The Connecticut Clean Energy Finance and Investment Authority (CEFIA) and the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund (CEEF) are the building blocks of the state's clean energy economy. CEFIA promotes, develops, and invests in clean energy and energy efficiency projects, including a Small Solar System Rebate program and wind power incentive programs for businesses. The CEEF, under CEFIA, offers residents home energy audits and incentives make their homes more energy efficient. The auction of carbon credits and small surcharges paid by ratepayers fund Connecticut's effective clean energy and energy efficiency programs. CCE continues to advocate for investment in Connecticut's clean energy and efficiency programs, which will continue to reduce pollution, save money, and create jobs and economic opportunity for Connecticut.

Ending the Wind Moratorium in Connecticut

In 2011, the CT General Assembly (CGA) passed a moratorium on the siting of wind turbines in Connecticut, pending the development of wind-specific regulations by the CT Siting Council (CSC). This set into motion a lengthy, drawn out process, where the CSC proposed multiple revisions of wind regulations, only to have them all voted down by the CGA Regulations Review Committee.

Thanks to hundreds of citizen emails and phone calls, as well as the sustained efforts of environmental advocates in Hartford, the Regulations Review Committee finally voted to adopt wind regulations, effectively ending Connecticut's wind power moratorium in April of 2014.

Wind power is a clean, emission free way to meet Connecticut's clean energy goals, increase our energy independence, create jobs, grow the economy, improve air quality, and fight climate change. CCE applauds the CT Siting Council and Regulations Review Committee for approving long overdue regulations for wind power and bringing and end to the undue wind moratorium in CT.