Support Offshore Wind for Long Island and New York State!


Join us for Public Hearings on Empire Wind 2 on October 11th

Let NY State know why you support transitioning from fossil fuels to offshore wind – your voice matters!

Empire Wind 2 will be located off the coast of Long Beach City and will generate 1,260 megawatts (MW) of electricity for Long Island, enough for 600,000+ homes. Energy will be delivered to the south shore via a cable connection to a substation in Island Park. 

This is one of five offshore wind projects selected by New York State that will bring us nearly halfway to NY’s mandate of 9,000 MW of offshore wind by 2035. It will also help us reach our critical renewable energy and greenhouse gas reduction targets in NY’s climate law, while bringing green jobs and community benefits to the region. 

As part of the approval process for these offshore wind farms, the NYS Public Service Commission (PSC) specifically looks at the impact of the cable connection both offshore in NY waters and onshore.  

On October 11th, the PSC will be holding public information sessions followed by public hearings on Empire Wind 2 and the cable connection. Long Island residents will have the opportunity to voice their support for offshore wind.

Long Beach, Island Park and all of Long Island’s south shore communities are on the front lines of climate change. We need to be leaders in the fight for renewable energy. Come show up, stand up, and speak up on the importance of fighting climate change and transitioning to renewable energy.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Information Forum 1:00pm; Public Statement Hearing 2:00pm
Information Forum 5:30pm; Public Statement Hearing 6:30pm

City of Long Beach, City Hall Community Chamber, 6th Floor, 1 West Chester St., Long Beach, NY

Thank you for joining us!

All of us at CCE