America Needs a Green Economic Recovery

Image by seagul from Pixabay 

Image by seagul from Pixabay

Urge Congress to invest in clean water, renewable energy, and healthy communities!

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused catastrophic damage to public health and our economy in New York, Connecticut, and across our nation. Thousands and thousands of lives have been lost, unemployment has skyrocketed, and numerous businesses have shuttered. 

As our communities “re-open,” Congress is considering options to help restart the American economy. We have a unique opportunity to not simply return to business-as-usual; but rather, to build back stronger, healthier, and more environmentally sustainable than ever.  Wise investments made now will create good-paying jobs, revitalize local economies, bolster low-income communities, and protect public health and our environment. As Congress considers economic stimulus packages, they must support a green economic recovery that invests in clean water and renewable energy!

Invest in Clean Water Infrastructure  

Clean water is essential for our health, economy, recreation, and quality of life. Unfortunately, our drinking water and wastewater infrastructure are in a serious state of disrepair. The consequences of failing infrastructure are severe—sewage overflows degrade waterways, close beaches and threaten our health. Many communities struggle to provide residents with safe drinking water. 

Meeting America’s clean water infrastructure needs would create 1.3 million jobs and set the stage for economic revitalization in towns and cities across the nation. Federal investment in our water infrastructure will help ensure safe, clean, and affordable water is available to everyone.

Congress should (at least) triple funding for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) programs, to provide communities with grants (not just loans) to tackle expensive water projects.  A percentage of funding should be set-aside for low-income communities. In addition to funding traditional “grey” infrastructure pipe upgrades, funding should support “green” nature-based solutions, such as restored wetlands and rain gardens. Green infrastructure is cost-effective and provides numerous environmental benefits.

Invest in the Clean Renewable Energy 

Clean, renewable energy—such as wind and solar—reduces harmful air pollution, fights climate change, and creates good green jobs. On the other hand, continued reliance on fossil fuels makes our air unsafe to breathe, fuels climate change, and is subject to volatile price spikes. Congress must stop subsidies to the dirty, polluting fossil fuel industry, which already receives approximately $20 billion in annual subsidies. Congress should instead take this opportunity to significantly increase investments in renewable energy, beginning with the extension of important renewable energy tax credits, which will help ensure stalled projects are able to move forward.

Take Action!

Use the links below to contact your two U.S. Senators and Representative in the U.S. House. Urge them support a green economic recovery for America. Feel free to copy and personalize the sample text below for your message to elected leaders.

Contact New York State Senators:

Senator Kristin Gillibrand

Senator Chuck Schumer

Contact Connecticut Senators:

Senator Chris Murphy

Senator Richard Blumenthal 

 NY and CT: Find your U.S. House Representative here

Sample Text


As our state and nation begins to re-open from COVID-19 shut downs, focus is shifting to how we can rebuild our economy. Rather than returning to business-as-usual, we need to use this opportunity to create a green economic recovery that invests in clean water and renewable energy. Ending our reliance on fossil fuels, bolstering clean energy, and creating good-paying green jobs is the best path forward for our economy to recover from this pandemic.  

I urge you to support an economic stimulus package that triples (at least) investment in Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund programs, funds clean water projects though grants with specific funding for green infrastructure and low-income communities, significantly expands wind and solar power (including the extension of the renewable production and investment tax credits), and provides NO subsidies for the fossil fuel industry.

We have the opportunity and obligation to build up our economy stronger, healthier and more environmentally sustainable than ever.

Thank you for your consideration.
