CCE works to advance legislation that will protect our natural environment and public health, while working to oppose legislation that will have an adverse impact on our shared environment. Regular sessions of the Connecticut General Assembly are held from January to June in odd-numbered years and from February to May in even-numbered years.

Below is a list of proposed legislation that CCE is working to advance or oppose in the 2020 State of Connecticut Legislative Session. 

Legislative Agenda Items:

Prohibiting Polystyrene Food Service Containers (SB 99)
Prohibits the use of Styrofoam takeout containers at food service restaurants in Connecticut
CCE’s Memo in Support

Requiring Electronic Record Keeping of Pesticide Registration Info (SB 292)
Provides a funding stream for pesticide program enforcement and closes loopholes for illegal online sale of restricted pesticides
CCE’s Memo in Support

Prohibiting the Use of Firefighting Foams Containing PFAS chemicals (SB 297)
Phases out the use of Class-B firefighting foams containing PFAS for non-emergency purposes
CCE’s Memo in Support

Eliminating Single-Use Plastic Straws at Food Establishments (SB 299)
Prohibits the free distribution of single-use plastic straws unless requested by the consumer
CCE’s Memo in Support

Strengthening Connecticut’s Environmental Justice Law (HB 5103) 
Requires developers to provide advance notice and meaningful opportunities for public participation when locating polluting facilities in Environmental Justice communities
CCE’s Memo in Support

Requiring PFAS Testing for Public Water Supplies (HB 5288)
Requires public water supplies and bottled water to be tested for toxic PFAS chemicals
CCE’s Memo in Support

Prohibiting the Release of Helium Balloons into the Atmosphere (HB 5339)
Prohibits the intentional release of any number of helium balloons into the atmosphere
CCE’s Memo in Support

Modernizing Connecticut’s Bottle Bill (HB 5340)
Expands Connecticut’s Bottle Bill to include non-carbonated beverages and raises the deposit amount on covered containers to 10 cents
CCE’s Memo in Support

Prohibiting Chlorpyrifos Pesticides in Connecticut (SB 301)
Prohibits the sale, distribution and application of toxic Chlorpyrifos pesticides
CCE’s Memo in Support

Additional Resources

Reusable Bags and Protecting Public Health
Providing best practices for reusable bag use during the COVID-19 health crisis
CCE’s Memo in Support