Big Gains for Environmental Programs in Proposed NY Budget


We were thrilled when Governor Hochul recently released her 2022-2023 executive budget proposal and it included many of CCE’s top priorities for this year. 2022 is shaping up to be a great year for New York’s environment with historic funding proposed for environmental and public health protections. This is major progress, and we could not have done it without your support! 

The final state budget is due by April 1st, and we are working to ensure that Governor Hochul’s proposals (and more) make it into the final New York State Budget. The proposed budget includes:

  • Historic $4 billion Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act: The bond act, which would go before the voters on the November ballot, will protect clean water, protect communities from climate change, and create thousands of good jobs.

  • An all-time high of $400 million for the Environmental Protection Fund: Allows communities to protect clean water, conserve open space, save family farms, bolster recycling programs, revitalize waterfronts, build community parks, support zoos, and more.

  • $500 million to grow the offshore wind supply chain: Creates jobs and helps to ensure NY meets its ambitious 9,000 MW of offshore wind by 2035 target.

  • $500 million for clean water infrastructure: Helps communities treat drinking water for dangerous contaminants, upgrades outdated sewage and septic systems, replaces lead drinking water pipes, and more.

  • Holds manufacturers, not taxpayers, accountable for recycling their packaging waste: This policy would reduce packaging waste, improve recycling, prevent plastic pollution, and save local governments millions of dollars. A complimentary policy would ban toxic chemicals, like PFAS, in product packaging.

  • Strengthens protections for our critical wetlands: Wetlands help protect drinking water, reduce flooding, and are home to numerous threatened and endangered species.

  • $200 million for state parks: Enhances and improves our state parks that provide amazing recreational opportunities and support tourism.

Stay tuned for opportunities to weigh in on the budget process and maximize critical environmental funding!

Thank you,
Your friends at CCE