
Sound Bites: Study finds Fire Island has poor wastewater treatment options

Sound Bites: Study finds Fire Island has poor wastewater treatment options

Good morning. The Citizens Campaign for the Environment presented findings from a study of Fire Island’s wastewater challenges to the Suffolk County Legislature this week. They say the island only has one small sewage treatment plant, forcing most residents to use septic or cesspool systems. This single plant and other aging systems contribute to harmful algal blooms, and loss of fisheries in the surrounding waterways.

Fire Island sewage study addresses nitrogen pollution, recommends solutions

Fire Island sewage study addresses nitrogen pollution, recommends solutions

A groundbreaking new study on sewage solutions for Fire Island recommends piping wastewater to Long Island among potential initiatives to address nitrogen pollution in the Great South Bay.

Suffolk takes step toward sales tax hike to fund sewers

Suffolk takes step toward sales tax hike to fund sewers

Suffolk County lawmakers on Tuesday moved a step closer to allowing residents to vote in a November referendum on a proposed 0.125% sales tax increase to fund a sweeping expansion of sewers and high-tech septic systems throughout the county.

Governor signs change to law authorizing Suffolk sales tax hike, teeing up November vote

Governor signs change to law authorizing Suffolk sales tax hike, teeing up November vote

An amendment to the law that allows Suffolk County to increase its sales tax rate by 1/8 of a cent to finance the installation of sewer and advanced septic systems was signed into law today by Gov. Kathy Hochul.

The governor’s signature on the amendment, negotiated by state and county lawmakers, sets the stage for the county to put a referendum on ballot in this year’s general election seeking voter approval of the sales tax increase.

Governor Hochul Signs Legislation to Protect Public Health, Improve Water Quality in Suffolk County

Governor Hochul Signs Legislation to Protect Public Health, Improve Water Quality in Suffolk County

Legislation S.8473/A.8993 Amends the Suffolk Water Quality Restoration Act

Advances Ballot Referendum to Fund Long Term Investments in Clean Water for Suffolk County

Governor Kathy Hochul today signed the Suffolk Water Quality Restoration Act to protect public health and improve water quality. Legislation S.8473/A.8993 will allow Suffolk County to put forward a ballot referendum that would fund long term investments in clean water systems and technology – revitalizing wastewater infrastructure for the residents of Suffolk County.

Legislators, Advocates Urge Albany to Take Action to Protect Against PFAS Exposure

Legislators, Advocates Urge Albany to Take Action to Protect Against PFAS Exposure

ALBANY, NY (May 15, 2024) — Today state legislators and advocates called for the immediate passage of a set of bills to reduce human exposure to per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and limit environmental contamination from PFAS in New York, including:

  • a bill to eliminate PFAS in key consumer and household products (A3556C/S5648C),

  • a bill to eliminate PFAS and other toxic chemicals in personal care and cosmetic products (A6969/S4265), 

  • a bill to eliminate PFAS and other toxic products in menstrual products (A5990/S3529), 

  • and a bill to require testing for the presence of PFAS released into waterways (A3296A/S227B). 

We need to have the best water possible

We need to have the best water possible

All Long Islanders agree about the need for clean water [“Clean-water funding is crucial in state budget,” Opinion, March 24]. Nitrogen pollution from sewage is causing water quality impairments, fish kills and harmful algal blooms. Contaminants poses a significant threat to our drinking water and health. The good news is that we know how to solve these problems, but we need money.

If Patchogue’s bay and river waters appear to be red or pink, here’s why

If Patchogue’s bay and river waters appear to be red or pink, here’s why

They’re doing it for the shellfish.

The state Department of Environmental Conservation and U.S. Food and Drug Administration have just announced a joint effort to track the ebb and flow of Patchogue wastewater.

To that end, the agencies will conduct a hydrographic dye study of wastewater from the Village of Patchogue Wastewater Treatment Plant on Hammond St. from March 24 to March 30.

Red dye to be added to Patchogue plant wastewater to see where shellfishing is safe

Red dye to be added to Patchogue plant wastewater to see where shellfishing is safe

State officials and the Food and Drug Administration are using a water-tracing dye to track Patchogue's wastewater in order to protect consumers of shellfish harvested in waters off Long Island's South Shore.

