Join our partners for a rally in support of the Birds and Bees Protection Act!
Wednesday, November 15, 11AM (for those who can make it,we hope to start gathering at 10:40AM)
Office of the Governor of the State of New York, 633 3rdAve, New York, NY 10017 (close to 41st and 3rd in Manhattan). Theevent will take place on the sidewalk outside the office.
More Info:
There will be a rally/press event in front of GovernorHochul’s NYC office to demand the Governor sign the Birds and Bees Protection Act. Register here: https://act.sierraclub.org/events/details?formcampaignid=7013q000002HXtFAAW
Birds and Bees Protection Act
This bill that would eliminate needless sources of toxic neonic pesticide pollution responsible for decimating New York’s bees and birds, extensively polluting its water, and threatening the health ofits people, especially children.