Highlights and Happenings: February 2022


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VICTORY! Celebrating $1 Billion for Great Lakes Clean Up 
Our Associate Executive Director, Brian Smith, joined with Rep. Brian Higgins, Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, & the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency last month to celebrate a $1 billion investment from the bipartisan infrastructure bill in Great Lakes restoration. This funding will help clean up four toxic hot spots in NY’s Great Lakes waters (Buffalo River, Niagara River, Eighteen Mile Creek, Rochester Embayment) over the next several years! These toxic hot spots have polluted sources of drinking water and threatened public health for decades. This is a huge step forward!  

VICTORY! New York’s First Offshore Wind Farm Breaks Ground 
Last month, we celebrated the groundbreaking of NY’s first offshore wind farm – South Fork Wind. After 10 years of work with environmental organizations, labor partners, and the public, we were very excited that NY’s offshore wind future is finally becoming a reality. South Fork Wind will bring renewable energy to 70,000 homes and accelerate our just transition to green energy. Thank you to Governor Kathy Hochul, Secretary of Interior Deb Haaland, the Director of BOEM, Amanda Lefton, and NYSERDA for working so hard to make offshore wind a reality for NY. 


Protecting Our Pollinators 
We joined with advocates from across the state representing public health, farming and environmental groups for a virtual lobby day in support of the Birds and Bees Protection Act. We highlighted the critical need to limit unnecessary uses of toxic neonicotinoid pesticides (A.K.A neonics), which have decimated bee populations, polluted drinking water, and have been linked to adverse human health impacts. This coalition has been working to pass state legislation to ban the sale of neonic treated corn, soybean, and wheat seeds; and ornamental uses on lawns, gardens, and golf courses. By banning just these few uses, we could eliminate 85-90% of all neonics used in New York and protect our pollinators, water quality, and human health. Help us by emailing your elected representatives today and urge them to pass the Birds and Bees Protection Act! 

Pushing for Electric Vehicles 
In February, we joined Congressman Tom Suozzi as he announced $26 million in federal funds to help New York build a network of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. New York has a goal of 1 million EVs by 2035, which means we need charging stations installed throughout the state quickly and broadly. In addition to these federal funds, we are also working to pass state legislation allowing for uncapped direct sales of EVs in NY (there are currently only 5 EV direct sale locations permitted in downstate NY). Florida, which currently allows for the uncapped direct sales of EVs, had 60% higher sales of EVs than NY in 2020, and nearly twice as many EVs on the road. We need to catch up if we are going to meet our important climate change goals! 

Calling for Federal Investments in Climate and Environmental Solutions 
We joined state elected leaders and advocates for virtual events in both Western and Central New York calling on Senator Schumer to continue to his leadership and push for the U.S. Senate to make significant climate investments. These press conferences highlighted the impacts of climate change that are being felt in the upstate NY. Sewage overflows, increased flooding, lead drinking water pipes and harmful algal blooms are all threats that could be addressed with the $550 billion investment the House has already approved. Now we need Senator Schumer to continue to fight for New Yorkers and combat climate change by getting the $550 billion climate and environmental solutions investment to the Senate floor for a vote. Thank you NYS Senators Ryan, May and Mannion, Assemblyman Conrad, and our colleagues at the NY League of Conservation Voters and Mothers Out Front, for joining us in bringing attention to these federal investments that New York and the nation desperately need.