
Connecticut Needs a “Green” Economic Recovery

Image by 272447 from Pixabay

Image by 272447 from Pixabay

Tell Hartford to Invest in Clean Energy and Reject Dirty Fossil Fuels 

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused catastrophic damage to public health and our economy. Thousands of lives have been lost, unemployment has skyrocketed, and businesses across Connecticut have been forced to close their doors.

 As Connecticut “re-opens,” lawmakers have a unique opportunity to not simply return to business-as-usual; but rather, to build back stronger, healthier, and more environmentally sustainable than ever. Wise investments made now can create good-paying jobs, revitalize local economies, bolster low-income communities, and protect public health. As lawmakers get back to work, they must support a sustainable economic recovery—one that protects our health and invests in our future!

Specific Actions Lawmakers Must Take: 

1. Invest in Renewable Energy and Create Green Jobs

Clean, renewable energy—such as wind and solar—reduces harmful air pollution, combats climate change, and creates good-paying green jobs. Despite this, Connecticut continues to invest in dirty fossil fuel-burning power plants and pipeline infrastructure. This continued reliance on fossil fuels makes our air less safe to breathe, leaves us vulnerable to volatile price spikes, and fuels climate change, which devastates coastal communities and threatens public health. Lawmakers in Hartford must accelerate job creation and non-polluting energy resources by requiring 100% of our electricity to be derived through clean, renewable sources by 2050! 

2. Say No to Dirty Fossil Fuel Infrastructure

Burning fossil fuels creates toxic air pollution, which contributes to serious respiratory health problems for people across Connecticut. Fossil fuels require millions in taxpayer and ratepayer subsidies each year to remain viable—resources that would be better invested in clean, non-polluting, renewable energy. All across our region, states are taking steps to block the construction of interstate oil and gas pipelines and dirty power plants, including New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Connecticut should be a leader in the fight against climate change- and that starts with rejecting new investments in fossil fuel infrastructure.

3. Increase Offshore Wind in Connecticut

Connecticut recently made progress in advancing offshore wind, but much more work remains to be done. CT enacted a law to authorize up to 2,000 megawatts of electricity generated through offshore wind. This would provide enough clean renewable power to meet roughly one-third of the state’s total energy needs. So far, the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) has approved just over 1,000 megawatts of offshore wind. Connecticut should continue to identify opportunities for offshore wind procurement, in order to meet the 2,000 megawatt target as soon as possible.

4. Fully Fund Important Energy Efficiency Programs

The cleanest, safest, and cheapest energy is energy that we don’t use. Connecticut’s Energy Efficiency Fund helps reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, creates jobs, and helps low-income households save money. Unfortunately, this fund has been raided repeatedly in recent years to fill holes in the state budget. Energy efficiency contractors have also suffered tremendous job losses as a result of the COVID-19 shutdown. Lawmakers must support this important industry by fully funding the CT Energy Efficiency Fund!

Email Connecticut’s House and Senate leadership and tell them that you support a green economic recovery for our state!

Thanks for taking action. Together we make a difference!

Your friends at CCE


Photo by from Pexels

Photo by from Pexels

Elected leaders and New York State agencies, including the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), have worked tirelessly throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to protect the health and well-being of New Yorkers—we are very grateful for their continued efforts. 

This public health crisis impacted the state’s ability to enforce certain environmental laws, however; as we “re-open” our state, it is imperative that we move to enforce laws that protect our health and environment. Laws to provide clean air, clean water, and healthy communities are as important now as ever. 

In May, CCE joined with 122 organizations from across the state in calling on the DEC to do three important things:

  1. Enforce the statewide plastic bag ban. While the law took effect on March 1, due to an industry lawsuit, the state extended the start date of enforcing the bag ban until at least June 15. There is no need to delay this any further—the DEC should implement the plastic bag ban as soon as possible.

  2. Inform stores that they cannot prohibit people from using their own reusable bags. CCE has received numerous reports that some stores prohibit consumers from using reusable bags. Reusable bags remain an environmentally friendly, safe, and cost-effective option for the public to use when shopping at the store. Currently, there is no credible peer-reviewed scientific evidence to support the claim that reusable bags contribute to the transmission of COVID-19. Retail employees may ask consumers to pack their own groceries in reusable bags out of an abundance of caution.

