Ensure your right to clean water, clean air, and a healthy environment


Don’t forget to flip over your ballot and vote YES on proposition 2!

Election Day is November 2, with early voting starting on October 23

New Yorkers have the historic opportunity to establish the right to clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment in the Bill of Rights of the New York State Constitution. It depends on you, and we need your help this election!

This election season (election day is November 2, and early voting in New York State begins on October 23), voters across New York State will have the opportunity to vote YES on proposition 2. Proposition 2, which will be found on the back of your ballot, simply states: “Each person shall have the right to clean air and water, and a healthful environment.”

Why do we need a constitutional right to clean air and water?

Tragically, millions of New Yorkers are currently exposed to toxic chemicals in air and water, and it is making us sick. Every year, air and water pollution contribute to 6,000 premature deaths in New York, as well as elevated rates of asthma, heart disease, cancers, and other harmful health effects. Across the state, we are facing the loss of critical habitats and natural resources while polluters continue to harm the health of our communities, particularly low-income communities and communities of color. Now is our opportunity to fight back and ensure that every decision our government makes, from passing legislation to issuing a business a permit, would not violate any resident’s right to breathe clean air and drink clean water.

Voting YES on environmental rights will create legal safeguards to secure clean air and water for all New Yorkers—regardless of your zip code, race, or income—for generations to come. To learn more about the campaign and pledge to vote YES for clean water and air, visit https://www.ourairourwaterny.org/.

Thank you for taking action!

Your friends at CCE