Highlights and Happenings: June 2020

Image by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay 

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We’re Back Out in Force!

Back in March, the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated that we suspend our direct grassroots community outreach in order to protect the health of our employees and the public (our phone outreach staff and other staff continued to work remotely throughout). As much of NY and CT reopens, we are excited to announce that we are all back in action! While we have implemented new practices to help keep everyone safe as we organize, we are back out in force fighting for a green economic recovery, renewable energy, clean water, and more. Thank you so much to all who helped support us during the height of the pandemic – we could not have gotten through it without you!


Victory! Suffolk County, NY Bans Littering of PPE

The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated the use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for public health protection, but unfortunately we are seeing more plastic masks, gloves, and wipes littering our parking lots and parks. In June, we worked to pass legislation in Suffolk County to ban the littering of PPE (offenders face increased fines). This will not only help to prevent plastic pollution, it will also protect the health of Long Islanders who are cleaning up or coming in contact with discarded PPE. Thanks to the Suffolk County Legislature for leading the way and passing this bill unanimously.



Creating a Buzz for our Pollinators

For National Pollinator Week, we assembled an expert panel and hosted a free virtual forum to provide information about the importance of pollinators, the threats they are facing, and how the public can protect them. Pollinators are un-BEE-lievably important to our ecosystem and food production, yet their populations are rapidly declining. Our expert panelists discussed how widespread use of toxic pesticides, habitat destruction, and other stressors are contributing to the decline as well as ways you can be a bee friendly consumer and manage garden pests responsibly. Missed the forum, but still want to get the BUZZ on bees?  Watch the entire recorded forum or watch an abbreviated highlight (approximately six minutes) version.

Calling on Our Elected Leaders to Protect the Health of our Great Lakes

In response to a recent report on the health of the Great Lakes—which diluted and minimized the ongoing suffering and degradation of our lower Great Lakes system in New York State—we joined with our friends at Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper to call on our elected officials to take action in support of our lakes.

Defending Our Ocean National Monument  

On June 5, President Trump signed an Executive Order to allow commercial fishing restrictions in the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts National Monument. This monument, off the coast of New England, was established under the Antiquities Act in 2016 and has since become a virtual treasure trove of marine life, including threatened and endangered marine mammals, sea turtles, rare deep sea corals, and many others. We fought to get this area declared a national monument and we will continue to fight to keep it protected from commercial fishing and other threats. For more information, check out CCE CT Program Director Lou Rosado Burch’s recent Op-Ed on the importance of this underwater marvel.

Improving CT’s Bottle Bill

Connecticut’s Container Deposit Law (aka “the Bottle Bill) is a proven, effective way to incentive recycling and keep our communities clean and litter free. However, CT’s bottle bill needs to be improved and modernized. Last month, we joined the CT Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) to discuss the challenges and pathways forward on modernizing Connecticut’s Bottle Bill. CEQ is Connecticut’s independent environmental watchdog –the council meets monthly to discuss current and ongoing environmental priorities, including solid waste & recycling issues, water protection, pesticide use and enforcement and many others.

Wind Works Long Island

Image by doskey12 from Pixabay 

Image by doskey12 from Pixabay

We have joined our environmental, labor, community, and faith-based partners to launch Wind Works Long Island. The coalition is a growing force behind educating the public on the science-based benefits of renewable energy, particularly offshore wind.  In June, we continued our work to support responsibly-sited offshore wind farms, including the South Fork Wind Farm, which will bring renewable energy to 70,000 LI homes. If you want to find out more about the coalition and what you can do to support offshore wind, check out the new website and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.