Ontario County asked to ban polystyrene products



By DAVID L. SHAW - December 10, 2019

CANANDAIGUA — The Board of Supervisors may look at banning Ontario County from buying Styrofoam or polystyrene products.

The board’s Planning & Environmental Quality Committee was told Monday that a group called Citizens Campaign for the Environment, which is based in the town of Canandaigua, is proposing a county ban on the sale and use of Styrofoam products. Carla Jordan, the county’s director of Sustainability and Solid Waste Management, said some counties have passed such bans.

“We will look at it, starting with looking at our purchasing policy and seeing what departments use polystyrene products,” she said.

Mike Manikowski, the county’s economic development director, urged the committee to talk to officials at Pactiv, a Canandaigua company that specializes in disposable food packaging.

“They are doing research on how to make polystyrene more biodegradable,” Manikowski reported.