CCE works to advance legislation that will protect our natural environment and public health, while working to oppose legislation that will have an adverse impact on our shared environment. Below is a list of proposed legislative and budget items that CCE will be working to advance or oppose in the 2024 New York State legislative session. 

Legislative Agenda:

Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act (S.4246B – Harckham / A.5322B – Glick)
Requires Manufacturers to fund recycling and reduce waste for product packaging
CCE’s Memo in Support of the Packaging Reduction & Recycling Infrastructure Act

Ban on PFAS in Everyday Products (S.5648E – Hoylman-Sigal / A.3556D - Zebrowski) 
Bans the sale of PFAS in textile articles, rugs, fabric treatments, cookware, ski waxes, architectural paints, children’s products, dental floss, and cleaning products, beginning in 2026
CCE’s Memo in Support of the Ban on PFAS in Everyday Products

Safe Personal Care and Cosmetics Act (S.4265 – Webb / A.6969 – Glick) 
Bans certain chemicals in personal care products and cosmetics that harm human health and the environment
CCE’s Memo in Support of the Safe Personal Care and Cosmetics Act

Safe Menstrual Products (S.3529A – Fernandez / A.5990A – Rosenthal) 
Bans PFAS, formaldehyde, and other toxic chemicals in menstrual care products
CCE’s Memo in Support of Safe Menstrual Products

Horseshoe Crab Protection (A.10140 – Glick / S.3185A – Hoylman-Sigal) 
Prohibits the taking of horseshoe crabs for commercial and biomedical purposes; allows taking of horseshoe crabs for scientific and educational purposes
CCE’s Memo in Support of Horseshoe Crab Protection

Increase Sales of Zero-Emission Vehicles (S.7767A – Harckham / A.9383A - Solages) 
Allows manufacturers of zero-emissions vehicles (ZEVs) to sell ZEVs in the state through direct sales centers if the state does not meet certain ZEV sales targets
CCE’s Memo in Support of Increasing Sales of Zero-Emission Vehicles

Expanded Recycling of Rechargeable Batteries (S.643D – Kavanagh / A.7339B – Glick)
Requires battery producers to fund and recycle rechargeable batteries for certain products, including electric bikes and scooters
CCE’s Memo in Support of Expanded Recycling of Rechargeable Batteries

The State and Local Clean Energy Partnership Act (S.6899 – Harckham / A.7371 – Thiele)
Establishes a standard New York State community choice aggregation program for all utility service territories
CCE’s Memo in Support of The State and Local Clean Energy Partnership Act

The Fashion Environmental Accountability Act (S.4746A – Hoylman-Sigal / A.4333B – Kelles)
Requires fashion sellers to be accountable to environmental and social standards across their operations and supply chain
CCE’s Memo in Support of The Fashion Environmental Accountability Act

Increasing New York’s Offshore Wind Goals (S.6327A – Kavanagh / A.7407 – Barrett)
Increases the targets for offshore wind electricity generation incrementally, ultimately up to at least 20,000 MW by 2050
CCE’s Memo in Support of Increasing New York’s Offshore Wind Goals

Ban on Fracking with CO2 (S.8357 – Webb / A.8866 – Kelles)
Extends New York State’s existing ban on high-volume hydraulic fracturing to include the use of carbon dioxide in gas and oil extraction
CCE’s Memo in Support of a Ban on Fracking with CO2

Find Lead Pipes Faster Act (S.9345 – Rivera / A.10311 – Paulin)
Makes it easier and more efficient for utilities to conduct free inspections to identify lead drinking water service lines
CCE’s Memo in Support of Finding Lead Pipes Faster Act

Bigger Better Bottle Bill (S.237B – May / A.6353 – Glick)
Modernizes New York State’s Returnable Container Law by covering additional popular beverage containers, increasing the deposit to 10 cents, increasing the handling fee, and expanding access to bottle redemption
CCE’s Memo in Support of The Bigger Better Bottle Bill

Rain Ready New York (S.8861 – May / A.9435 – Gallagher)
Clarifies that certain water and sewer authorities can take actions to manage stormwater
CCE’s Memo in Support of Rain Ready New York

State Open Space Program Conservation Efficiency (S.6606A – May / A.7372A – Thiele)
Allows the Attorney General to approve title transfers using title insurance for land acquisition for the purpose of land conservation
CCE’s Memo in Support of State Open Space Program Conservation Efficiency

Healthy Homes Right-to-Know Act (S.9105 – Krueger / A.9572A – Solages)
Provides the public with the right to know about harmful emissions by requiring the labeling of gas stoves
CCE’s Memo in Support of Healthy Homes Right-to-Know Act

Local Prohibition of Pesticides on Wetlands (S.9379 – Harckham / A.9712 – Burdick)
Allows local governments that have adopted a local freshwater wetlands protection local law to restrict pesticide use on wetlands they regulate
CCE’s Memo in Support of Local Prohibition of Pesticides on Wetlands

Streamlining Residential Solar Permitting (S.8415 – Harckham / A.9626 – Cunningham)
Requires all municipalities with a population of five thousand or more to implement SolarAPP+ software by 2026, to expedite residential building permits for solar photovoltaic systems and energy storage systems
CCE’s Memo in Support of Streamlining Residential Solar Permitting


CCE’s SFY 2024-25 Budget Priorities Memo

CCE’s Testimony on the SFY 2024-25 budget from February 7, 2024


The New York Clean Water Coalition, led by CCE and comprised of water suppliers, wastewater treatment operators, environmental organizations, environmental justice organizations, and other water stakeholders, works collaboratively to develop a shared agenda for funding, policies, and actions needed to protect clean water in New York State
New York Clean Water Coalition 2024 Shared Agenda for Clean Water