Highlights & Happenings

Highlights and Happenings: January 2023


Image by planet_fox from Pixabay

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Pushing for our Environmental Priorities in the NYS Budget
We were in Albany for Governor Hochul’s 2023 State of the State address and were thrilled to see some of our top priorities for the year highlighted and included in the Governor’s budget proposal. We’ll be in Albany for the next few months urging our Assembly and Senate members to include some of our key priorities in the final budget, including:

  • Waste Reduction and Recycling: Ensures that manufacturers, not taxpayers, pay for the cost of recycling product packaging. This will help to cut plastic pollution, increase recycling, and save local governments money.

  • PFAS Cleanup: Provides $60 million to local governments to clean up toxic “forever chemicals” and protect drinking water.

  • Environmental Protection Fund (EPF): We are pushing for at least $400 million in the EPF, including robust funding to support protection of our ocean, Great Lakes, and estuaries.

  • Clean Water Funding: We are pushing for a billion dollar investment in much-needed clean water infrastructure improvements, including upgrading sewer systems, treating drinking water for emerging contaminants, replacing lead pipes, and more.


Transitioning to Offshore Wind
New York is poised to be a national leader in offshore wind, with five wind farms already selected and a mandate of 9,000MW of offshore wind by 2035. This will not only bring environmental and health benefits to our communities but will also create thousands of jobs and make NY a hub of offshore wind development. January saw some more big milestones for offshore wind:

  • Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) released a draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Sunrise Wind. This project, located approximately 30 miles off Montauk, will generate 924 MW of energy and power nearly 600,000 Long Island homes via a cable connection to the Holbrook substation. We attended a series of public hearings in January; thanks to all who joined and spoke up for wind!

  • BOEM hosted three public meetings on the DEIS for the Empire Wind project, which will power over a million homes throughout NYC and Nassau County. Thanks to all who joined and spoke up in favor of wind, and everyone who submitted written comments in January.

  • NYS hosted public meetings last month on the Beacon Wind project as part of their Article VII permitting process. The Beacon Wind project will be located approximately 60 miles off the coast of Montauk and will generate 1,230MW of energy, enough to power over 600,000 homes in NYC. If you missed it, you can submit written comments until February 17th.

Move School Away from the Brookhaven Landfill
Last month we stood with Javien Coleman’s mother as she announced a lawsuit against South Country Central School District and the Town of Brookhaven. Her son sadly passed away at age 13 from cancer after being exposed to toxics, such as TCE and benzene. Javien went to Frank P. Long Intermediate School, which is adjacent to the landfill and has a history of air quality and health issues in the community. We are strongly urging the school board to move the school in order to protect students and teachers. The school has been featured in the documentary “Sick School” on Netflix.

Protecting Pollinators from Toxic Pesticides
We are working to protect our pollinators from toxic neonicotinoid (neonics) pesticides throughout New York. Neonics decimate pollinator populations, contaminate water resources, and harm human health. In January, we joined our partners for a statewide virtual lobby day in support of the Birds and Bees Protection Act. We met with New York elected officials to discuss the importance of banning certain uses of neonics which pose the highest risks to pollinators. This is one of our top priorities for 2023 and we’ll be in Albany in the following months fighting to get this crucial bill passed this year.

Patchogue Gets a Living Shoreline
We had a great time with our partners at the Protecting the Environment in Patchogue (PEP) committee, Suffolk County Executive Bellone, and Secretary of State Rodriguez celebrating the groundbreaking of the largest “living shoreline” on the south shore of Long Island. This $5 million project will help to protect the coast from flooding as it acts as a buffer and reef for different species. We hope to see more projects like this on Long Island and across the state!

Kicking off the LI Sound High School Summit
We were busy in January providing presentations to participating students for this year’s Long Island Sound High School Summit. We have 8 Long Island schools participating and are currently developing projects that they will present at the Summit in May. Students’ projects aim to advance protection and restoration of Long Island Sound and this year include researching how light pollution impacts crabs, conducting water quality monitoring in local embayments, studying the impacts of plastic pollution on local beaches, and more. We are excited to see all the great projects! Thank you to the Long Island Sound Study and the Long Island Sound Futures Funding for their generous support of this program.

Highlights and Happenings: December 2022


Image by katerinavulcova from Pixabay

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Victories! Governor Hochul Signs Key Environmental Legislation into Law in NY
We had a very productive 2022, with several critical bills to protect New York’s environment and public health being signed into law. Thank you to Governor Hochul for signing these important bills into law in December:

  • 30 by 30: Sets a state goal of conserving 30% of NY’s land and water by 2030

  • Carpet Recycling: Mandates that manufacturers, not taxpayers, fund recycling programs for carpets and bans dangerous PFAS chemicals in carpets

  • Making Polluters Pay: Requires companies that have contaminated drinking water with 1,4-dixoane, PFAS, and other toxic chemicals to pay the full cost of cleanup and installation of water treatment technologies.

