Pass the Horseshoe Crab Protection Act into Law!

Horseshoe crabs have existed for over 350 million years, having shared this planet with the dinosaurs. Sadly, the species is now vulnerable to local extinction unless action is taken soon. Horseshoe crab populations have been depleted largely due to commercial fishermen who catch them and chop them up for use as bait. Horseshoe crabs are an essential species in the food web—a decline in their population is harming the ecosystem and threatening bird species that depend upon the crabs for food. Currently, New York is woefully lagging in horseshoe crab protection.

In order to save the horseshoe crab, and the species that depend upon them, the New York State Legislature introduced a bill to ban harvesting of horseshoe crabs. We can’t afford to wait any longer—New York must act now. Email your elected representatives today and urge them to support the Horseshoe Crab Protection Act!


Why are Horseshoe Crabs Important?
Horseshoe Crabs are an integral part of the ecosystem and act as a keystone species in the food web. Each spring, horseshoe crabs travel from deep Atlantic waters to the shore for their breeding season. Beaches are stormed with mating horseshoe crabs, with females laying tens of thousands of eggs at a time in clusters buried under the sand. Every year, horseshoe crabs lay their eggs on beaches at full and new moon high tides from April to June.

Millions of shorebirds stop along our Atlantic beaches to nourish themselves on horseshoe crab eggs. These eggs are the single most important food source for migrating shorebirds, including threatened birds, such as the Red Knot. Experts predict that the Red Knot may become extinct in the coming years, unless more protective measures are undertaken to protect horseshoe crabs. Furthermore, sharks, sea turtles, sportfish and other species also feed on horseshoe crabs, making them a critical component of the food web.

Biomedical Uses
The blood of horseshoe crabs contains a critical component, Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate, known as LAL. This unique compound clots when exposed to bacteria or bacterial endotoxins. Some medical equipment and devices such as IV tubing are also tested with LAL. Currently, scientists have found synthetic compounds that reproduce LAL, which are now being used by Pfizer, Eli Lilly and other leading pharmaceutical companies. There have been NO permits issued in over a decade for the harvesting of horseshoe crabs for medical uses in NY waters. All the permitted harvesting of horseshoe crabs is for fishing, not biomedical purposes. However, as other states prohibit taking for biomedical uses, pressure to permit the practice may increase in NY if action is not taken to protect horseshoe crabs.

Horseshoe Crabs Under Threat
For decades, horseshoe crabs were looked upon as unimportant to our waters. They are slow to mature and therefore are susceptible to harvesting pressures. Horseshoe crabs were once used as fertilizer and livestock feed, which almost led to their populations being wiped out in the 1940s. In the 1970s, the populations recovered only to see resurgence in their use as bait for eel, conch, and whelk fisheries. The horseshoe crabs are chopped up and used as bait by commercial fisherman.

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission reported horseshoe crab stocks have been in decline for at least 15 years. Horseshoe crab populations were rated as “good” in 2009 but declined to “poor” in 2019. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature has listed horseshoe crabs as vulnerable to local extinction in our region. The importance of horseshoe crabs to our ecosystem and the growing threat to the survival of the species had led other states, including Delaware, Connecticut, and New Jersey, to implement policies banning the taking of horseshoe crabs. 

New York State Needs a Ban on Horseshoe Crab Harvesting
This year, the New York State Senate and Assembly introduced the Horseshoe Crab Protection Act (S.4289 / A.4997), which prohibits the taking of horseshoe crabs for commercial and biomedical uses. This legislation will allow New York to restore the population of horseshoe crabs and ensure the survival of this species for future generations. Neighboring states, including Connecticut, have already enacted similar legislation. It is time for NY to step up and ban the harvesting of horseshoe crabs! 

Thank you for taking action!

All of us at CCE