Preserve Plum Island

Help to ensure this ecological gem located in Long Island Sound is permanently protected! 

Plum Island is an 840-acre island located 10 miles from Connecticut in the heart of Long Island Sound.  Approximately 90% of the island is undeveloped, allowing pristine wetlands and grassland areas to flourish and giving the island tremendous ecological value. Plum Island is home to over 111 species of conservation concern, contains one of the most significant seal haul-out sites in southern New England, and is home to 228 bird species that use the island for breeding or migratory purposes.

Plum Island has long been the home of USDA’s animal disease research facility, blocking it from public access. The facility is now being relocated to the Midwest, providing a unique opportunity for a new vision for Plum Island.

For over a decade, a broad, diverse coalition, which includes elected officials, environmental groups, businesses, and Indigenous nations, has worked together to save Plum Island from large-scale private development. We have been working for permanent protection and preservation, and now is the time to get it done! We are urging the Biden administration to designate Plum Island as a National Monument, ensuring that wildlife is protected, cultural and historical values are maintained, and people are able to enjoy this unique ecosystem for generations to come.

Email President Biden today. Urge him to designate Plum Island as a National Monument and ensure that this Island will be preserved for future generations.

Thank you for taking action,
Your friends at CCE