  • Cumulative Impacts: Prevents the approval of environmental facilities, such as waste

    management facilities, that would pollute in already overburdened disadvantaged communities.

  • Ban on PFAS chemicals in clothing: New York joins California in being the first two states to ban PFAS “forever chemicals” in clothing

  • Green Cemeteries: Allows natural organic reduction facilities that decompose bodies into soil as an eco-friendly alternative to burial or cremation

Unfortunately, a bill that would increase protection for small streams was not signed this year, but we will keep pushing forward with streams protection and other priority legislation, including banning neonic pesticides and reducing waste & improving recycling in 2023!

Tackling PFAS Contamination
We were hard at work advocating for NYS to adopt more stringent drinking water standards for PFAS— highly toxic chemicals that persist in our environment and are found in waterways throughout the nation. Last month, we launched a new interactive map that shows widespread PFAS contamination on Long Island in drinking water.
This data was compiled using 2021 annual drinking water quality reports. Our interactive map has become a meaningful educational tool for the public with over 800,000 views! If you haven’t yet, check out the map to see if there is PFAS in your drinking water district and get involved in our campaign to require stricter state drinking water standards for these toxic “forever chemicals.”

Final Federal Budget a Victory for the Great Lakes!
Late in December, Congress passed the final FY2023 federal budget, which contained victories for programs critical to the health of the Great Lakes. Highlights include $368 million for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, $3 million to continue a study on how to make Great Lakes coastal communities more resilient to flooding and extreme weather, and $2.76 billion for drinking water and wastewater infrastructure programs.


Transitioning to Offshore Wind
New York has become a national leader in offshore wind, with five wind farms already selected and a mandate of 9,000 MW of offshore wind by 2035. This will bring environmental and health benefits to our communities and will also create thousands of jobs and make NY a hub of offshore wind development. December saw some more big milestones for offshore wind:

  • The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) released a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Sunrise Wind. This offshore wind project, located approximately 30 miles off Montauk, will generate 924 MW of energy and power nearly 600,000 Long Island homes via a cable connection to the Holbrook substation. There are a series of public hearings in January, we hope you can join and voice your support for wind.

  • BOEM hosted three public meetings on the DEIS for the Empire Wind project, which will power over a million homes throughout NYC and Nassau County. Thanks to all who joined and spoke up in favor of wind, and if you missed the opportunity to comment at the hearings, BOEM is still accepting comments through January 17th.

  • CCE and Equinor, the developer of the Empire Wind projects, co-hosted two well attended community meetings. The first one in Island Park in November, followed by Long Beach in December.

  • NYS announced plans to host public meetings on January 19th and 24th on the Beacon Wind project as part of their Article VII permitting process. The Beacon Wind project will be located approximately 60 miles off the coast of Montauk and will generate 1,230MW of energy, enough to power over 600,000 homes in NYC.

Protecting the South Shore Estuary Reserve
In December, we hosted the first South Shore Estuary Reserve (SSER) Legislative Breakfast in preparation for the 2023- 2024 NYS legislative session. The event brought together environmental experts and policy makers for presentations and discussions highlighting SSER program successes and to advance next steps needed to restore water quality in our bays, harbors, and estuary. This year, we will be in Albany fighting to increase funding for this crucial estuary, which spans from the Western Bays to Southampton along the south shore of Long Island.

Highlights and Happenings: October 2022


Image by Julia Hanf from Pixabay

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Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Bond Act 
On November 8th, New Yorkers will have the opportunity to vote on Prop 1: The Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Bond Act. If enacted, the Bond Act will allocate $4.2 billion to a variety of critical environmental programs and projects that will protect drinking water and upgrade infrastructure, protect communities from extreme weathers, conserve open space, and fight climate change. We are working around the state to educate the public on the benefits of this important funding and reminding everyone to vote yes on Prop 1. In October, we joined our partners, community stakeholders, and environmentalists for a series of press conferences and rallies in support of the Bond Act. On Long Island, we joined Students for Climate Action, water suppliers, business owners, farmers and more for a great rally on Halloween. In Buffalo, we joined environmental partners and labor leaders for a rally at Canalside. We also hosted a Lunch and Learn on the importance of the Bond Act with The Nature Conservancy and NY League of Conservation Voters. This November, make sure you vote yes on Prop 1! 

