Plastic Bags Banned March 1!

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Celebrate the Death of the Polluting Plastic Bag and Remember Your Reusable Bags!

After over a decade of working to prevent plastic pollution throughout New York, we’re thrilled to be days away from the plastic bag ban. In 2019, Governor Cuomo and legislative leaders included legislation banning plastic bags in the state budget. 

Now, we’re at the finish line. On Sunday, March 1, stores will no longer be allowed to give out single-use plastic bags at checkout. If you haven’t already, make sure you get in the habit of remembering your reusable bags today, and get ready to see less plastic pollution in our waters, less wildlife deaths, and less waste in our communities.

We owe a huge thank you to everyone over the last 10+ years that wrote letters, signed petitions, made phone calls, attended rallies, and lobbied with us in support of Bring Your Own Bags laws. The bans and fees on carryout bags at the local level were absolutely crucial in driving the state to act and in demonstrating that the public was ready and willing to leave behind the polluting, unnecessary disposable bags of the past.

Your friends at CCE