Historic Levels of Funding for Long Island Sound in Federal Budget $40 Million to Protect & Restore Long Island Sound

For immediate release:  Wednesday, February 15, 2023

For more information contact:

Adrienne Esposito, Executive Director, Cell: 631-384-1378, aesposito@citizenscampaign.org

Farmingdale, NY— Environmentalists are cheering an historic level of investment in Long Island Sound. In the federal comprehensive budget bill that was enacted in December, record funding of $40 million was included for Long Island Sound. The Long Island Sound, an Estuary of National Significance, generates $31 billion annually to our local economies. Environmentalists worked to increase federal funding over the last 10 years (see funding chart below) to implement programs that reduce nitrogen, prevent hypoxia, preserve sensitive areas, restore fish and shellfish populations and combat plastic pollution.  


The Long Island Sound Program has historically been underfunded. In 2015 the LIS program was funded at only $4 million.  Since then, funding has progressively increased due to stakeholder and congressional support. In 2022 the Long Island Sound received almost $32 million from the federal budget.  


Adrienne Esposito, Executive Director for Citizens Campaign for the Environment, issued the following statement related to federal Long Island Sound funding:


We are over the moon that in just 8 short years, Long Island Sound Funding has increased 1000%. Long Island Sound is an extension of the public’s home, full funding is the key to a healthier, swimmable, fishable treasure for future generations.  Advocates have been successfully working for the past decade to increase federal funding. Long Island Sound funding has been increasing and the investment is paying off. Restoration efforts are dependent on amply funding. We have upgraded sewage treatment plants, reduced hypoxia, increased oxygen levels and improved water clarity. We have seen dolphins return to LI Sound. However, new challenges are on the horizon, including excessive nitrogen from cesspools and septics, plastic pollution, and the warming of the Sound from climate change. This funding is critical to continue vital progress and ensure the Sound is healthy for future generations. Thank you to all our Long Island Sound leaders in the House and Senate that see the immense value of a healthy Sound.”