Investing in Workforce Training and Education for Long Island’s Offshore Wind Future 
New York is poised to be a national leader in offshore wind, with five wind farms already selected and a mandate of 9,000MW of offshore wind by 2035. This will not only bring environmental and health benefits to our communities but will also allow us to create thousands of jobs and make NY a hub of offshore wind development. To get ready for this new industry, a National Offshore Wind Training Center will be opening in Brentwood, Long Island. Last month, we stood with our union partners and Governor Kathy Hochul to announce the site of the $10 million National Offshore Wind Training Center and $9 million in grants for workforce training initiatives! 


Congressional Candidate Climate Change Chats 
Long Island is on the front lines of climate change. Our Congressional representatives from Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4 have a crucial role to play in ensuring protections for our coastal communities, local economy, and environment. In October, we joined Students for Climate Action (S4CA) and the Citizens Climate Lobby to talk with several Long Island candidates running for Congress and learn how to plan to address climate change if they are elected. The event features interviews with Jackie Gordon, Andrew Garbarino, Laura Gillen, Robert Zimmerman, and Bridget Fleming, so make sure to check it out. 

Developing a Shared Vision for Clean Water in New York 
For the sixth year in a row, we convened a diverse group of stakeholders from around the state for our annual Clean Water Roundtable. This group of environmental leaders, water suppliers, wastewater treatment operators, environmental justice organizations, construction contractors, and other stakeholders work together to develop a list of shared priorities for clean water in New York State. Roundtable participants heard from agencies and experts who gave presentations on drinking and wastewater infrastructure needs, emerging contaminants, source water protection, and lead drinking water pipes. Based on the presentation and subsequent discussion, we will be creating a collaborative action plan our diverse group can work together to achieve in 2023, so stay tuned! 

Working with Advocates from around the Great Lakes to Advance Restoration 
We joined with hundreds of advocates from all the Great Lakes states for the annual Healing Our Waters Great Lakes Conference, held in Milwaukee. We celebrated our recent success of a billion dollar federal investment in the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, but also planned ahead for 2023, when we will be fighting for additional GLRI funding, investments in upgrading water infrastructure, equitable investments that benefit disadvantaged communities, and more! 

How Was Long Island’s Water Quality for Summer 2022? 
Want to know more about the health of Long Island's waters this year? We joined Dr. Chris Gobler, The Nature Conservancy, and Friends of the Bay for the release of the summer 2022 water quality map. This summer, we saw an unprecedented number of fish kills and are seeing worse harmful algal blooms in our bays and estuaries due to the combo of nitrogen pollution and climate change. However, there is good news. In places like western LI Sound, we are once again seeing a much smaller dead zone and improved water quality due to upgrades to sewage treatment plants. We have a problem, but we have solutions too—we must reduce nitrogen from sewage and septics to restore our bays, lakes, and harbors. You can learn more about this summer’s water quality impairments and see the map here. 

Preserving Plum Island 
We have fought for years to preserve Plum Island; an 840 acre, largely undeveloped island in Long Island Sound that serves as a critical habitat for birds and has tremendous ecological value. We are urging the Biden administration to designate Plum Island as a National Monument, ensuring that wildlife is protected, cultural and historical values are maintained, and people are able to enjoy this unique ecosystem for generations to come. If you haven’t yet, send an email to the administration in support of permanently preserving Plum Island. 

Protecting Our Coastlines 
As part of the Inflation Reduction Act, there will be upcoming opportunities for local municipalities to invest in coastal resiliency, shoreline restoration, and protection of local bays, harbors, and estuaries. We had a great press event last month with U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer, the Town of Hempstead, and Operation SPLASH to highlight the importance of these funding options for Long Island municipalities, particularly as we recognize the 10th anniversary of Superstorm Sandy. 

Remembering Superstorm Sandy 
On the 10th anniversary of Superstorm Sandy, we joined Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone and other key stakeholders to tour Smiths Point Marina on Long Island. This area was severely damaged during the storm, along with much of the coastline throughout the south shore. The county has just completed restoring 80 acres of marshland in this critical area, and overall has restored nearly 400 acres of wetlands and natural buffers along south shore Suffolk County. Projects like these, which bolster natural buffers against storms and sea level rise, are necessary to protect coastal homes, combat flooding, and reduce pollution to our local bays and harbors. 

