Victory: Suffolk County Legislature Unanimously Passes Honeybee Protection Bill


Suffolk County agrees that honeybees must be protected, not exterminated!

Honeybees are an integral component of our food web, but unfortunately, global populations of honeybees have declined since 2005. Massive bee die-off events and colony collapse disorder are putting our ecosystem and food production at risk. 

We worked with Suffolk County Legislator Al Krupski to craft and introduce an important bill to prevent exterminators in Suffolk County from exterminating honeybee hives without first calling a beekeeper. Beekeepers can come to resident’s homes, remove the hive and provide the honeybees with a safe home. We are excited that Suffolk is leading the way to protect our agricultural industry, ecosystem, and critical pollinator populations.

Thanks to everyone who wrote their legislators and testified in support – the legislature has unanimously passed the Honeybee Protection Bill! 

And thank you to the Long Island Community Foundation for your support of our work to protect honeybees!

Your friends at CCE