  3. Enforce the Bottle Bill*. Adopted in 1982, the Bottle Bill has served as one of NY’s most successful environmental laws. The five-cent deposit on beverage containers has increased recycling, reduced litter, created jobs, and saved energy and natural resources.  Like other bottle deposit states, NY relaxed enforcement to help struggling retail establishments during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The suspension was not due to public health concerns—the DEC states “there is no evidence that suggests that management of residential wastes or recyclables, including returned containers through the Bottle Bill, represents a danger to the public.” Like other bottle deposit states are doing, New York should re-start enforcement as soon as possible.

*Update: As of June 3, 2020, the New York State DEC reinstated enforcement of the Bottle Bill!  If you see covered retail establishments that are out of compliance and not taking back deposit bottles, please let the DEC know by emailing .  

We now need members of the public to join our call for the state to take these critical steps to enforce the statewide plastic bag ban. Send a quick email to Governor Cuomo and the DEC today!

Thank you for taking action!

Your Friends at CCE

Protect our environment and public health—from the safety of your home!

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We are all in this together, and we at CCE understand the importance of respecting social distancing during this public health crisis.  While we have had to temporarily suspend our door-to-door canvass, there are other ways we can continue to organize and keep you involved! 

  1. Visit our website to stay informed and take action on important campaigns.  Sending a quick email to your representatives is an easy and effective way to ensure important environmental campaigns continue to move forward.

  1. Donate online, and help support CCE’s continued work during this uncertain time.  Due to our current limitations with fundraising, this is an excellent way to keep the organization going strong!

  1. Answer a call from our phone canvass organizers.  In addition to door-to-door canvassing, we call our existing membership to thank them for their support, educate them on campaigns, and get them involved in our work through donating and contacting their representatives.  We still have limited staff making these important phone calls—please answer and show your support!

Stay safe and healthy!  Thank you for your support. Together we make a difference!

All of us at CCE

Gala Postponed and New Date Confirmed


Save the Date: September 9, 2020

From all of us at CCE, we hope that you and your families continue to stay safe and healthy.  Due to the ongoing public health crisis caused by COVID-19, we have postponed our annual Environmental Equinox Awards Gala, which was originally scheduled for May 21. The event has now been rescheduled for September 9, 2020, at The Piermont in Babylon, NY. Please save the date and look for an official invitation coming your way in early summer.

 Thank you for your ongoing support during these difficult times! 

Your friends at CCE

Good News Alert: Big Victories for our Environment!

Good News Alert: Big Victories for our Environment!

Big Wins for the Environment in the NYS Budget!

Good news is very hard to find these days. That’s why we take great pleasure in providing you some very good news—the New York State budget has been finalized, and it is delivering major victories for our environment and public health! We are grateful to Governor Cuomo and legislative leaders for showing true leadership and continuing to lead on environmental protection during the current public health crisis.

Our Work to Protect Our Environment and Health Carries On…

Our Work to Protect Our Environment and Health Carries On…

As we practice social distancing, largely from our homes, we are constantly reminded of how important our work continues to be. Drinking water from our kitchen tap, using personal care products (without toxic chemicals), and visiting local parks to get fresh air and exercise—all demonstrate that our work to protect public health and the environment is as important as ever.

Keep Toxic “Forever Chemicals” Out of Our Water


Lawmakers in Hartford must adopt critical measures to keep PFAS out of our water and bodies. Email elected leaders today and tell them to protect our drinking water from PFAS contamination and to ban PFAS in food packaging and firefighting foam!

What are PFAS?

Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) refers to a suite of synthetic chemicals used in many household and industrial products, including firefighting foam, food packaging, and numerous water-resistant, stain-proof, and nonstick products. Unfortunately, PFAS chemicals are a threat to human health and are being found in drinking water supplies in CT and across the nation.

An Emerging Threat to Public Health

PFAS are referred to as “forever chemicals” due to their persistence in our environment and our bodies. According to the CDC, PFAS are present in the bloodstream of 98% of American adults. Research shows that PFAS chemicals contribute to thyroid problems, adverse developmental effects, higher cholesterol levels and decreased immune response in children. The U.S. EPA has indicated that PFAS may contribute to kidney and testicular cancers.

