
Skeptics of offshore wind energy have a misguided focus

Skeptics of offshore wind energy have a misguided focus

Skeptics of offshore wind energy are fretting about the wrong things. Instead of finding imaginary faults with wind turbines that will produce renewable energy for Long Island, they should focus on the real threats of fossil fuels.

Palumbo hosts roundtable meeting in Riverhead to discuss environmental issues

Palumbo hosts roundtable meeting in Riverhead to discuss environmental issues

Representatives of environmental groups, community groups and local government officials across eastern Suffolk County turned out for a two-hour, wide-ranging conversation with state legislators Thursday morning in Riverhead. 

Long Island Sound watershed projects get $12M in grants

Long Island Sound watershed projects get $12M in grants

Thirty-nine grants totaling $12 million have been awarded to nonprofit organizations and a municipality working to improve the ecological health of Long Island Sound, federal officials announced Monday.

Citizens Campaign for the Environment and the NY League of Conservation Voters will host a virtual Lunch and Learn: Whale Tales and Whale Facts

DATE:               Thursday, March 30th, 2023

CONTACT:      Adrienne Esposito, Executive Director, 631-384-1378, aesposito@citizenscampaign.org

Learn from the experts about whale’s off of New York’s coast, challenges they are facing and what are some of the causes of recent whale deaths.


Farmingdale, NY - Since 2016, we have witnessed an increase in whale strandings and whale deaths off of America’s shores. These high number of deaths are called a “Unusual Whale Mortality Event”. These endangered species are under threat from several sources, including ship strikes, fishing gear, plastic pollution, and climate change. Unfortunately, misinformation about whale deaths has led to concerns from the public. Join us for facts!  


Join us for this virtual educational forum to hear from experts and learn more about the recent whale strandings and deaths, and what research is being done on the local, state, and federal level to protect whales. Presentations will be followed by Q&A.


When: Tuesday, April 4, 2023, from 12:00pm – 1:00pm zoom


Where: Via Zoom—register here


Who: Speakers include:

•       Adrienne Esposito, Executive Director, Citizens Campaign for the Environment

•       Julie Tighe, President, New York League of Conservation Voters

•       Erica Staaterman, PhD, Bioacoustician,  Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

•       Robert DiGiovanni, Founder and Chief Scientist, Atlantic Marine Conservation Society

•       Meghan Rickard, Marine Zoologist, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

A recording of this webinar can be viewed here.