Join us for critical updates on:
Efforts to restore the Western Bays water quality
Upgrades to the South Shore Water Reclamation Facility (Formerly Bay Park Sewage Treatment Plant)
NYS DEC and Nassau County Sewage Diversion Plan
Citizens Campaign for the Environment, Operation SPLASH and The Nature Conservancy are hosting a community forum on restoring our Western Bays. The forum will review the scientific need for diverting sewage from the Western Bays, update residents on the proposal to connect the South Shore Water Reclamation Facility and Long Beach Sewage Treatment Plant to an existing ocean outfall pipe at the Cedar Creek Sewage Treatment Plant, and provide an overview of upgrades that have been made to South Shore WRF.
When: Tuesday, April 2, 2019, from 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Where: Operation SPLASH Office, 202 Woodcleft Ave., Freeport, NY
Speakers Include:
Dr. Larry Swanson, Stony Brook University
Jim Tierney, Deputy Commissioner for Water, NYS DEC
Sue McCormick, NYS DEC
Brian Schneider, Deputy County Executive for Parks and Public Works, Nassau County
Sunil Mehta & Alan Weland, Suez
The Western Bays are dying. The science has been very clear— treated sewage effluent entering into Reynolds Channel is choking our bays. For over a decade, we advocated for significant upgrades to the Bay Park Sewage Treatment Plant and to divert the treated sewage to the ocean instead of the bay. New York State DEC and Nassau County are advancing a monumental project that will use an aqueduct under Sunrise Highway to connect the SSWRF and Long Beach Sewage Treatment Plant to an existing outfall pipe at the Cedar Creek Sewage Treatment Plant. This plan can save money and time—a win for the Western Bays and the public.