our partners for the annual Earth Day Advocacy Day event, on April 29, 2025. We will be advancing legislation that provides greater environmental protections. This is a great opportunity to have your voice heard to advocate for a cleaner New York!

When: Tuesday, April 29, 2025 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM 

Where: New York State Capitol Building, Albany

Topics: Here are the five legislative topics we will advocate for: 

    1. Environmental Justice + Health 

    2. Clean Energy & Climate Justice 

    3. Lead Poisoning Prevention 

    4. Responsible Solid Waste Management 

    5. Protecting Water Resources

REGISTER TODAY to advance legislation that provides greater environmental protection for New York. 

In the past three years, we had nearly 300 people from over 35 organizations join together to urge legislators to take action on our bills, contributing to 11 bills passing both houses of the legislature, and 8 bills being signed into law. TOGETHER WE WIN!

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Whale Tales and Real Facts 2025
12:00 PM12:00

Whale Tales and Real Facts 2025

Humpbacks, Minke, Right Whales, oh my! There are many species of whales that inhabit our waters throughout the year. Join us to learn more about these whales off New York’s coast and the threats whales are facing. This virtual forum will feature whale experts that have decades of experience in tracking individual whales, conducting necropsies on deceased whales, and monitoring growing threats to whales and other marine mammals.

In 2016 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) declared an Unusual Mortality Event for Humpback whales, Minke Whales, and North Atlantic Right Whales. These endangered species are highly vulnerable to ship strikes, entanglement in fishing gear, plastic pollution and climate change. Scientists are closely monitoring whale populations and working on solutions that safeguard these critical marine animals.

Please join us for our free virtual webinar on March 19th and learn more about whale populations and data in the summer of 2024 and the current threats whales are facing off New York Coasts.

Whale Tales and Real Facts

DATE: Wednesday, March 19, 2025

TIME: 12pm – 1pm

WHERE: Via Zoom – register here


  • Marianne McNamara, Vice President and Naturalist, Coastal Research and Education Society of Long Island

  • Rob DiGiovanni, Founder and Chief Scientist, Atlantic Marine Conservation Society

Thank you for joining us!

All of Us at CCE

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Battery Energy Storage System Community Forum
7:00 PM19:00

Battery Energy Storage System Community Forum

  • Shea Theater, SCCC Ammerman Campus (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Town of Brookhaven residents, join us for an education forum to learn more about Battery Energy Storage Systems and their impact on our community. Qualified panelists will address community questions and concerns. There will be no live questions at the forum. Residents are strongly encouraged to submit their questions online at https://brookhavenny.gov/battery no later than January 20, 2025.

The event will be held at Shea Theater, SCCC Ammerman Campus, 533 College Rd. Selden, NY 11784 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.

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Community Meeting: Long Island's Energy Future
11:00 AM11:00

Community Meeting: Long Island's Energy Future

Greater Uniondale Area Action Coalition is hosting a community meeting on Long Island’s energy future and offshore wind. Understand the facts, progress and proposed projects regarding sustainable energy and local plans. Hear from expert presentations from:

  • Adrienne Esposito, Executive Director, Citizens Campaign for the Environment

  • Andrea Bonilla, External Affairs Manager, Vineyard Offshore

  • Nick Guariglia, Offshore Wind Outreach Manager, Alliance for Clean Energy NY

The event will be at Uniondale High School, Main Cafeteria, 933 Goodrich St, Uniondale, NY 

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Avoid Gifting PFAS this Holiday Season
6:30 PM18:30

Avoid Gifting PFAS this Holiday Season

Getting ready for the holiday gift giving season? Join a virtual 'fireside chat' with Leah Segedie, Founder of Mamavation, award-winning content creator, best-selling author, and digital food activist dedicated to helping consumers find non-toxic products. Come learn how environmental and consumer advocates are campaigning for a PFAS-free New York.

Register Today!

Mamavation is a trusted source for consumers looking for PFAS and toxic-free product recommendations. Working with independent scientists & health professionals, Leah has investigated everything from cookware to dental floss to ketchup and protein powders. While we can't shop our way out of the PFAS problem, we are grateful to have Leah's resources to guide making healthier homes for our families and support the brands that create better products.

Also, learn what environmental and consumer advocates are working on in New York State in 2025 to help ensure certain consumer, household, personal care, and cosmetic products are safe and free of PFAS and toxic chemicals.

