Major Project Labor Agreement Executed with New York State Building and Construction Trades to Ensure Line is Constructed by Union Workers
Infrastructure Development Expected to Bring $3.5 Billion in Economic Benefits to New Yorkers and Create Nearly 1,400 Family-Sustaining Jobs
Accelerates Progress to Achieve New York's Goal of 70 Percent of Electricity Statewide from Renewable Sources by 2030 on Path to a Zero-Emission Grid
Long Island Sound Study Investment to Help Support Multi-Year Septic System Improvement Programs
State Finalizes Nassau County's Watershed Plan to Reduce Nitrogen
Efforts Build Upon Region's Progress to Prevent Harmful Pollution from Affecting Habitat and Water Quality
Approved Transmission Line Will Connect to Proposed 924-Megawatt Sunrise Wind Farm
Offshore Sunrise Wind Farm Will Result in a Direct Investment of More Than $408 Million in New York and Create 800 Jobs
Project Designed to Help Meet Goals of New York's Nation-Leading Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act