Highlights and Happenings: August 2021

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Image by Pexels from Pixabay

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U.S. Senate Passes Historic Infrastructure Bill! 

The bipartisan $1.2 trillion “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act” passed the U.S. Senate in August (the U.S. House is tentatively scheduled to vote on the bill in late September)! We were successful in getting a number of our priorities funded in the bill, including: 

  • $55 billion for clean water infrastructure: This funding is necessary to upgrade wastewater infrastructure and prevent sewage overflows, replace lead service lines that provide drinking water to our homes, and treat drinking water for emerging contaminants, such as the “forever chemical” known as PFAS.

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  • $1 billion for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI): The GLRI has been a success in cleaning up toxic hot spots, fighting invasive species, and driving economic development, but there is still a lot of work to be done and this additional funding is greatly needed. Our Associate Executive Director Brian Smith stood with our clean water partners and Senator Charles Schumer at a press conference in August and called the funding a "once-in-a-generation opportunity to catapult Great Lakes restoration forward once and for all."

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  • $106 million for Long Island Sound restoration programs. This historic funding level for LI Sound will support critical aquaculture research, water quality monitoring, habitat restoration and citizen science throughout the LI Sound watershed, so that improvements in LI Sound can continue for generations to come. Last month, we joined Senator Charles Schumer in New York and Senator Richard Blumenthal in Connecticut for press conferences to celebrate the passage of this bill in the Senate and the inclusion of this critical funding for Long Island Sound.

  • $4.7 billion to plug abandoned oil and gas wells: New York has identified at least 2,400 orphaned oil and gas wells in the state, although state agencies estimate there may be as many as 34,000. These wells leak methane (a powerful greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change) and toxic chemicals that pollute groundwater. This funding will allow New York to plug and remediate all the documented orphan wells in the state, while creating thousands of jobs!


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Vote Yes For Clean Water and Air! 

This fall, New Yorkers will have the historic opportunity to establish the right to clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment into the Bill of Rights of the New York State constitution. We have joined the Vote YES for Clean Air and Water coalition to establish the highest legal protection available under law to protect public health and the environment. This election season, registered voters across New York State will be able to vote YES to guarantee: “Each person shall have the right to clean air and water, and a healthful environment.” Voting YES on environmental rights will create legal safeguards for New Yorkers to secure clean air and water for generations to come. And we’ll need your help to get the word out to voters from the Adirondacks to the Great Lakes to Long Island Sound and everywhere in between. Click here to learn more about the campaign and pledge to vote YES for clean water and air! 

Offshore Wind in New York Hits New Milestones 

August was a big month for offshore wind in New York. The state has already selected five offshore wind farms, which together, will get NY halfway to its goal of 9,000 MW of offshore wind by 2035. Each of these five projects will go through a full environmental review, including public comment. Over the last two months, we hit some big milestones for these important projects: 

We weighed in on all these projects and will continue to keep you updated on the status of crucial developments on offshore wind. We also want to give a giant thank you to everyone who joined in public meetings and submitted comments in favor of these projects and spoke out on the importance of transitioning from fossil fuels to offshore wind. We are closer than ever to seeing offshore wind in New York, so stay tuned throughout the fall to find more ways you can make your voice heard and say yes to renewable energy!   

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Get Long Island Water Quality Updates in Real Time 

We were thrilled joined with Dr. Chris Gobler and his partners at the Gobler Laboratory to announce a new Long Island water quality app. This is an amazing new tool that will allow Long Islanders to find out in real time about water quality, beach closures, and open shellfishing grounds, while encouraging us to get out and safely enjoy our amazing bays, estuaries, and rivers. 

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Kicking Butts in Western New York 

In August, we joined with our partners at Tobacco-Free Roswell Park, Buffalo-Niagara Waterkeeper, the Buffalo Sewer Authority, and other members of the Kick Butts Collaborative (KBC) for a press conference on the issue of cigarette butt pollution. Cigarette butts, which are made with plastic and can leak toxic chemicals into our environment, are the number one littered item found in beach cleanups around the Great Lakes. The KBC is educating the public about the problem and working to advance solutions to prevent cigarette butt pollution in our communities. 

Be on the Watch for Harmful Algal Blooms 

As the weather begins to get warmer, and we start spending more time outside and lakeside, it is important to be aware of dangerous harmful algal blooms (HABs). HABs pose an immense threat to our communities’ drinking water, public health, outdoor recreation and wildlife! HABs are erupting across NY more frequently and more aggressively—in 2020, over 900 HABs were present in NY waterbodies. If you see a HAB in a lake or waterbody (looks like spilled green paint or pea soup), be sure to avoid it and report it using the DEC Suspicious Algal Bloom Report Form! 

Upcoming: Lunch and Learn Virtual Series - Learn More about Innovative Proposals to Bring Clean Energy to Downstate New York 

We’ve teamed up with the New York League of Conservation Voters to offer a series of virtual public education forums that will explore clean energy proposals to potentially bring energy to downstate New York. To achieve our NYS goal of 70% renewable energy by 2030, we will need a wide range of large-scale renewable energy projects to deliver power to NYC. We have already hosted one forum on a proposal to bring excess Canadian hydropower to the city and we will be hosting three virtual events on proposed projects throughout September and October. You can learn more, view recordings of past events, and register for upcoming events here. 

Upcoming: What’s Brewing Offshore? 

Join CCE, along with our partners at The New York League of Conservation Voters, Climate Alliance for Jobs and Clean Energy, Long Island Association, and Long Island Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO for a happy hour event celebrating offshore wind in Long Beach on September 13th at 5:30pm. Have a drink while you learn more about the planned offshore wind projects and the labor and job opportunities expected on Long Island in the coming years as part of this emerging industry. Due to COVID-19 capacity restrictions, only those registered for the event will be able to attend, so register today

Upcoming: Long Island’s Offshore Wind Supply Chain Conference 

We will be joining many of our #WindworksLI partners for a conference held by Congressman Tom Suozzi on Long Island's Offshore Wind Supply Chain on September 17th.This is a great opportunity to discuss Long Island's growing offshore wind industry with leading suppliers, manufacturers, labor leaders, and environmentalists. You can find out more and RSVP here.