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What's Brewin' Offshore?
6:00 PM18:00

What's Brewin' Offshore?

What’s Brewin’ Offshore?

RSVP Today!

CCE is co-hosting "What's Brewin' Offshore" with New York League of Conservation Voters, Climate Jobs NY, and Vineyard Offshore on Tuesday, November 12th. We will have an overview of the need for offshore wind and Vineyard Offshore’s proposed project to bring clean energy to Long Island as well as snacks and refreshments. This event is free to attend and open to the public.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024 6:00 PM -  8:00 PM ET

Somerset Brewery, 94 Cherry Valley Ave Unit C, West Hempstead, NY

21+. Must RSVP to attend, RSVP is here

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Rain Garden Planting: Northport Volunteers Needed!
10:30 AM10:30

Rain Garden Planting: Northport Volunteers Needed!

  • End of James St. at the Pocket Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for Our Rain Garden Planting!

Calling All Gardeners - We Need Your Help!

This new rain garden will reduce polluted stormwater entering Northport Harbor.

Rain Gardens, also called “Green Infrastructure”, use natural landscapes and native plantings as a successful and cost-effective way to reduce flooding, prevent polluted runoff, increase property values, and add beauty to our community.

Citizens Campaign for the Environment and the Village of Northport are working together to install beautiful new rain gardens that will prevent polluted stormwater runoff from reaching Northport Harbor and Long Island Sound.  We need a little help with the plantings!

Join us to help plant this important rain garden. Experts will be available to help, but we need volunteers to lend a hand!


When:      Saturday, November 9, 2024

Time:        10:30am-12:30pm (Coffee and donuts will be provided)

Location: End of James St. at the Pocket Park

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Climate Chats
7:00 PM19:00

Climate Chats

Find Out What our Congressional Candidates Plan to Do to Protect Long Island Communities from Climate Change!

Join CCE, Students for Climate Action, Renewable Energy Long Island, and Citizens Climate Lobby virtually on the evening of October 17th for Climate Chats—hear directly from six candidates running for Congress on Long Island about their plans to fight Climate Change

We are witnessing devastating results of climate change throughout our nation. Here on Long Island, we are particularly vulnerable. In the next Congress, our representatives from Suffolk and Nassau will have an important role to play in ensuring protections for our coastal communities, local economy, emerging industries, and environmental resources. 

This event will feature short, 15-minute “chats” with six candidates running for Congress to answer questions on climate change, energy, and sustainability from a panel of experienced environmental leaders. This event will be open and free to the public.

Date: Thursday, October 17 
Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm
Register: Get the Zoom link for the free event here 

Candidate Interviews with:
• NY-01: Congressman Nick LaLota
• NY-01: John Avlon
• NY-02: Congressman Andrew Garbarino
• NY-02: Rob Lubin
• NY-03: Congressman Tom Suozzi
• NY-03: Mike LiPetri

Thank you for joining us!

All of us at CCE

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Suffolk County Clean Water Ballot Community Meeting
7:00 PM19:00

Suffolk County Clean Water Ballot Community Meeting

Join Us for a Free Community Meeting to Find Out about Prop 2 on the Ballot this Election Day!

Prop 2 is designed to help restore Suffolk County’s drinking water, beaches, bays, harbors, lakes, and rivers

Register Now! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeidfLv2PSJX6vbtnYxyRpLcB6pKgpEwhfylHKkMY1GmK8lYg/viewform

Citizens Campaign for the Environment is sponsoring an educational forum to provide information on Prop 2 on the ballot in Suffolk County this November. If approved, Prop 2 will create a reliable, needed funding stream to expand sewers and provide grants to homeowners to replace their antiquated cesspools and septic systems.

CCE Executive Director Adrienne Esposito will be joined by Suffolk County Executive Ed Romaine and Suffolk County Legislator Dominick Thorne to discuss this important county program.

Date: Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Time: 7:00 PM
Where: South Country Ambulance Building – The Community Room
420 Station Road, Bellport

Thank you for joining us!

All of us at CCE

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Environmental Equinox Awards Gala
6:00 PM18:00

Environmental Equinox Awards Gala

Join us September 26, 2024 to Celebrate 39 Years of Grassroots Advocacy!

Get ready to join CCE for our Environmental Equinox Awards Gala to celebrate over three and a half decades of grassroots accomplishments. 

