Our Work to Protect Our Environment and Health Carries On…

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But We Need Your Help!

As we practice social distancing, largely from our homes, we are constantly reminded of how important our work continues to be.  Drinking water from our kitchen tap, using personal care products (without toxic chemicals), and visiting local parks to get fresh air and exercise—all demonstrate that our work to protect public health and the environment is as important as ever.

Your first experience with CCE may have been when a young canvasser knocked on your door, briefly educated you on an important environmental issue, and urged you to sign a petition, write a letter, and help out with a financial contribution.  That type of grassroots outreach is what has helped make us so strong—both politically and financially—over the past 35 years.  

Sadly, the COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated that we suspend our direct grassroots outreach in order to protect the health of our employees and the public. This has created a financial hardship on us.  CCE is a strong organization with excellent staff and we are determined to weather this storm, but we truly need your help during these difficult times.  We know many people are struggling, however, if you are in a position to do so, please consider making a financial contribution today to support our work to protect clean water, fight climate change, conserve open space, and so much more.  

Thank you for your support! Stay safe and healthy!

Your Friends at CCE