Great Lakes Restoration Success Stories – Video Series Premiere!


Image by Ray Miller from Pixabay


Join Us on March 6th as we premiere short videos that demonstrate what successful Great Lakes restoration looks like in New York

To kick off Great Lakes Week*, CCE and our partners at Audubon NY are hosting a virtual premiere of our video series on Great Lakes restoration success stories in New York State.

New York's Great Lakes waters, including Lake Erie, the Niagara River, Lake Ontario, and the St. Lawrence River, provide drinking water to 6.2 million New Yorkers. The Great Lakes basin covers 40% of the entire surface area of the state! Major investments have been made in successful efforts to restore the lakes in NY, but what does “Great Lakes restoration” actually look like? We’ve produced four short videos that highlight what successful projects look like and the many benefits they provide to New York.

Video Premiere Details:
Monday, March 6, 2023
Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm
Where: Zoom (register here)

The videos highlight the following projects:

  • Protecting clean water and providing job opportunities with green infrastructure in the City of Buffalo

  • Upgrading a wastewater treatment plant to stop sewage overflows in Lake Erie

  • Using “nature-based solutions” to protect the health of Lake Ontario

  • Fighting harmful algal blooms in Cayuga Lake (Finger Lake located within the Great Lakes watershed)

Learn more about the work that has been done to restore and protect New York’s treasured Great Lakes, the work left to do, and why we need continued state and federal investment in protecting clean water in New York!

*March 6th kicks off Great Lakes week in Washington DC. That week, CCE and our partners at the Healing Our Waters Great Lakes Coalition will be in DC to meet with members of Congress on the importance of protecting our Great Lakes!

Your Friends at CCE