  • When: Thursday, September 26, 2024, 6:00pm–10:00pm

  • Where: The Piermont, 494 Fire Island Ave, Babylon, NY

Stay tuned for Sponsorships opportunities. 

Please contact Maureen at 516-390-7150 or mmurphy@citizenscampaign.org

The equinox is the time of year when the sun crosses the equator and the length of the day equals the length of the night on all parts of the earth. The equinox is a symbol of achieving environmental and societal harmony.

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2024 Great Lakes Conference
to Sep 27

2024 Great Lakes Conference

The 2024 Great Lakes Conference will be held from Thursday, September 26 to Friday, September 27 in Chicago, Illinois.

Two full days of interesting breakout sessions, as well as a fabulous reception, fun field trips, and plenty of time for relationship building and networking!

Visit https://www.healthylakes.org/great-lakes-conference-2024 for up to date information on the conference.

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 “Power Hour” Zoom on BESS
7:00 PM19:00

“Power Hour” Zoom on BESS

We are in the process of transitioning from polluting fossil fuels to renewable energy, including wind and solar energy. As part of this transition, we will need to use battery energy storage systems (BESS). These systems provide the capacity to reduce our reliance on fossil fuel based generated power and stabilize the grid, thereby providing significant environmental and public health benefits. With offshore wind coming to Long Island in 2026 and the continued build-out of solar energy, BESS will be a crucial component of our clean energy future.

North Hempstead is considering placing a one-year moratorium on BESS. There is no reason for a moratorium except to dissuade BESS development. North Hempstead can, and should, create new zoning codes for this technology so it can be permitted safely and effectively—without a moratorium. 

Want to Learn more about BESS before the Town Board meeting? Join us for a “Power Hour” Zoom on BESS this Thursday:
In advance of the Town Board meeting, we will be co-hosting a one hour zoom meeting to discuss some key facts about BESS, its value to our grid, and what you can do to make sure North Hempstead allows this important clean energy technology to move forward. This is a great opportunity to learn more about what has been going on with BESS and ask any questions before coming to the Town Board meeting next week. Join the “Power Hour” on Thursday August 8th at 7pm on Zoom. Register here.

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Southampton Town Board Meeting
6:00 PM18:00

Southampton Town Board Meeting

The Town of Southampton is considering, once again, to extend its moratorium on battery energy storage systems, which are a necessary part of our transition off fossil fuels

Make your voice heard at the Southampton Town Board meeting and support ending the moratorium

We are in the process of transitioning from polluting fossil fuels to renewable energy, including wind and solar energy. As part of this transition, we will need to use battery energy storage systems (BESS). These systems provide capacity to reduce our reliance on fossil fuel based generated power and stabilize the grid, thereby providing significant environmental and public health benefits. 

The Town of Southampton placed a moratorium on BESS over one year ago, claiming they needed to create new zoning codes for this technology so it can be permitted safely and effectively. They have had ample time and expert guidance, yet they are still not advancing their codes and are considering extending the moratorium again

Please attend the Southampton Town Board meeting on June 23rd at 6:00 PM to let your elected officials know that you support battery energy storage and urge them to not extend the moratorium. 

Southampton Town Board Meeting

When: Tuesday, July 23, at 6:00 pm

Where: Southampton Town Hall, 116 Hampton Road, Southampton, NY

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“Power Hour” Zoom on BESS
7:00 PM19:00

“Power Hour” Zoom on BESS

Want to Learn more about BESS before the Town Board meeting? Join us for a “Power Hour” Zoom on BESS this Thursday at 7pm:

In advance of the Town Board meeting, we will be co-hosting a one-hour zoom meeting to discuss some key facts about BESS, its value to our grid, and what you can do to make sure Southampton allows this important clean energy technology to move forward. This is a great opportunity to learn more about what has been going on with BESS in Southampton and ask any questions before coming to the Town Board meeting next week. Join the “Power Hour” on Thursday July 18th at 7pm on zoom. Register here.

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Tackling Plastic Pollution in Long Island Sound
12:30 PM12:30

Tackling Plastic Pollution in Long Island Sound

Join us for a free “Plastic-Free July” webinar to learn about plastic pollution in Long Island Sound and how to help advance solutions!

