Letter: Let’s look at the facts on renewable energy



October 19, 2020

A recent “Another Voice” contained several misconceptions about renewable energy siting in New York. While the state’s renewable energy siting law streamlines the process, it does not ignore meaningful local concerns. Draft regulations to implement the siting law require developers to consult with local governments and community members before filing an application, and extensive environmental review is required before construction. Furthermore, draft siting permits will be subject to public review and comment and adjudicatory hearings will be required when significant and substantive issues are identified.

The article also misled the public on offshore wind in the Great Lakes. Freshwater lakes that freeze do not pose an insurmountable engineering barrier to offshore wind. Nordic countries have successfully sited offshore wind projects in freshwater lakes that freeze over. Furthermore, pre-construction environmental review is conducted to avoid disturbing contaminated sediment, such as the toxic areas of concern identified decades ago.

The writer claims offshore wind’s average capacity of 55% is inefficient, while touting the efficiency of fossil fuel gas plants. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, gas plants have an average capacity of 56%, meaning gas plants and offshore wind have similar energy outputs. However, where they differ greatly is that gas pollutes our air and water and contributes to climate change, while offshore wind does not create harmful emissions. Renewable energy also creates about 50% more jobs than fossil fuels for the same amount of energy generated. As the state moves toward a renewable energy future, the public deserves fact-based information.

Brian Smith
Associate Executive Director
Citizens Campaign for the Environment