Dedication of Crab Meadow Beach 
This summer, the Huntington Town Board unanimously accepted a plan 10 years in the making to protect the environmental asset known as the Crab Meadow Watershed. The Crab Meadow Watershed Hydrology Study and Stewardship Plan studied this unique and special area of glacially formed features that drains into Long Island Sound. The Crab Meadow Beach, in addition to be a crucial Long Island Sound Stewardship Area, is beloved by the local community. In October, Crab Meadow Beach was dedicated to former Huntington Town Supervisor Frank Petrone for his commitment to environmental protection. It was a beautiful event – congratulations again to Supervisor Petrone. 

Highlights and Happenings: September 2022


Image by lisa runnels from Pixabay

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Celebrating our Annual Equinox Gala 
We had an amazing night celebrating 37 years of grassroots accomplishments with our partners, supporters, and friends at our annual Equinox Gala. This year we were overjoyed to honor Matthew Aracich, President of the Long Island Building and Construction Trades, for his work promoting offshore wind and fighting climate change; and Charles Vigliotti, President of American Organic Energy, for his leadership in food waste recycling and his work to reduce solid waste in New York. A huge thank you to everyone who came out and made the night so unforgettable! 


Prop 1: NY’s Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Bond Act 
On November 8th, New Yorkers will have the opportunity to vote on Prop 1: The Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Bond Act. If enacted, the Bond Act will allocate $4.2 billion to a variety of critical environmental programs and projects from Buffalo to Long Island that will protect drinking water and upgrade infrastructure, protect communities from flooding and extreme weather, conserve open space and family farms, and fight climate change. We are working around the state to educate the public on the benefits of this important funding and reminding everyone to flip your ballot in November and vote on Prop 1. In September, we joined our Senate and Assembly members, Long Island elected officials, labor leaders, community stakeholders, and environmentalists for a press conference and rally in support of the Bond Act. This month, we are also going to be hosting a Lunch and Learn on the importance of the Bond Act on October 18th from 12:00pm -1:00pm. Register for the zoom forum today. 

Combatting ‘Forever Chemicals’ in NY 
The EPA has indicated that there is no safe level of exposure to PFAS chemicals in drinking water. Hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers live in communities that discovered PFOA, PFOS, and other PFAS chemicals in their water, but at levels below NY's current and proposed standards—meaning that these communities are not required to clean up their water. In September, we joined environmental groups, public health advocates, and community leaders to call on the NYS Department of Health and Governor Hochul to strengthen standards for harmful PFAS chemicals in drinking water. 

Talking about Long Island’s Offshore Wind Future 
Last month we co-hosted the Offshore Wind Developers Meet and Greet Networking Forum with the NY League of Conservation Voters and the New York Offshore Wind Alliance. The event brought together 80 stakeholders—community leaders, labor, businesses, environmental groups, civic organizations, elected officials, and academics—with the wind developers that have projects and/or leases off the coast of New York. Updates were provided by Equinor on the Empire and Beacon Wind Projects, Ørsted on the Sunrise and South Fork projects, and each of the six companies that acquired offshore wind area leases in the New York Bight earlier this year. It was beneficial to have all the developers and so many key decision makers and wind advocates together in one room to get to know one another and to discuss the future of offshore wind for Long Island. Thank you everyone that joined us! 

Protecting Crab Meadow Watershed on Long Island 
This summer, the Huntington Town Board unanimously accepted a plan 10 years in the making to protect the environmental asset known as the Crab Meadow Watershed. The Crab Meadow Watershed Hydrology Study and Stewardship Plan studied this unique and special area of glacially formed features that drains into Long Island Sound. The Crab Meadow Watershed is designated as a “Long Island Sound Stewardship Area,” meaning that a high level of protection is needed. We stood with local residents to urge the Huntington Town Board to act now to protect this special coastal resource and not continue to approve development that will further degrade it. 

Restoring the South Shore Estuary Reserve 
Last month, New York released an updated Comprehensive Management Plan for the South Shore Estuary Reserve, which spans the Western Bays to Shinnecock Bay along the south shore of Long Island. This document will drive protection efforts to restore water quality in our bays and to combat nitrogen pollution, climate change, harmful algal blooms, and more. We joined New York Department of State Deputy Secretary of State Kisha Santiago Martinez and our friends at Seatuck, The Nature Conservancy, and Operation Splash for the release of this crucial plan and to take a boat tour of the beautiful SSER bays. 

Preserving the Long Pond Greenbelt 
PSEG has proposed to drill an underground 69kv transmission cable through Long Pond Greenbelt, a preserved ecologically diverse area which is home to critical vernal ponds, wetlands, and habitat. Millions of dollars have been spent to protect this important resource, which is considered a jewel of the community and a critical public resource. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement for this proposal includes an alternate route, which would leave Long Pond Greenbelt preserved and untouched. In September, we joined community leaders and Southampton residents to urge PSEG to choose this alternate route and protecting the Long Pond Greenbelt. 