On March 25, wastewater from the Patchogue wastewater treatment plant will be treated over a period of 12.5 hours with low concentrations of dye, as part of a study to understand the treated effluent discharging into the Patchogue River and Patchogue Bay.

Statements In Support Of The 2024 Senate Majority One-House Budget Proposal

Statements In Support Of The 2024 Senate Majority One-House Budget Proposal

Adrienne Esposito, Executive Director, Citizens Campaign for the Environment said, “Clean water and a healthy environment are necessities not luxury items that can be neglected during difficult economic times.

Another Voice: New York has much more work to do to protect clean water

Another Voice: New York has much more work to do to protect clean water

Under Gov. Kathy Hochul’s leadership, New York has been a national leader in funding the protection of clean water, but now is not the time to rest on our laurels. Given the massive clean water needs that exist throughout New York, it’s perplexing that the governor proposed to slash clean water funding by 50%, from $500 million down to $250 million, in this year’s budget.

Frontier-era delay at campground

Frontier-era delay at campground

Adirondack Park Lobby Day

It’s not Adirondack Park Lobby Day without plaid. Around 100 people attended last week at the state Capitol in Albany, many donning red-and-black plaid scarves, to advocate for more park funding and for the above issue on title insurance.

Long Island Unites in Albany: A Robust Call for State Investment and Support

Long Island Unites in Albany: A Robust Call for State Investment and Support

Explore the 16th annual Long Island Lobby Day, where a diverse coalition united to advocate for vital funding in transportation, infrastructure, and more. Discover how communities came together to secure investments for a sustainable future.

Long Island coalition lobbies state officials in push for funding

Long Island coalition lobbies state officials in push for funding

A coalition of Long Island small business owners, civic leaders, downtown planners, labor, environment and transportation advocates headed to Albany Tuesday to lobby state officials for more support for critical infrastructure and human needs. 

Palumbo hosts roundtable meeting in Riverhead to discuss environmental issues

Palumbo hosts roundtable meeting in Riverhead to discuss environmental issues

Representatives of environmental groups, community groups and local government officials across eastern Suffolk County turned out for a two-hour, wide-ranging conversation with state legislators Thursday morning in Riverhead. 

Voters to Decide on Clean Water Referendum in November

Voters to Decide on Clean Water Referendum in November

HAUPPAUGE, NY— Suffolk County Executive Ed Romaine and Presiding Officer Kevin McCaffrey were joined today by environmental and labor leaders at a press conference announcing an historic deal that will transform water protection in Suffolk County and pave the way for clean water for future generations.

NY advocates, lawmakers call for more clean water infrastructure funding

NY advocates, lawmakers call for more clean water infrastructure funding

New York advocates and lawmakers want more money this year for the state’s Clean Water Infrastructure Act. But Governor Kathy Hochul wants to cut spending for the program in half. 

Senator Harckham & Assemblymember Glick Join Clean Water Advocates to Call for Increased Funding for Clean Water in SFY 2024-25 Budget

Governor Hochul’s proposal to cut to Clean Water Infrastructure Act funding by 50% threatens communities’ ability to filter emerging contaminants in drinking water, prevent dangerous sewage overflows, create jobs, and ensure affordable drinking water

For more information, contact:

Adrienne Esposito, Citizens Campaign for the Environment, 631-384-1378, aesposito@citizenscampaign.org

Brian Smith, Citizens Campaign for the Environment, 716-831-3206, bsmith@citizenscampaign.org

Rob Hayes, Environmental Advocates NY, 314-518-1454, rhayes@eany.org

A recording of the press conference can be viewed here.

Albany, NY—Today the chairs of the Senate and Assembly Environmental Conservation Committees joined with unions and members of the New York State Clean Water Coalition as they laid out their 2024 clean water agenda, which includes support for a $600 million investment in the Clean Water Infrastructure Act (CWIA). The CWIA program has been funded at $500 million annually since 2019, yet the Governor has proposed to cut funding by 50%, down to $250 million, in her SFY 2024-25 executive budget proposal. New York State agencies have conservatively estimated that the state will need to invest $80 billion to upgrade and maintain wastewater and drinking water infrastructure over 20 years.

