Honeybees must be protected, not exterminated: Support the Suffolk County Honeybee Protection Bill


Help us pass important legislation ensuring beekeepers can rescue honeybee hives before they are exterminated in Suffolk County

Honeybees are an integral component of our food web, but global populations of honeybees have declined since 2005. Massive bee die-off events and colony collapse disorder are putting our ecosystem and food production at risk. In honor of National Bee Day on May 20th, we worked with Suffolk County Legislator Al Krupski to craft and introduce an important bill to prevent exterminators in Suffolk from destroying honeybee hives without first calling a beekeeper to rescue the hive!

This bill would require homeowners, pesticide applicators, and exterminators who want to address unwanted honeybee infestations first call a beekeeper, who can safely relocate the hive. To learn more about the importance of protecting honeybees and the Suffolk County honeybee protection bill, check out this video with CCE’s Adrienne Esposito and Legislator Al Krupki.

There are two important ways you can help!

  1. Email your Suffolk County Legislator today and urge them to support the Honeybee Protection Bill, IR 1344-21.

  2. You can also join us virtually for the Suffolk County Public Hearing on the Honeybee Protection Bill and submit supportive comments. Details for the public hearing:

    Date: Tuesday, June 8
    Time: 2:00pm
    How to Submit Public Testimony

Thank you for taking action! 

Your friends at CCE