Educating Visitors at the New York Aquarium 
We were thrilled to join the Wildlife Conservation Society at the New York Aquarium in Coney Island for the Blue Beacon Dive into Hudson Canyon event. We had a great time visiting the aquarium and talking to visitors about our work on offshore wind, reducing plastic pollution, the Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Bond Act and more. 

Highlights and Happenings: August 2022


Image by Pexels from Pixabay

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Victory! U.S. Passes Historic Climate and Energy Bill into Law  
After a long campaign by CCE and partners across the nation, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, which undoubtedly represents the most significant action that our nation has taken to fight climate change. The investments made under this law will help the U.S. reduce greenhouse gas emissions 40% by 2030, while increasing clean renewable energy, creating hundreds of thousands of good-paying jobs, providing clean transportation in disadvantaged communities, supporting sustainable farming, and lowering energy costs for all Americans. Thank you to our Senate and House champions from NY and CT for fighting to pass this vital legislation. 

Image by awsloley from Pixabay 

NY Receives Crucial Funding to Plug Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells!  
New York has documented more than 7,000 orphan oil and gas wells in the state—largely in WNY and the Southern Tier— although state agencies estimate there may be as many as 34,000. These wells leak methane (a powerful greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change) and toxic chemicals that pollute groundwater. As part of the initial grant program under the U.S. Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, New York received $25 million last month to plug and remediate documented orphan wells in the state, while creating thousands of jobs. 


Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Bond Act on November’s Ballot in NY 
On November 8th, New Yorkers will have the opportunity to vote on Prop 1: The Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Bond Act. It has been 26 years since the last environmental bond act was adopted. This year’s Bond Act will provide necessary and overdue investments to solve pressing public health and environmental problems from the Great Lakes to Long Island. If enacted, the Bond Act will allocate $4.2 billion to a variety of critical environmental programs and projects across four categories: water quality improvement and resilient infrastructure, restoration and flood risk management, open space land conservation, and climate change mitigation. Additionally, the Bond Act will provide crucial support for New York’s economy—supporting over 100,000 jobs. We are working around the state to educate the public on the benefits of this important funding and reminding everyone to flip your ballot in November and vote on Prop 1! 

Checking out Canadian Hydropower 
Last month, we took an educational trip with New York League of Conservation Voters to James Bay to visit Hydro-Québec’s hydropower facilities. Existing Canadian hydropower is slated to help New York reach our clean energy goals, diversify our energy sources, and reduce our reliance on dirty fossil fuels. We learned a lot and can’t wait to see hydropower replace our local fossil fuel peaker plants in downstate NY. 

Tell us Your Thoughts on Offshore Wind 
We are working throughout the state to educate residents, environmental stakeholders, and policymakers on offshore wind. To help guide our education campaign and help us provide feedback to key decision makers, we’re asking you to please fill out a brief survey. Let us know your thoughts on offshore wind. 

Be on the Watch for Harmful Algal Blooms 
Summer isn’t over quite yet, and it’s still important to be aware of dangerous harmful algal blooms (HABs) as we spend time by the water. HABs pose an immense threat to our communities’ drinking water, public health, outdoor recreation and wildlife! HABs are erupting across NY more frequently and more aggressively in NY waterbodies. If you see a HAB in a lake or waterbody (looks like spilled green paint or pea soup), be sure to avoid it and report it using the DEC Suspicious Algal Bloom Report Form! 

Highlights and Happenings: July 2022


Image by Heiko Stein from Pixabay

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Victory! $255 Million Going to Fix Water Infrastructure 
We joined Governor Kathy Hochul in July for an exciting announcement on clean water funding. New York state will be issuing $255 million in grants for clean water programs across the state, including funding for upgrading sewage treatment plants and addressing emerging contaminants, such as PFAS and 1,4-dioxane, in drinking water. This also includes $20 million for Suffolk County and $2 million for Nassau County to replace antiquated septic systems. This is great news for clean water! 

$2.6 Billion Coming to New York to Replace Dangerous Lead Pipes 
We joined with U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand in Buffalo to highlight historic funding coming to New York to replace lead drinking water pipes. The recently passed bipartisan infrastructure bill will provide $2.6 billion in federal funding to help improve water infrastructure and replace the roughly 360,000 lead service pipes across New York State. There are approximately 100 miles of lead pipes in Buffalo that provide water to 60% of the homes, and Buffalo suffers from some of the highest rates of childhood lead exposure in the nation. 

