Tell House Leadership to Call S.B. 837 for a Vote Today

With fewer than three days remaining in the Connecticut legislative session, we are running out of time to eliminate PFAS chemicals in our food packaging. We urgently need your help to get legislation (S.B. 837) called for a vote in the House so we can pass this important bill into law!

S.B. 837 restricts the use of takeout containers, fast food wrappers and other food packaging treated with toxic PFAS. These “forever chemicals” persist in our bodies and our environment for decades, and they contribute to serious human health issues, including developmental impacts and certain cancers.

The bill also authorizes the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) to establish a take-back program for firefighting foams that contain PFAS and contaminate our environment and drinking water sources. This legislation brings CT in line with many neighboring states and has already passed the CT State Senate unanimously.

Why we are emailing you: we need your help today!

With so many important bills and limited time left in the session, we need to call on leadership in the House to call the bill and get it passed. Please take a moment to email House Speaker Matt Ritter and ask him to ban PFAS in food packaging today.

Contact House leadership TODAY and urge them to pass S.B. 837—the  bill to ban toxic PFAS in food service packaging!

Thanks for taking action. Together we make a difference!

Your friends at CCE