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Tackling Plastic Pollution in Long Island Sound

Join us for the final virtual workshop:

“Long Island Sound: Driving Local Actions to Tackle Water Pollution: Marine Debris and Plastic Pollution” 

Join Long Island Sound: Driving Local Actions to Tackle Water Pollution, a collaborative workshop series advancing local actions for cleaner waters and healthy watersheds in Long Island Sound. Hear from scientists and practitioners about approaches to combat pollution and clean up coastal waters in communities around Long Island Sound.

This final workshop will bring folks from across the Sound together to learn about advancements in technology and policy that tackles our biggest water quality challenge — marine debris and plastic pollution. Hear from expert speakers like Robert A. DiGiovanni from the Atlantic Marine Conservation Society, Dr. Kelsey Leonard from Shinnecock Nation, and our own Executive Director Adrienne Esposito from Citizens Campaign for the Environment! Additionally, new research on plastics in the Sound will be presented by students from Brentwood High School and Northport High School.

Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Time: 12:00pm-1:30pm 

Topic: Marie Debris and Plastic Pollution
Hosts: Citizens Campaign for the Environment, Save the Sound and The Nature Conservancy; with generous support from the Long Island Sound Funders Collaborative

Register here (after registering, you will receive a zoom link to participate)

Thank you for joining us!

Your Friends at CCE