Say “NO” to Killingly

Image by Ben Kerckx from Pixabay 

Image by Ben Kerckx from Pixabay


Tell Governor Lamont: No More Dirty Fossil Fuel Plants in Connecticut!

In order to create jobs, protect public health, and fight climate change, Connecticut has set a goal of achieving 100% carbon-free electricity by 2040. Despite this important goal, CT is poised to approve permits for a new 650 megawatt fracked-gas power plant in Killingly, CT, which would shackle our state to dirty fossil fuels for decades to come. 

The Killingly fracked-gas plant would increase harmful air emissions and water pollution in Connecticut, which already suffers from some of the worst air quality in New England. Additionally, the plant would require 2.4 miles of new gas pipeline, which would be constructed through critical wildlife habitat and open space.

Energy economists agree that new fossil fuel power plants and pipelines are not needed to meet our future energy needs. We need Connecticut to honor its commitments to clean energy and say NO to dirty, expensive fossil fuel infrastructure.

 A new fossil fuel burning power plant in Connecticut would delay progress on meeting our renewable energy goals and increase greenhouse gas emissions, which impacts public health and contributes to climate change. It’s time to tell Governor Lamont to say NO to Killingly and say YES to clean, renewable energy!

Contact Governor Lamont today and urge him to say “NO” to Killingly gas plant!

  • Click the link to access the online form to e-mail Governor Lamont

  • Copy & paste (or personalize) the message below into the “comment” field

  • Fill out your contact information in the required fields

(Begin sample email message)

Dear Governor Lamont:

I am writing today to voice my strong opposition to the proposed Killingly gas plant being considered by your administration.

Killingly Energy Center would further delay Connecticut’s progress on meeting our clean energy and greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals. Additionally, it would lead to a measurable increase in harmful air emissions and water pollution in Connecticut, which already suffers from some of the worst air quality in New England.

Finally, the 2.4 miles of new gas pipeline needed to operate the plant would be constructed through critical wildlife habitat and open space. This area supports a variety of threatened and endangered species, including the endangered northern long-eared owl, the endangered wood turtle, and the eastern box turtle. Killingly Energy Center would not only prolong our state’s dependence on dirty fossil fuel infrastructure, it could also have lasting impacts on endangered wildlife and open space in our state.

(End sample email message)

Thank you for taking action!

Your friends at CCE