CCE and our partners at the Coastal Watershed Network invite you to join a free Zoom webinar for Plastic-Free July to learn about newly identified microplastic “hot spots” in Long Island Sound, research related to microplastics and algal blooms, and solutions to reduce plastic pollution. Participants will hear from the experts and have the opportunity to ask questions.

Webinar details:
Date: Tuesday, July 16
Time: 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Where: Via Zoom (register here)


  • Rachael Miller, Founder of the Rozalia Project: Microplastic “Hot Spots” in
    Long Island Sound

  • Nicole Gullason and Natasha Mishra, Students at Smithtown High School West: Connection between Microplastics and Algal Blooms

  • Adrienne Esposito, Executive Director at Citizens Campaign for the Environment: Individual, Corporate, and Policy Solutions to Reduce Plastic Pollution in the Sound

Thank you for joining us!

All of us at CCE

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Want to Learn More about Battery Energy Storage?
7:00 PM19:00

Want to Learn More about Battery Energy Storage?

Join us for a free community meeting on battery energy storage and its role in Long Island’s transition to renewable energy 

New York is a leader in the fight against climate change, with targets of 70% renewable energy by 2030 and carbon neutral electricity by 2040. We are in the process of transitioning from polluting fossil fuels to renewable energy, including wind and solar energy. 

As part of this transition, we will need to use battery energy storage systems (BESS). These systems provide capacity that will reduce our reliance on fossil fuel based generated power, thereby providing significant environmental and public health benefits. They will also help stabilize the energy grid as we move towards achieving our state energy mandates, powering thousands of homes and bringing significant economic benefits to our region. 

Join us and our partners to learn how large-scale battery storage works and the critical role it will play in transitioning us away from polluting fossil fuel power plants. We will have a presentation followed by a Q&A.  Register here

When: Wednesday, June 26th at 7:00 pm

Where: Christ Episcopal Church, 12 Prospect Street, Babylon, NY

Thank you for joining us!


All of us at CCE

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Long Island Clean Water Symposium
2:30 PM14:30

Long Island Clean Water Symposium

  • Long Island University Student Center Auditorium (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Citizen’s Campaign for the Environment, North Shore Land Alliance and The Nature Conservancy are co-hosting a conference that will bring together leaders in the field of water science.  Leading experts will update attendees about the condition of local water, including surface water and drinking water.  There will also be a robust panel discussion that will focus on solutions that both municipalities and homeowners can use to address the protection of this critical natural resource.

For more information, please contact Max Tetrault, Water Quality Improvement Coordinator at max@northshorelandalliance.org or call 516-922-1028.


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Fashion Act Lobby Day
9:30 AM09:30

Fashion Act Lobby Day

Join us and our partners for a day of lobbying on the Fashion Act in Albany on May 7 including press conference!

Register Today!

Fashion Act lobby days are exciting affairs featuring industry leaders like Ken Pucker, former COO of Timberland and Dana Davis, VP of Sustainability at Mara Hoffman; sustainability and social change influencers like Thania Peck of Catcher in the Style and Jazmine Rogers of That Curly Top; celebrities like Rosario Dawson and Kelly Dempsey, runner up on Project Runway; not to mention the citizen participants who make it all happen! 

Our coalition is a big tent of organizations from buisness, to social justice, to labor, and national and state environmental justice and conservation organization. You can see our extensive list of supporters at www.thefashionact.org.

We will charter a bus at approximately 7:00am (TBC) from 64 Wooster Street, New York, NY 10012 (also TBC) and leave Albany approximately at 4pm (TBC) to return to Wooster Street.

Seats are limited at 55 total and we expect a full bus. Participants are welcome to arrive separately as well. Please sign up below so we can effectively schedule travel and lawmaker meetings.

Please use this form to register individually. Please share this form with anyone in your party or group who plans to attend.

We can't wait to see you there!

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Community Meeting on 1,4-Dioxane and Public Health
7:00 PM19:00

Community Meeting on 1,4-Dioxane and Public Health

CCE and the Yale Superfund Research Center will be hosting a free community meeting to discuss the impacts of 1,4-dioxane in drinking water and Yale’s new health study on Long Island

Register Today

1,4-dioxane is a contaminant of concern in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. This chemical, referred to as a "forever chemical," has been used in industrial practices and common household products including shampoo, body wash, laundry detergent, baby products, and dish soaps. The EPA classifies 1,4-dioxane as a likely carcinogen, but its effects on public health are still not well known. Unfortunately, Long Island had some of the highest levels of 1,4-dioxane in drinking water in the nation. 

