Governor Cuomo Proposes Ban on Styrofoam in 2020

For immediate release: December 17, 2019

For more information, contact:  Adrienne Esposito, 516-390-7150,

CCE lauds proposal to rid New York of environmentally harmful product

Albany, NY—Today Governor Cuomo is proposing to ban StyrofoamTM, as part of his 2020 State of the State proposals.  In response to the announcement, Adrienne Esposito, Executive Director of Citizens Campaign for the Environment (CCE), said:

“We applaud Governor Cuomo for proposing to ban this antiquated and environmentally harmfully product in New York State.  Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) foam, commonly referred to as “Styrofoam™”, poses a significant risk to the health of our environment. Styrofoam packaging is only used for a short time, but can wreak havoc on our environment for generations—littering open spaces, polluting waterways, and harming wildlife. Styrofoam doesn’t biodegrade; instead it breaks into small pieces and eventually becomes microplastic pollution in our waterways.

Styrofoam also poses a threat to human health. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Toxicology Program listed styrene, a chemical in EPS foam, is listed as “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen.” It is known to leach from food packaging containers into food or drinks, especially when exposed to heat.  When grabbing a cup of coffee on the go, we expect it to contain milk and sugar but not a dose of cancer causing styrene.  Takeout food is meant to be convenient, not carcinogenic. 

There is absolutely no reason to continue using this harmful material when sustainable alternatives are readily available.  NYC, along with several New York Counties, have already taken action to ban Styrofoam. I live in a village that banned Styrofoam in 2018 and the transition to new materials was seamless and widely embraced by the public.  Now we need a statewide ban.  We urge the legislature to work with the Governor to adopt the strongest ban possible in the 2020-21 SFY budget. “