Protect our environment and public health—from the safety of your home!

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We are all in this together, and we at CCE understand the importance of respecting social distancing during this public health crisis.  While we have had to temporarily suspend our door-to-door canvass, there are other ways we can continue to organize and keep you involved! 

  1. Visit our website to stay informed and take action on important campaigns.  Sending a quick email to your representatives is an easy and effective way to ensure important environmental campaigns continue to move forward.

  1. Donate online, and help support CCE’s continued work during this uncertain time.  Due to our current limitations with fundraising, this is an excellent way to keep the organization going strong!

  1. Answer a call from our phone canvass organizers.  In addition to door-to-door canvassing, we call our existing membership to thank them for their support, educate them on campaigns, and get them involved in our work through donating and contacting their representatives.  We still have limited staff making these important phone calls—please answer and show your support!

Stay safe and healthy!  Thank you for your support. Together we make a difference!

All of us at CCE