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Southampton Town Board Meeting

The Town of Southampton is considering, once again, to extend its moratorium on battery energy storage systems, which are a necessary part of our transition off fossil fuels

Make your voice heard at the Southampton Town Board meeting and support ending the moratorium

We are in the process of transitioning from polluting fossil fuels to renewable energy, including wind and solar energy. As part of this transition, we will need to use battery energy storage systems (BESS). These systems provide capacity to reduce our reliance on fossil fuel based generated power and stabilize the grid, thereby providing significant environmental and public health benefits. 

The Town of Southampton placed a moratorium on BESS over one year ago, claiming they needed to create new zoning codes for this technology so it can be permitted safely and effectively. They have had ample time and expert guidance, yet they are still not advancing their codes and are considering extending the moratorium again

Please attend the Southampton Town Board meeting on June 23rd at 6:00 PM to let your elected officials know that you support battery energy storage and urge them to not extend the moratorium. 

Southampton Town Board Meeting

When: Tuesday, July 23, at 6:00 pm

Where: Southampton Town Hall, 116 Hampton Road, Southampton, NY

Earlier Event: July 18
“Power Hour” Zoom on BESS
Later Event: September 26
2024 Great Lakes Conference