Highlights and Happenings: January 2022


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CCE Priorities in the NYS Executive Budget 
We are thrilled Governor Hochul’s 2022-2023 budget proposal includes many of our top environmental priorities. The final state budget is due by April 1, and we are working to ensure that these proposals (and more) make it into the final New York State budget. The proposed budget includes: 

$4 billion Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act: This historic bond act will go before the voters on the November ballot, and if approved, will support clean water, protect communities from climate change, and support over 65,000 jobs. 

An all-time high of $400 million for the Environmental Protection Fund (EPF): Allows communities to protect clean water, conserve open space, save family farms, bolster recycling programs, revitalize waterfronts, build community parks, support zoos, and more. 

$500 million to grow the offshore wind supply chain: Creates jobs and helps to ensure NY meets its ambitious 9,000 MW of offshore wind by 2035 target.

$500 million for clean water infrastructure: Supports clean drinking water, upgrades to sewer systems, and more. We are working to increase funding for this important program in the final budget. 

Holds manufacturers, not taxpayers, accountable for recycling their packaging waste: This policy would reduce packaging waste, improve recycling, prevent plastic pollution, and save local governments millions of dollars. A complimentary policy would ban toxic chemicals, like PFAS, in product packaging. 

Strengthening protections for our critical wetlands: The program will support the protection of more than a million additional acres of wetlands throughout the state. 

$200 million for state parks: Enhances and improves our state parks that provide amazing recreational opportunities and support tourism.

VICTORY: Killingly Gas Plant in Connecticut Cancelled! 
Federal regulators have delivered a final death blow to the proposed 650 MW gas-fired power plant, which would have significantly delayed Connecticut's progress on transitioning off dirty fossil fuels and combatting climate change. This decision clears the way for clean renewable energy and energy efficiency in our communities. Congratulations and thank you to everyone who weighed in on this important issue! 


New Wastewater Infrastructure on Long Island! Clean Water Project Breaks Ground 
In January we celebrated breaking ground for the Forge River sewer project. This project will finally provide residents of Mastic-Shirley with sewers that will replace their septics and cesspools with modern sewage treatment technology. After so many years of work, we were proud to join Suffolk County Executive Bellone, NYS DEC Commissioner Seggos, Congressman Zeldin, many state and local representatives, labor leaders, environmental partners, community stakeholders, and more for this historic event. This sewer project will reduce nitrogen loading in the Forge River by 70%. We look forward to a cleaner, healthier river! 

Protecting Plum Island 
We have fought for years to preserve Plum Island, an 840 acre, largely undeveloped island in Long Island Sound that serves as a critical habitat for birds and has tremendous ecological value. In January, the Preserve Plum Island Coalition stood together to urge NY Governor Hochul to support the coalition’s fight to preserve Plum Island and protect this irreplaceable natural resource. 

Urging our NY Legislators to Invest in Clean Water 
We joined our New York Clean Water coalition partners to host the 4th Annual Clean Water Legislative Briefing. The virtual event was attended by over 95 elected officials, staff, and clean water stakeholders to hear from experts on New York’s water quality needs and the coalition’s priorities. Last year, the coalition worked collaboratively to develop a shared 2022 agenda for clean water in New York. Priorities included, but were not limited to, increasing investments in clean water infrastructure, a $4 billion Environmental Bond Act, $400 million Environmental Protection Fund, protecting freshwater wetlands, replacing lead service lines, and more. We are pushing to ensure these important clean water programs and increased funding make it into the final budget. 

Learning More about the Sunrise and South Fork Wind Farms 
In January, we co-hosted a virtual forum with the New York League of Conservation Voters to hear from representatives from Orsted and Eversource on their South Fork and Sunrise Wind Farms. Thanks to all who joined us to find out more about these two projects off the coast of Montauk, which together will power hundreds of thousands of Long Island homes. If you missed it, you can watch the recording here.