Victory! Suffolk County Votes YES on Offshore Wind 
Last month, the Suffolk County Legislature passed two bills that allow the Sunrise Wind cable connection infrastructure to be installed underground in county parkland and roadways—enabling the project to bring renewable energy to over half a million homes! Based on the environmental impact review, the cable infrastructure would be minimally disruptive to county parkland and roads and would not cause significant or long-term environmental or community impacts. Thank you to all who came out and testified in support of offshore wind for Suffolk. For more offshore wind updates and ways to get involved, check out Wind Works


Fighting to Protect Long Island Sound 
Each year, we head down to D.C. for our Long Island Sound Education Day with our coalition partners to talk about the issues facing the Long Island Sound, an Estuary of National Significance. We had great meetings with our U.S. Senate and House members from New York and Connecticut and all agreed investing in LI Sound is a wise investment. Cleaner waters, robust fish populations, opening shellfish beds, schools of dolphins, and the return of the Bald Eagle all demonstrate our success so far, but more needs to be done to address climate change and combat nitrogen pollution. Thanks to all our LI Sound protection partners for a very productive D.C. trip! 

Fighting to Preserve Plum Island 
We have fought for years to preserve Plum Island, an 840 acre, largely undeveloped island in Long Island Sound that serves as a critical habitat for birds and has tremendous ecological value. We are urging the Biden administration to designate Plum Island as a National Monument, ensuring that wildlife is protected, cultural and historical values are maintained, and people are able to enjoy this unique ecosystem for generations to come. If you haven’t yet, send an email to the administration in support of permanently preserving Plum Island

EPA Must Ban Unnecessary Uses of Neonic Pesticides 
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is currently reviewing the safety of several neonic pesticides and is anticipated to complete the review by late 2022. EPA won't be required to review these toxic chemicals again for another fifteen years! They must take the opportunity with this current review to ban harmful and unnecessary uses of neonic pesticides in order to protect pollinators, water quality, human health, and our environment. Email EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan today and urge him to ban unnecessary and harmful uses of neonics! 

Be on the Watch for Harmful Algal Blooms 
As we hit the height of summer, it is important to be aware of dangerous harmful algal blooms (HABs). HABs pose an immense threat to our communities’ drinking water, public health, outdoor recreation and wildlife. HABs are erupting across NY more frequently and more aggressively in NY waterbodies. If you see a HAB in a lake or waterbody (looks like spilled green paint or pea soup), be sure to avoid it and report it using the DEC Suspicious Algal Bloom Report Form! 

Highlights and Happenings: May 2022


Image by Ben Scherjon from Pixabay

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Critical Bills Pass in Connecticut! 
As the CT legislative session came to an end in May, we were thrilled to see some of our priority bills get passed by the CGA: 

  • Ban on the harmful pesticide chlorpyrifos on golf courses throughout CT

  • Set a goal of 100% zero-carbon electricity by 2040 in CT

  • Require manufacturers to take responsibility for proper disposal of gas cylinders (known as Extended Producer Responsibility)

Protecting Northport Harbor Water Quality with New Rain Gardens 
We partnered with the Northport Yacht Club and the Village of Northport to install three rain gardens in the Village of Northport on Long Island. The rain gardens will capture 15,000 gallons of storm water and remove harmful pollutants like motor oil, pesticides, and nitrogen before entering Northport Harbor and Long Island Sound! Last month was planting day. We joined a group of volunteers, including the Village of Northport Mayor, for a great day of planting and implementing this important project. It looks great – make sure you check it out if you are in the area. 


Combatting Ocean Acidification with Kelp 
We joined Dr. Chris Gobler from Stony Brook University and Mike Doall, Associate Director of Shellfish Restoration and Aquaculture, to announce the results of an important study on the impacts of kelp harvesting. A Stony Brook-led study found that locally grown kelp can help combat ocean acidification and reduce nitrogen pollution in local waterways while benefiting local shellfish farmers. This is a finding of global significance that can help improve water quality, combat the worst climate change impacts in targeted water bodies, and support shellfish farming locally. It was a great event –check out the press conference here. 

Sharing CCE’s Experience with Visitors from Kazakhstan 
Through the International Institute of Buffalo, we met with a group of journalists and non-profit representatives from Kazakhstan. CCE’s Brian Smith shared information about how CCE advances policies to protect our environment and public health in NY and the nation, which the group can learn from and bring back to their country. We learned a lot too and were grateful for the experience! 