The Yale Superfund Research Center is in the initial phase of investigating 1,4-dioxane exposure on human health in Long Island communities. CCE has partnered with Yale Superfund Research Center in a 1,4-dioxane health study for Long Island residents. This critical study seeks to engage Long Island residents to participate in this drinking water and blood sample health study.  

To learn more about this groundbreaking study, please join our community meeting with the Yale Superfund Research Center. 

When: Monday, April 22, from 7:00 – 8:30 PM
Where: Hicksville Public Library, 169 Jerusalem Ave, Hicksville, NY 

Register Today!

Thank you for joining us!

All of us at CCE

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Water Quality Presentation
6:15 PM18:15

Water Quality Presentation

Attend the 9th annual Water Quality Presentation on Thursday, April 18, 2024, sponsored by the Northport Yacht Club.


Learn about the quality of our waterways, solutions to protect them, and how you can help


The Cash Bar and Complimentary Appetizers will start at 6:15 p.m. The Presentations will begin at 7:00 p.m.   


If you have not yet registered, please register by email at waterqualityli@gmail.com

Speakers include:

Dr. Ryan B. Wallace, Adelphi University

Adrienne Esposito, Citizens Campaign for the Environment

David Ansel, Save the Sound

Kevin McDonals, Nature Conservancy

Assemblyman Keith Brown

Deputy Suffolk County Executive Jennifer Juengst

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Earth Day Advocacy Day
9:00 AM09:00

Earth Day Advocacy Day

Join CCE and our partners in Albany for Earth Day Advocacy Day in support of legislation to protect New York’s water quality, land, public health, and combat climate change.

Register today to use your voice to once again make a change

When: Tuesday, April 16th, 9:30am-4:00pm

Where: NYS Capitol, Albany

What are this year's priorities?

We’re glad you asked! This year, there are five tracks we will be covering:

  1. Environmental Justice & Health

  2. Lead Poisoning Prevention

  3. Water Resource Protection

  4. Waste Reduction

  5. Clean Energy and Climate Justice

In the past two years, we had nearly 200 people from over 30 organizations join together to urge legislators to take action our bills, contributing to 11 bills passing both houses of the legislature, and 7 bills being signed into law. YOU DID THAT!

Register today to help make this year’s event another successful Earth Day Advocacy Day!

Refreshments will be provided and travel stipends are available upon request.

Our growing list of sponsors include Adirondack Council, Alliance for a Green Economy, Alliance for Clean Energy NY, Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester, Citizens Campaign for the Environment, Clean+Healthy, Earthjustice, Environmental Advocates New York, Flatley Read, Green Inside And Out, Moms for a Nontoxic New York, Natural Resources Defense Council, New York Clinicians for Climate Action, New York League of Conservation Voters, New York State American Academy of Pediatrics, New York Sustainable Business Council, New Yorkers for Clean Power, PFOAProject NY, Renewable Heat Now, Riverkeeper, Seneca Lake Guardian, Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter, and WE ACT for Environmental Justice.

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Lunch and Learn with Propel NY Energy
12:00 PM12:00

Lunch and Learn with Propel NY Energy

Join us for a Zoom presentation and Q &A with Propel NY Energy to learn more about their project to deliver clean energy to LI, NYC, and Westchester

Join Citizens Campaign for the Environment and the NY League of Conservation Voters Education Fund on April 9th for a free informational Lunch and Learn presentation with Propel NY Energy. The Propel team will be giving updates on their project to bolster the electric transmission network through parts of Long Island, New York City and Westchester County to create clean energy pathways for delivering clean energy, including offshore wind. The Propel project was selected by New York State in June of 2023. The Propel project includes nearly 90 miles of new underground transmission and several new sub stations to aid NY in achieving our climate goals. Construction is anticipated to begin in 2026 to put the project in service in 2030.

This is a great opportunity to learn about Propel NY Energy and have a discussion with their team. There will be an opportunity for Q & A after the presentation. We hope you can join us. Please register for this free Zoom event today!

When: Tuesday, April 9, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Thank you for joining us!

All of us at CCE

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Buffalo Beauty Justice Fair
12:00 PM12:00

Buffalo Beauty Justice Fair

Are you concerned about the toxic chemicals commonly found in cosmetics and other personal care products? Did you know that many of the most toxic products are aggressively marketed towards people of color? Do you want to help do something about this?