Contaminating Connecticut’s Drinking Water & Environment

From 2013-2015, the EPA required 40 public water systems in CT to test for PFAS chemicals, including PFOA and PFOS. These chemicals were not detected above federal reporting limits; however, emerging science indicates these chemicals present a serious public health risk, even at very low levels. Several states have taken steps to advance drinking water standards for PFAS well below current federal reporting limits in order to protect public health. More recently, private drinking water wells in Greenwich and Willimantic, CT were found to have high levels of PFAS, prompting state officials to issue “do not drink” orders for residents.

PFAS chemicals are also being discharged into our waterways from wastewater treatment plants and septic systems. In 2018, researchers at UCONN tested twelve sewage treatment plants in CT, and found that 100% of those plants were discharging PFAS chemicals into local waterways that eventually drain into LI Sound.

CT Must Take Action to Protect our Water and Health from PFAS

With the chemical industry pushing back against any meaningful action to protect public health and the environment from PFAS, it is imperative that our elected officials stand up for our health and environment and adopt the following measures:


  • Ban PFAS in Food Packaging
    PFAS are widely used in food packaging for their stain and grease repellent properties. Scientific studies show that food packaging is one of the most common ways humans are exposed to PFAS chemicals. Currently, there are no state or federal regulations on the use of short-chain PFAS in food service packaging, and there is no way for consumers to know if their food is packaged using PFAS. The only way to ensure PFAS are not contaminating our food and beverages is to ban them in food packaging.

  •  Ban PFAS in Firefighting Foam
    In June of 2019, more than 20,000 gallons of firefighting foam containing PFAS escaped into the Farmington River following an accidental discharge at Bradley Airport. The spill prompted CT DEEP to issue a fishing ban in the lower Farmington River. CT DEEP estimates more than 24,000 gallons of PFAS-containing firefighting foam is stockpiled at fire departments and airport hangars around the State. PFAS-free foams are effective and readily available for use—Connecticut should prohibit the use of firefighting foams containing PFAS chemicals, wherever possible.

  •  Adopt Strong Drinking Water Standards for PFAS
    Regrettably, there is no federal drinking water standard established for PFAS chemicals in drinking water.  Many states are stepping up to protect the health of residents by adopting their own drinking water standards. New science is revealing that even extremely low levels of exposure to PFOA and PFOS may cause health effects, such as immune suppression and serious developmental impairments. CT must set drinking water standards as low as possible. It is technologically feasible to treat water supplies down to a combined Maximum Contamination Level (MCL) of 2 parts per trillion (ppt) for PFOA and PFOS, using activated carbon filtration technology. In order to adequately protect public health, Connecticut should adopt a combined MCL of 2ppt for PFOA and PFOS.

Email Connecticut House and Senate leadership today!

Thanks for taking action. Together we make a difference!

Your friends at CCE


Join us for a Jones Beach Cleanup and the Unveiling of “Jonesy the Whale”


Jonesy is a 32-foot, 2,500 pound metal sculpture designed to educate the public to fight plastic pollution in our Ocean!


Plastic pollutes our beaches, bays, and harbors; and is harmful to fish, turtles, birds, and other wildlife.  Help us to combat plastic pollution by participating in a beach cleanup and the unveiling of a giant whale metal sculpture.  This event brings together art and environmental activism.


Citizens Campaign for the Environment and Atlantic Marine Conservation Society will be joining Governor Cuomo and a coalition of water protection advocates for beach cleanup followed by a press event unveiling Jonesy the Whale, a 3D art instillation crafted from mesh metal. We will be filling Jonesy with the plastic pollution we collect. The end result will be a large-scale sculpture of the whale, which will symbolize the hazards of marine debris and serve as a reminder for the public to never leave garbage on the beach!

Please RSVP to or 631.317.0030 to participate in the beach cleanup.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Beach Cleanup: 9:30 a.m.

Press Conference and Sculpture Unveiling: 11:00 a.m.

Jones Beach State Park, East Bathouse, Wantagh, NY

Thank you for joining us!
Your friends at CCE


Tell Congress to Keep our Ocean Canyons & Seamounts Protected


The Northeast Canyons and Seamounts were designated as a Marine National Monument in 2016. This national treasure consists of five underwater canyons and four mountains, or seamounts. Its unique geological landscape is the only one of its kind in U.S. Atlantic waters, and it carries tremendous ecological value. Unfortunately, this underwater wonder is one of several protected areas in jeopardy of being opened to industry as part of the federal government’s attack on National Monuments.

