Governor Hochul Proposes Major Cut to Clean Water in Executive Budget Proposal


For immediate release: January 16, 2024

For more information, contact:

Adrienne Esposito, Executive Director, 516-390-7150,

Brian Smith, Associate Executive Director, 716-831-3206,


Governor Hochul Proposes Major Cut to Clean Water in Executive Budget Proposal

As clean water needs increase in communities across the state, the Governor’s proposed budget would cut funding for the Clean Water Infrastructure Act in half

Reduced funding would critically harm efforts to remove toxic chemicals from drinking water and prevent dangerous sewage overflows

CCE calls for $600 million for Clean Water in the final budget

Albany, NY—Today Governor Hochul released her SFY 2024-25 Executive Budget Book, which indicates that her executive budget proposal will provide $500 million over two years for the Clean Water Infrastructure Act. Last year, the program was funded at $500 million for one  year. Since 2017, New York has provided $5 billion for this important program, which has provided significant results for New York’s environment and economy. In response to the proposed cut, Adrienne Esposito, Executive Director at Citizens Campaign for the Environment, said:

“While Governor Hochul has been a champion for clean water during her time as Governor, the proposed cut would serve as a major setback in our state's efforts to protect clean water for all New Yorkers. Clean water is a necessity, not a luxury item that should be sacrificed to help fill budget gaps. New York has conservatively estimated that we will need $80 billion to upgrade our wastewater and drinking water infrastructure. Continued robust funding is urgently needed to prevent sewage overflows from fouling our waterways, the appearance of new sink holes due to failing pipes, and water main breaks that result in schools and businesses closing or being damaged. Communities will not be able to afford treatment technology needed to filter toxic emerging contaminants from drinking water.  Local economies will suffer.

CCE is leading the NY Clean Water Coalition, who is calling for $600 million for the Clean Water Infrastructure Act in the SFY 2024-25 budget, and looks forward to working with the Governor and the legislature to increase funding during the budget process.

While are deeply disappointed in the proposed cut to clean water infrastructure funding, we applaud the Governor for proposing other important initiatives in her State of the State to help make clean water funding more impactful in our communities. Increasing grants for small rural communities from 25% to 50% of project costs will help low income, disadvantaged communities tackle water quality problems. Providing planning engineering grants for drinking water projects will help communities move forward with important projects to replace dangerous lead pipes and remove PFAS in drinking water. While we appreciate these proposals, we will not be successful in protecting clean water if funding is cut.”