Beauty Justice is the movement to advocate for safer personal care products and dismantle the racist beauty standards. If this interests you, then come to WE ACT for Environmental Justice’s fun beauty justice advocacy fair where you will learn about beauty justice and how you can take direct action to get these harmful toxic chemicals out of beauty products. This festive event will be held at the Buffalo History Museum (1 Museum Court) from 12:00-3:00 PM on Thursday, March 21. In addition to providing educational and advocacy opportunities, we will have opportunities to win clean beauty products and free clean-beauty makeovers.

RSVP Today

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1,4 Dioxane Public Comment Hearing
1:00 PM13:00

1,4 Dioxane Public Comment Hearing

1,4 Dioxane Public Comment Hearing

Instructions on how to "join" the hearings, how to provide an oral statement, and how to register for the hearing may be accessed at the proposed regulations webpage for Part 352-1at: https://www.dec.ny.gov/regulations/propregulations.html#public

Date:  Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Time:  1:00 p.m
Location: electronically via Webex Events

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1,4 Dioxane: The Hidden Carcinogen Community Meeting
7:00 PM19:00

1,4 Dioxane: The Hidden Carcinogen Community Meeting

Join Us for a Community Meeting on 1,4-Dioxane

CCE, Assemblywoman Taylor Darling, and the Yale Superfund Research Center will be hosting a free community meeting on January 25th to discuss the impacts of 1,4-dioxane in your community

Learn more about how you could potentially participate in Yale’s new health study looking at human exposure to this toxic chemical

1,4-Dioxane is an emerging contaminant of concern in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. This "forever chemical" has been used in industrial practices and was found in 80% of common household products that CCE had tested, including shampoo, body wash, laundry detergent, baby products, and dish soaps. The EPA has listed 1,4-dioxane as a carcinogen, but its effects on public health are still not well known. Unfortunately, Long Island has some of the highest levels of 1,4-dioxane in drinking water in the nation. 

The Yale Superfund Research Center is in the initial phase of investigating 1,4-dioxane exposure on human health in Long Island communities. CCE has partnered with Yale Superfund Research Center in a 1,4-dioxane health study for Long Island residents. This study seeks to engage Long Island residents to better understand the impact of 1,4-dioxane exposure on public health. We will be recruiting community members to participate in this drinking water and blood sample study.  

To learn more about this groundbreaking study, please join our community meeting with Assemblywoman Taylor Darling and the Yale Superfund Research Center. 

When: Thursday, January 25, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Where: Hempstead Public Library, 115 James A. Garner Way, Hempstead, NY

Please Register Today!

Thank you for joining us!

All of us at CCE

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Long Island: Offshore Wind Educational Open House
6:00 PM18:00

Long Island: Offshore Wind Educational Open House

Offshore Wind Educational Open Houses

NYSERDA is hosting Offshore Wind educational Open Houses in several locations. Join NYSERDA, New York State agencies, offshore wind project developers, and other industry partners to learn about the State’s work to responsibly develop offshore wind to advance the critical clean energy targets of New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.

These events are an opportunity for frontline and environmental justice communities and allies to speak directly with New York State agencies about the responsible development of offshore wind, as a critical part of a just transition to a clean energy future, and to offshore wind developers about their commitments to delivering benefits to historically disadvantaged communities, including workforce development opportunities.

Long Island: Wednesday, January 24, 2024

6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. ET

Long Beach Public Library

111 W Park Ave, Long Beach, NY 11561

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Long Island: Offshore Wind Educational Open House
12:00 PM12:00

Long Island: Offshore Wind Educational Open House

  • Hofstra University, Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Offshore Wind Educational Open Houses

NYSERDA is hosting Offshore Wind educational Open Houses in several locations. Join NYSERDA, New York State agencies, offshore wind project developers, and other industry partners to learn about the State’s work to responsibly develop offshore wind to advance the critical clean energy targets of New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.

These events are an opportunity for frontline and environmental justice communities and allies to speak directly with New York State agencies about the responsible development of offshore wind, as a critical part of a just transition to a clean energy future, and to offshore wind developers about their commitments to delivering benefits to historically disadvantaged communities, including workforce development opportunities.

Long Island: Tuesday, January 23, 2024

12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET and 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. ET

Hofstra University, Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center

Hempstead, NY 11549

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