Reduce Waste and Increase Recycling in New York


Hold manufacturers, not taxpayers, responsible for their waste. NYS must take action in the state budget—due April 1!

New York State is suffering from a solid waste and recycling crisis—recycling costs for municipalities and taxpayers have skyrocketed, recycling rates are abysmal, and our environment and health are suffering from pollution caused by excessive plastic packaging. Currently, corporate brand owners bear no responsibility in managing the product packaging waste they have created.

To help address this solid waste crisis, the Governor has included a Waste Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act in her executive budget proposal, while the NYS Senate has included an even stronger policy in their budget proposal. Both will require product manufacturers—not taxpayers—to be responsible for the cost of collecting and recycling the packaging and paper they create. Now the Governor, Senate, and Assembly must come together and agree on a strong waste reduction policy in the final budget that is due April 1!

A strong, effective waste reduction policy negotiated in the final state budget will:

  • Reduce packaging waste by at least 50%

  • Increase recycling rates up to 70%-80% (currently at 17%)

  • Eliminate toxic chemicals in packaging, including PFAS and heavy metals

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change

  • Provide agency staff to ensure the law is implemented and enforced

  • Save local governments/taxpayers across the state upwards of $1 billion annually!

Email your NYS Assemblymember, NYS Senator, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, and Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins. Urge the legislature to include a strong Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act in the final 2023-24 budget.

Thank you for taking action!
Your friends at CCE