An Underwater Marvel

This rare underwater monument is located about 150 miles off Cape Cod, and it covers an area about the size of the State of Connecticut. Its three largest canyons are deeper than the Grand Canyon, and its seamounts are higher than any mountain peak east of the Colorado Rockies.

This deep-water region is a hotspot for an incredible abundance of sea life, including rare, centuries old corals, squid, finfish and marine mammals. A 2018 aerial survey observed more than 600 whales and dolphins feeding in the area. Some whale species documented in the monument include endangered sperm whales and the rare North Atlantic right whale. These ocean canyons have even become a fertile breeding ground for plankton and forage fish, which may help squid and tuna fisheries outside of the monument.

Marine Science Opportunities Abound

The Northeast Ocean Canyons and Seamounts are protected against offshore drilling, commercial fishing, and other activities that can adversely impact the marine ecosystem—although scientific research is permitted. The rich diversity of sea life there makes the area a virtual treasure trove for marine biologists seeking to study sea life in an environment untouched by human disturbances. More than 950 different marine species have been identified within the monument, and new species are discovered with each expedition. If protected, the monument can provide us with valuable marine science data for generations to come!

Threats from Washington

The U.S. Dept. of Interior has recommended rolling back protections for the monument, along with dozens of others across the United States. Additionally, pressure from the commercial fishing industry to lift the fishing ban in the monument has grown in recent years, and some members of congress have signaled their support for easing restrictions in this area. Rolling back protections could reintroduce the threat of offshore drilling, commercial fishing, and other harmful activities in and around the monument.

Protect Our Marine National Monument: Tell Congress to Support the Antiquities Act of 2019

The Antiquities Act was passed by Congress and signed by President Roosevelt in 1906. It gives the president the authority to create national monuments on public lands that are deemed to have significant cultural, scientific, and conservation value. The Antiquities Act of 2019 would strengthen protections for national monuments by clarifying that no national monument designation can be undone without an act of congress. Additionally, it creates a National Monument Enhancement Fund that can be used for maintaining and enhancing national monuments protected under this act.

Congress must fight to maintain protections our marine national monument, but they need to know Connecticut and New York residents care about our ocean canyons and seamounts!

Contact your U.S. Senators today:

In Connecticut:
Senator Richard Blumenthal
Senator Christopher Murphy

 In New York State:
Senator Charles Schumer
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

Feel free to cut and paste the following message in your message to CT Senators:


I am writing to express my strong support for protecting the Northeast Canyons & Seamounts National Monument, and to urge you to keep this natural treasure protected. Please cosponsor and support passage of the Antiquities Act of 2019, which ensures that no president can undo protections on our National Monuments without approval of Congress.

Our Ocean Canyons and Seamounts are a virtual treasure trove of rare and endangered marine species. Congress must act to ensure this underwater marvel remains protected for generations to come!

Thank you for your consideration.  Please respond in writing with your position.

Central New York: Heat Your Home Without Fossil Fuels


Upcoming HeatSmart CNY Events Near You!

HeatSmart CNY has several FREE upcoming events in Central New York. Registration and additional information for these events can be found on HeatSmart CNY’s website.

  • Cortland Open House Sun, May 26 - 2:00pm, 3996 Crestwood Court, Cortland, NY 13045

  • Homer Renewable Heating and Cooling Workshop Wed, June 5 - 6:30pm, Center for the Arts of Homer, 72 S Main St. homer, NY 13077

  • Truxton Open House Sun, June 9- 2:00pm, 6635 Morgan Hill Rd, Truxton, NY 13158

  • Preble Open House Sun, June 30 – 2:00pm, 1981 Preble Rd, Preble, NY 13141

  • Tully Presentation Mon, July 8 – 5:00pm 12 State St, Tully NY 13159   

Geothermal heating systems are a great way to heat your home or business without using fossil fuels. About a third of greenhouse gas emissions in CNY come from heating homes. Switching to a geothermal system could not only reduce your carbon footprint, but also save you some money. Fossil fuels can be expensive in comparison to the natural heat that geothermal systems capture from underground.

HeatSmart CNY is a grassroots community initiative to support residents and businesses in exploring ways to improve the efficiency of their buildings, including air source, ground source, and hot water heat pump technologies. To learn more about geothermal technologies, join us at upcoming HeatSmart events. If you own a home or business in Cayuga, Cortland, Madison, Onondaga, or Oswego Counties, you can sign up for a free, no obligation energy assessment!

