Tell Governor Hochul to Ban Toxic Neonic Pesticides in New York!

After years of hard work and advocacy, the NYS Legislature recently passed the Birds and Bees Protection Act! If signed into law, it would ban the most harmful and unnecessary uses of toxic neonicotinoid (“neonic”) pesticides. Neonic pesticides not only kill bees at an alarming rate, but they also pollute our water, kill wildlife, and threaten public health. Now we need YOUR help to urge Governor Hochul to sign this monumental legislation into law!

The Birds and Bees Protection Act (S.1856A/A.7640) would ban the most harmful and unnecessary uses of toxic neonic pesticides. The Act bans neonic treated corn, soybean, and wheat seeds and bans cosmetic uses (e.g. lawns, gardens, golf courses). This will eliminate at least 85% - 90% of all neonics used in New York, protect water quality, and ensure we are not poisoning our birds, bees, and other pollinators with this toxic pesticide. We need Governor Hochul to sign this crucial legislation into law! Email Governor Hochul today and urge her to sign the Birds and Bees Protection Act.

Watch the video message from our Executive Director, Adrienne Esposito, calling for the Governor to sign this critical bill into law

Additional Background Information:

Pollinators, such as honeybees, butterflies, moths, and hummingbirds, are essential components of our food web. Massive bee die-off events and colony collapse disorder are putting our ecosystem and food production at risk. This rise in bee deaths has been largely linked to the explosive growth in the use of neonics and other harmful pesticides. Neonics are pesticides that attack the nervous system of insects. These pesticides are largely added as a seed coating to plants, such as corn, wheat, and soybeans and are used as a spray for ornamental plants and turf grass. As a seed coating these chemicals persist and spread as the plant grows, making the entire plant toxic to bees and other pollinators.

Neonics are also threatening New York’s waters. A 2018 U.S. Fish and Wildlife study found neonics in New York’s streams “in excess of toxicity and regulatory thresholds.” Additionally, extensive testing of New York’s surface waters by the USGS in 2016, found the neonic imidacloprid in nearly 40% of samples. There are currently 117 pesticides found in Long Island’s groundwater, with neonics being one of the most prevalent pesticides detected. Neonics are persistent in our water and environment, posing a serious threat to health and pollinators.

Corn, soy, and wheat treated seeds account for an estimated 73% of all neonics used in New York.  The use of neonics on lawns, gardens, and ornamental plants (aka cosmetic uses) make up an additional 15%. A 2020 report by Cornell University found that neonic treated corn, soy, and wheat seeds provide "no overall net income benefits" to farmers yet pose significant risk to bees and other pollinators. Likewise, cosmetic uses pose a high risk to pollinators but are easily replaced with safer alternatives. These uses are unnecessary and must be banned to protect our pollinators, water, and health.

Thank you! Together we can make a difference.

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