Pass Critical Environmental Legislation in New York State Before Session Ends on June 8!


Help Us Pass Two Top Priority Bills to Save the Bees and Address the Solid Waste Crisis!

The NYS legislative session comes to an end on June 8th, and we only have a few legislative session days left to pass two of our priority bills; the Birds and Bees Protection Act and the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act. We need your help in calling on the NYS Legislature and urging them to pass these monumental bills. Email your elected officials today and tell them to pass these critical bills this session!

The Birds and Bees Protection Act (S.1856A/A.7640) would ban neonicotinoid (“neonic”) treated corn, soybean, and wheat seeds and ban cosmetic lawn and garden neonic uses. This will eliminate at least 85% - 90% of all neonics used in New York, protect water quality, and ensure we are not poisoning our birds, bees, and pollinators from this toxic pesticide. The rise in bee deaths has been largely linked to the explosive growth in the use of neonic pesticides. Across New York, neonics are common contaminants found in groundwater and pose a threat to our drinking water. The NYS Assembly has already passed this legislation, now we need NY Senators to vote yes and ensure this crucial legislation gets passed this year!

The Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act (S.4246/A.5322) would require manufacturers – not taxpayers – to be responsible for the cost of collecting and recycling the packaging waste they create. This will reduce packaging waste, increase recycling, eliminate toxic chemicals in packaging, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and save local taxpayers over $400 million annually! New York State is suffering from a solid waste and recycling crisis and has a recycling rate of just 17%. Most of the waste is ending up as litter in communities, plastic pollution in our waterways, sent to landfills, or burned in trash incinerators. We need the NYS Legislature to pass this critical legislation and hold manufacturers responsible for the waste they create!

Email your elected officials TODAY and tell them to pass the Birds and Bees Protection Act and the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act this year!

Thank you! Together we can make a difference.
All of Us at CCE