Support a $500 million Environmental Protection Fund in this year’s final New York State budget
Since 1993, the New York State Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) has invested in projects to protect and restore our land, air, and water resources in every community across the state. EPF programs help to create jobs, support tourism, protect clean water, conserve open space, save family farms, bolster recycling programs, revitalize waterfronts, build community parks, and so much more. The EPF supports 350,000 jobs across the state, and EPF-supported industries generate approximately $40 billion in economic activity every year.
As we combat harmful algal blooms from nitrogen pollution, a solid waste crisis, climate change, and water pollution across our state, it is more important than ever to make crucial investments in environmental protection this year. Funding for the EPF has been stagnant in recent years and an increase is long overdue.
While the Governor proposed maintaining a stagnant funding level in this year’s budget, the NYS Senate and Assembly budget proposals both included an increase to $500 million! We need $500 million in the final budget, with increases to specific programs in the EPF—specifically, we’re calling for at least $25 million for Ocean and Great Lakes program and at least $5 million for the South Shore Estuary Reserve program.
Thank you for taking action!
All of us at CCE