Adrienne Esposito, Executive Director for Citizens Campaign for the Environment, said: “Clean water is a necessity, not a luxury item that should be sacrificed to help fill budget gaps. The Clean Water Infrastructure Act has been a resounding success for our environment and economy, but we have so much more work to do to ensure safe and affordable water for all New Yorkers. Cutting funding now will only set us further back in our efforts to prevent sewage overflows, filter toxic contaminants from drinking water, and avoid costly water main breaks. We commend Senator Harckham and Assemblymember Glick for their leadership to protect clean water, and we look forward to working with the legislature to ensure increased clean water funding in the final state budget.”

Senator Pete Harckham, Chair of the NYS Senate Environmental Conservation Committee, said, “We need to build upon the important progress made statewide since enacting the Clean Water Infrastructure Act seven years ago, and not go backwards with underfunding and misdirecting resources. Protecting New York’s fragile drinking water supplies and upgrading delivery systems, filtration facilities, sewage treatment—all of this is critical to safeguarding public health and ensuring economic growth. If we don’t make these proper investments now, it may soon be too late. I thank the New York State Clean Water Coalition for its advocacy and support in this regard and for raising an alarm: our clean water is key to our future posterity.”

Assemblymember Deborah J. Glick, Chair of the Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee, said, “This critical funding stream has made great progress in updating New York’s aging water infrastructure in every corner of the state, because all New Yorkers deserve access to clean, safe drinking water. Regrettably, in too many communities we still have contaminants in drinking water, and it is vital to filter those out for New Yorkers’ health. Additionally, we must move aggressively to remove lead service lines and protect our infrastructure especially during flooding and storm surges. Now is not the time to let up on this essential work. I look forward to working with my colleagues in the Assembly and Senate to ensure the Clean Water Infrastructure Act is appropriately funded in the final budget agreement.”

Jenny Ingrao, Executive Director for the New York Section American Water Works Association, said, “As the organization that represents the state’s drinking water professionals, the New York Section of the American Water Works Association (NYSAWWA) is keenly aware that access to clean, safe, and affordable drinking water is one of the most basic pillars of our society.  The state’s drinking water suppliers are ready to meet the challenges before us but without funding and support from our state legislators we run the very real risk that water will become simply unaffordable for many New Yorkers.” 

Rob Hayes, Director of Clean Water with Environmental Advocates NY, said, "Governor Hochul's plan to cut clean water funding in half this year is misguided and shortsighted. Our research has documented the overwhelming demand for funding to fix our pipes, a demand which continues to grow. With key clean water programs oversubscribed every year, New York needs to increase, not decrease, its investment in the Clean Water Infrastructure Act to ensure shovel-ready projects get the funding they need. New York needs more work crews out on the street protecting clean water, not fewer. We look forward to working with Senator Harckham, Assemblymember Glick, and the entire State Legislature to secure at least $600 million for clean water in the final state budget."

Khristopher Dodson, Executive Director of the New York Water Environment Association (NYWEA), said, “As the organization that represents wastewater treatment professionals throughout the state, NYWEA strongly supports increased funding for the Clean Water Infrastructure Act in the 2024-25 state budget. Much of the state’s wastewater infrastructure is aging and in dire need of repair. Cuts in funding threaten clean water, hamper economic growth, and increase costs to local ratepayers. We look forward to working with Senator Harckham, Assemblymember Glick, and the full legislature to support increased clean water funding in the final state budget.”

“The Nature Conservancy thanks Environmental Conservation Committee Chairs Senator Harckham and Assemblymember Glick, and members of the Senate and Assembly from both sides of the aisle for uniting around protecting clean water for New Yorkers. Funding for the Clean Water Infrastructure Act is essential for the health, safety, and well-being of communities throughout the state. We cannot afford to cut this funding, and in fact need to increase it given the significant needs across New York. We urge the Legislature to include at least $600 million for clean water projects in this year’s state budget,” said Jessica Ottney Maher, policy and strategy director for The Nature Conservancy in New York.