How does geothermal work?
Really, it’s quite simple. Pumps bring air up from an underground pipe system where the temperature is constant regardless of the weather. Then this air is pushed through air vents in the house much like it would be in a furnace heating system. The temperature underground is relatively warm in the winter, and cool in the summer so a geothermal system can keep your house comfortable all year long!

Thank you for taking action. Together we make a difference!

All of Us at CCE

Join us for a beach cleanup at Sunken Meadow State Park and the unveiling of the first metal sculpture teaching tool in NYS

Unveiling of “Shelley the Sea Turtle”

A 6-foot metal sculpture designed to educate the public to fight plastic pollution in Long Island Sound!


Plastic pollutes our beaches, bays, and harbors; and is harmful to fish, turtles, birds, and other wildlife.  Help us to combat plastic pollution by participating in a beach cleanup and the unveiling of a giant sea turtle metal sculpture.  This event brings together art and environmental activism. Citizens Campaign for the Environment and Atlantic Marine Conservation Society are hosting a beach cleanup at Sunken Meadow State Park, followed by the unveiling of Shelley the Sea Turtle, a 3D art instillation crafted from mesh metal and will be filled with the plastic pollution we collect.

 The end result will be a large-scale sculpture of a sea turtle, which will symbolize the hazards of marine debris and serve as a reminder for the public to never leave garbage on the beach! Please RSVP to or 631.317.0030 to participate in the beach cleanup.


  • Sunday June 2, 2019

  • Beach Cleanup: 9:30 a.m.

  • Press Rally and Sculpture Unveiling: 11:00 a.m.


Sunken Meadow State Park, Kings Park, NY 11754
Field # 1

Thank you for your support. Together we make a difference!
All of Us at CCE 

Modernize the Bottle Bill!

Help Increase Recycling in Connecticut
Tell Hartford Lawmakers to Modernize Connecticut’s Bottle Bill!

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Connecticut’s Container Deposit Law (aka “the Bottle Bill) is a proven, effective way to incentive recycling and keep our communities clean and litter free. Unfortunately, Connecticut’s container recycling program has not been updated in over 30 years and as a result, our redemption rate is now the lowest of any Bottle Bill state!

The CGA Finance, Revenue & Bonding committee recently advanced legislation (HB 7294) that would help modernize the Bottle Bill, by expanding the program to include juices, teas and other non-carbonated beverages not currently covered by the law. Additionally, the bill would better incentive recycling by raising the deposit value on covered containers from 5 to 10 cents.

This is an important step forward, but now we need you to contact House leadership and urge them to bring this important legislation out for a vote as soon as possible!

Modernizing the CT Bottle Bill would benefit our communities and the environment:

  • States that have container deposit programs recycle PET plastic, glass and aluminum at more than twice the rate of states that do not.

  • The container deposit saves taxpayers money on recycling, at a time when municipal recycling costs are skyrocketing out of control. Experts estimate the Bottle Bill saves CT municipalities more than $2 million/year in recycling costs.

  • By expanding the Bottle Bill to include juices, teas and other non-carbonated soft drinks, Connecticut could increase container recycling by more than 100 million bottles and cans each year.

  • Expanding the Bottle Bill program helps create green jobs in our state!

Thank you for taking action.

All of us at CCE




Please Join Us: “Keeping Plastics Out of Long Island Sound”

Learn About the Impact of Plastics on our Marine Environment & What We Can Do to Prevent Plastic Pollution

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Plastic pollution is a growing threat to our waterways globally and to our marine life locally.  An estimated 267 species of marine and avian life—including including whales, turtles, seals, shorebirds, and dolphins that populate the Long Island Sound and surrounding NY waters—are  impacted by our addiction to throw-away plastics.

What we can we do to protect marine life and keep plastics out of Long Island Sound?

Join us for a free educational forum to hear leading experts in the field discuss impacts of  plastic pollution on our wildlife, water, and communities.  Find out how you can get involved in the fight against plastic pollution.

RSVP for “Keeping Plastics out of Long Island Sound” here.

When: Thursday, April 25, from 7:00-9:00pm

Where: Huntington Town Hall, 100 Main Street, Huntington, NY


  • Introduction by Huntington Town Supervisor Chad Lupinacci

  • Rob DiGiovanni, Atlantic Marine Conservation Society

  • Christina Manto, Wildlife Conservation Society

  • Adrienne Esposito, Citizens Campaign for the Environment

Thank you for joining us!  Together we make a difference.