Check out our recently released Offshore Wind Roundtable Discussions 
Long Island is on the front lines of climate change and we are already experiencing impacts of rising sea levels, extreme weather events, ocean acidification and more. The good news is that we are also in the midst of a massive shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy, especially offshore wind. We worked with our partners in labor and leading environmental experts to film two roundtable discussions to clarify the benefits of offshore wind for Long Island. Learn more and check out the videos here. If you are on Long Island, you can also check out these videos on Altice public access channel 115 on Fridays from 5pm-6pm. 

Long Island Sound High School Summit 
In May, we were excited to hold our first in-person Long Island Sound High School Summit. We had a great event with 8 schools, 100 students, and 30 unique Long Island Sound protection projects. It was fantastic to see the depth and diversity of the student’s work and we are proud of these future Long Island Sound protection leaders. Thank you to all the teachers and students for their hard work and to our partners at the Atlantic Marine Conservation Society and Friends of the Bay. 

Be on the Watch for Harmful Algal Blooms 
As the weather begins to get warmer, and we start spending more time outside and lakeside, it is important to be aware of dangerous harmful algal blooms (HABs). HABs pose an immense threat to our communities’ drinking water, public health, outdoor recreation and wildlife! HABs are erupting across NY more frequently and more aggressively in NY waterbodies. If you see a HAB in a lake or waterbody (looks like spilled green paint or pea soup), be sure to avoid it and report it using the DEC Suspicious Algal Bloom Report Form! 

Upcoming: Protecting Long Island Sound 
We are working with our partners at The Nature Conservancy and Save the Sound to host a 3-part webinar series “Long Island Sound: Driving Local Actions to Tackle Water Pollution” to discuss, convene, and share solutions to marine debris, nitrogen, and fecal bacteria pollution. Last month we co-hosted the second webinar on combatting nitrogen pollution. The June 16th webinar will include presentations and a panel of experts discussing ways to tackle fecal bacteria pollution in the Sound. Each webinar will allow time for a question-and-answer session with the panelists and technical break-out groups for those that want to take a deeper dive into pollution issues. Register now! 

Highlights and Happenings: April 2022


Photo by Tim Gouw from Pexels

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Victory! New York Passes Historic Environmental Budget 
Governor Hochul and New York State legislature passed the final 2022-23 state budget, providing historic investments in protecting our environment. Some of our top priorities for the year made it into the final budget, including: 

  • Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act ($4.2 billion): The largest environmental bond act in the state’s history, and the first since 1996, this bond act will invest in climate mitigation, clean water, flood risk reduction, open space, environmental justice, and improved recreational opportunities—while supporting nearly 100,000 jobs. New Yorkers will vote on the bond act in November.

  • Environmental Protection Fund (EPF): Funded at an all-time high of $400 million, with increased funding for Great Lakes and ocean protection, protecting open space, fighting climate change, and more!

  • Clean Water Infrastructure Act: Includes $500 million to upgrade aging and failing drinking water and wastewater infrastructure, while also protecting the sources of our drinking water.

  • Wetlands Protection: After nearly two decades of advocacy by CCE and our partners, the freshwater wetlands program was updated and will protect an additional one million acres of critical wetlands across the state.

  • Offshore Wind Investment: The budget provides $500 million to support the offshore wind supply chain and support job growth in offshore wind industry.

East Coast’s Largest Anaerobic Digester Breaks Ground on Long Island 
After 10 years of work, the anaerobic digester in Yaphank, Long Island, broke ground in April! We joined American Organic Energy, Suffolk County Executive Bellone, and our community partners for the groundbreaking ceremony. This facility marks a change in the way we think about food waste on Long Island by converting 180,000 tons of food scraps and create 6 megawatts of locally generated renewable energy. Recycling food waste and fighting climate change is a win for NY! 


We Are One Step Closer to Banning Unnecessary Uses of Toxic Neonic Pesticides 
In April, we joined advocates from across the state in Albany to build support for the Birds and Bees Protection Act, which was recently passed by the NYS Assembly! This bill will ban the use of neonicotinoid (neonic) treated corn, soybean, and wheat seeds, as well as cosmetic uses on lawns and golf courses. A diverse coalition, made up of environmental organizations, health care professionals, and organic farmers, worked for several years to advance the bill. We applaud Assemblyman Steve Englebright for sponsoring and championing this bill and the NYS Assembly, and now look forward to continuing our work with the Senate bill sponsor and champion, Senator Brad Hoylman, to pass this bill through the Senate before session ends on June 2. 

Supporting a Strong Climate Plan for New York State 
New York State has the most aggressive climate law in the nation, requiring 70% renewable energy by 2030, carbon-free electricity by 2040, and net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The state’s Climate Action Council has developed a draft scoping plan to implement these ambitious and critical goals. We recently attended public hearings on the plan in Buffalo and on Long Island, providing support and calling for improvements to the plan. Look for an email alert from us soon with more information and tips to submit your own written comments! 