"Simply put, all lead service lines in New York State need to be removed and replaced. Aggressive action is needed and that starts with securing funds in the 2025 fiscal year budget," said Joan Leary Matthews, Senior Attorney at NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council). "Instead of going backwards and cutting funding for safe, clean water, New York State needs to double-down and invest big time to protect residents from dangerous lead exposure."

"We do not accept a glass half full when it comes to funding for clean water infrastructure,” said Julie Tighe, President of the New York League of Conservation Voters. “Cutting $250 million per year for two years will do little to make the state whole financially, but it will jeopardize public health, the environment and the jobs created by infrastructure projects to fix our pipes and deliver safe drinking water to our families. Everyone deserves clean water and we urge Governor Hochul not to short change New Yorkers on this fundamental right.”

“The Governor's budget plan to cut the Clean Water Infrastructure Act by fifty percent means fewer investments in aging sewers and wastewater treatment plants, and fewer communities accessing grants for drinking water protection projects,” said Riverkeeper President Tracy Brown. “New York’s water infrastructure needs critical updates to drinking water and wastewater systems that affect the health and safety of our residents. Since these needs escalate every year, reducing an already insufficient amount of funding by half will worsen these challenges and make it more difficult for local governments to access the funding they critically need to provide clean drinking water and clean up local waterways.”

“We’ve seen a tenfold increase in Harmful Algal Blooms in lakes across the Adirondacks in recent years, making it more important than ever for the State to fully invest in Clean Water infrastructure projects.” said Raul J. Aguirre, Executive Director of the Adirondack Council.  “State grants, made directly to the small, rural communities of the Adirondack Park, make upgrades to clean water infrastructure affordable so that all New Yorkers can benefit. Without these funds, most projects are simply not possible.”

David Ansel, Vice President of Water Protection, Save the Sound: “Governor Hochul’s proposal to spread $500 million for the Clean Water Infrastructure Act over two years is a major step backward at a time when we can least afford it. Our investments must match the moment. Scaling back weakens our position to leverage the available federal funding necessary to ensure our local municipalities can afford to take on these expensive infrastructure investments to reduce wastewater pollution. We have billions of dollars’ worth of work to do to protect clean water in the Long Island Sound region alone. There would be an environmental and economic opportunity cost to such a reduction.”

Not only has the CWIA helped to protect clean water in every community across the state, but it has also created good jobs and supported economic growth. The state estimates that every million dollars invested in clean water infrastructure generates 17 jobs.

John J. Murphy, international representative of the United Association of Journeymen & Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada and member of the Clean Energy Jobs Coalition-NY, said "Inadequate water infrastructure jeopardizes the health and prosperity of New York. It is imperative for New York’s leadership to reconsider the value of strengthening water system safety with a $600 million commitment or more.  This not only protects public health but energizes economic growth through the creation of skilled, family-sustaining jobs for years to come."

The CWIA supports a number of programs that work to protect clean water, from its source to the tap. This includes, but is not limited to, upgrading outdated sewage treatment plants, installing advanced treatment technology to filter emerging contaminants from drinking water, lead pipe replacement, replacing failing septic systems, acquiring land critical to protecting source water, reducing pollution from farms that impact water quality, and more. The state has appropriated $5 billion to the CWIA since its inception in 2017.

The New York State Clean Water Coalition, which was established in 2017 and is led by Citizens Campaign for the Environment (CCE), includes environmental organizations, wastewater treatment operators, drinking water suppliers, and other clean water stakeholders. Today the Coalition publicly released their Shared Agenda for Clean Water in 2024, which outlines this year’s top agreed upon priorities for protecting clean water.


NYS: 'Transformative,' $479 million investment for 156 local water infrastructure projects in every region

NYS: 'Transformative,' $479 million investment for 156 local water infrastructure projects in every region

Gov. Kathy Hochul announced $479 million in grants for critical water infrastructure projects, including the first funding awarded through the $4.2 billion Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act of 2022, which was passed by voters after Hochul pushed to increase the total amount by $1 billion upon taking office.