 Your friends at CCE

Help Combat Plastic Pollution in Connecticut

Tell Hartford lawmakers to ban single-use plastic bags for good!

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Connecticut, like many places across our nation and the globe, has a growing concern about pollution caused by single-use plastic bags. Plastic shopping bags are costly, environmentally harmful, and completely unnecessary. They are typically used for an average of 12 minutes, but have impacts on our environment that last for generations.

It is estimated that nearly a billion plastic bags are used in Connecticut every year! The free distribution of single-use checkout bags comes with significant economic and environmental costs to Connecticut:

  1. Littering our Communities: Plastic bags litter in our parks, beaches, roads, and waterways; costing taxpayers millions each year to clean them up.

  2. Polluting Waterways and Harming Wildlife: Plastic bags never fully break down. Instead, they break up into tiny microplastics, which are frequently mistaken for food by aquatic wildlife. At least 267 marine and avian species are adversely impacted by pollution from plastic bags!

  3. Damaging Municipal Infrastructure: Plastic bags are easily swept into storm drains where they lead to severe blockages, causing infrastructure damage and localized flooding. Plastic bags also frequently end up in the curbside recycling bin, where they become entangled in recycling equipment, creating costly delays for municipal recyclers and wasting taxpayer money.

Paper Bags Are Not the Solution

Unfortunately, paper bags also carry their own adverse impacts on our environment. Paper bags require cutting down approximately 14 million trees annually in the U.S., and they require large amounts of energy and fresh water to produce. Additionally, they take up more space in the municipal solid waste stream than plastic bags, and do nothing to change the throw-away culture that plastic bags perpetuate. Connecticut needs a policy that does not replace one disposable bag with another, but instead encourages consumers to bring their own bags!

Tell Hartford Lawmakers to Pass a Bag Ban for the 21st Century!

Proposed legislation in CT (SB 1003) would ban plastic checkout bags in Connecticut, without addressing paper bags. This is a good first step, but it can create an unintended consequence—encouraging consumers to switch to paper bag use, which also adversely impacts our environment. The goal is not to switch from plastic to paper; the goal is to switch from single-use bags to reusable bags!We need you to tell legislative leaders to ban plastic bags and also include a charge on paper bags.

Join Us to Celebrate 34 Years of Grassroots Advocacy!

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CCE's Board of Directors Invites You to Our Annual Gala
Join Us to Celebrate 34 Years of Grassroots Advocacy!

Join us for our Environmental Equinox Awards Gala to celebrate more than three decades of grassroots accomplishments and our special honorees:

Estee Lauder

CCE is honoring Estee Lauder for their dedication in fighting climate change by investing in clean, renewable energy.

Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone

CCE is honoring County Executive Bellone for his dedication to protecting our drinking water and our harbors, beaches, and bays.

  • When: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 6:30pm–10:30pm

  • Where: The Piermont, 494 Fire Island Avenue, Babylon, NY

Individual tickets are $175. Sponsorships are also available. Please contact Maureen at 516-390-7150, or download the registration form for registration information.

The equinox is the time of year when the sun crosses the equator and the length of the day equals the length of the night on all parts of the earth. The equinox is a symbol of achieving environmental and societal harmony.

Thank you for your support. Together we make a difference!


All of Us at CCE

Tell Hartford Lawmakers to Ban Single-Use Plastics for Good!

Tell Hartford Lawmakers to Ban Single-Use Plastics for Good!

More than 40% of the plastics in use today are only used once before being discarded. Single-use plastics such as bags, straws, stirrers, tableware, carryout containers, and foam cups don’t biodegrade once they enter the environment—instead they break down into tiny pieces, which are frequently mistaken for food and ingested by fish and other aquatic wildlife.

Tell NYS to Increase Clean Water Investments!

Tell NYS to Increase Clean Water Investments!

Aging and failing sewage infrastructure discharges raw sewage into local waterways, jeopardizing human health, closing beaches, harming fish and wildlife, and damaging local economies. Drinking water infrastructure is also in a state of constant disrepair, with communities facing ever-increasing water main breaks every year and numerous "boil water advisories" due to contaminated drinking water.