Protect People, Pets and Pollinators!


Image by scott244 from Pixabay


Ban Dangerous Uses of Toxic Pesticides in Connecticut!

Pollinators, such as honeybees, beetles, butterflies, moths, and hummingbirds, are essential components of our food web. Massive bee die-off events and colony collapse disorder are putting our ecosystem and food production at risk. This rise in bee deaths has been largely linked to the explosive growth in the use of neonicotinoids and other harmful pesticides such as Chlorpyrifos. Neonicotinoids (A.K.A. “neonics”) and Chlorpyrifos are pesticides that attack the nervous system of insects. These pesticides when used as a spray on golf courses and for cosmetic uses (lawns and gardens) pose a high risk to pollinators.

Neonics and Chlorpyrifos also threaten human health and have been linked to adverse health effects especially in babies and young children. Chlorpyrifos has been linked to harming the developing brains of children causing autism, learning disabilities, and other negative human health issues. CDC monitoring shows that 50% of the U.S. population is regularly exposed to neonics, with the highest levels found in children. Research has linked neonics to potential neurological, developmental, and reproductive harms.  Connecticut has been a leader in passing crucial legislation to restrict pesticide use, but it has been five years since any new pesticide laws have been passed. We cannot wait any longer to address these toxic pesticides!

Connecticut Must Take Action!

Call your legislators and ask them to support SB 120, An Act Concerning the Use of Chlorpyrifos on Golf Courses and Neonicotinoids for Nonagricultural use. This bill would protect people, pets, and pollinators from toxic pesticides that are harmful to our health and the environment. SB 120 would (1) ban chlorpyrifos from use on golf courses (the federal govt has already banned its use on food crops) and (2) ban neonicotinoids for all non-agricultural, cosmetic uses. Email your elected representatives today and urge them to pass SB 120!

Thank you for taking action! Together we can make a difference.

Your friends at CCE