Check out our newly released Offshore Wind Roundtable Discussions 
Long Island is on the front lines of climate change and is already seeing the impacts of rising sea levels, extreme weather events, ocean acidification and more. The good news is that we are also in the midst of a massive shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy, especially offshore wind. We sat down with our partners in labor and leading environmental experts for two roundtable discussions on the benefits of offshore wind for Long Island. Learn more and check out the videos here. 

Clean Energy Will Soon Be on the Way to NYC 
The NY Public Service Commission voted 5-2 last month to approve Clean Path New York and Hydro-Quebec's Champlain Hudson Power Express, two transmission projects that will deliver a combined 2500+ MW of renewable power to the downstate NY grid and significantly slash harmful emissions in NYC. Want to learn more about these two important projects? Check out our Lunch and Learn series on each proposal, co-hosted with New York League of Conservation Voters: Bringing Hydropower to NY and Clean Path NY.

Celebrating Earth Day 2022 
In celebration of Earth Day, advocates from across New York came together to voice their support for a comprehensive legislative agenda to protect our water, land, and pollinators; improve recycling, reduce toxics, and fight climate change! CCE joined the efforts in Albany and virtually and were successful in passing several of priority bills through the Assembly and Senate. We had a very busy Earth Week and some of our favorite events were when we: 

  • Joined Congressman Tom Suozzi and our Long Island Sound protection partners to celebrate $31 million in federal funding for Long Island Sound, $1 million for North Hempstead Beach Park, $1 million for Glen Coves Nancy Court pump station, and $300,000 for shellfish seeding in Hempstead Harbor.

  • Joined best-selling author Keith O’Brien in Niagara Falls as he spoke about his new book Paradise Falls, which tells the human story behind the environmental disaster at Love Canal.

  • Attended an event with Governor Hochul to highlight the environmental victories in this year’s budget, including an all-time high Environmental Protection Fund and $4.2 billion environmental bond act.

  • Supported our friends at the Long Island Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO for an event honoring Attorney General Leticia James and Roger Clayman.

  • Hosted a Lunch and Learn with the NY League of Conservation Voters and NYSERDA president Doreen Harris to discuss the latest on offshore wind in New York.

  • Had a great time at “What’s Brewin’ Offshore?” at the Brickhouse Brewery in Patchogue, where we co-hosted a fun and informational session about everything offshore wind and jobs it will create.

Upcoming: Protecting Long lsland Sound 
We are working with our partners at The Nature Conservancy and Save the Sound to host a 3-part webinar series “Long Island Sound: Driving Local Actions to Tackle Water Pollution” to discuss, convene, and share solutions to marine debris, nitrogen, and fecal bacteria pollution. Last month we kicked off the series with our first webinar “Local Actions to Tackle Marine Debris and Plastic Pollution”. The May 12th webinar will include presentations and a panel on nitrogen pollution and reduction practices in the Sound, including: 

  • Residential Lawn Fertilizer Use and Nitrogen Loading 

  • Healthy Lawns, Health River Fertilizer Reduction Campaign 

  • Collaborating to Speed Up Clean Water Implementation on Long Island’s North Shore 

Each webinar will allow time for a question-and-answer session with the panelists and technical break-out groups for those that want to take a deeper dive into pollution issues. Register now! 

Highlights and Happenings: March 2022


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

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Victory! $1 Million for Suffolk County Coastal Resiliency 
Last month we joined Suffolk County Executive Steven Bellone, Suffolk Legislators Bridget Fleming and Al Krupski, our friends at The Nature Conservancy, and others for the launch of the Suffolk County Coastal Resiliency Project Advisory Committee and the announcement of $1 million in additional funding for coastal resiliency. This funding will enable the county to protect over 1,000 miles of shoreline, restore natural barriers to reduce flooding and storm surges, and help mitigate climate impacts to our coastal communities. At the press conference announcing the funding, CCE Executive Director Adrienne Esposito stressed the importance of making Suffolk County more resilient to climate change, stating “We are the most vulnerable. We’re on the frontlines.” 


Visiting the Shinnecock Bay Kelp Farm 
We were honored to be invited to the Hampton Bays to visit a Kelp Farm in Shinnecock Bay this March. The project is a collaboration between the Shinnecock Kelp Farmers and Sisters of St. Joseph that will help restore water quality in the bay. Check out our series of interviews with Darlene Troge and Teela, who are members of the Shinnecock Nation, and Sister Karen Burke from the Sisters of St. Joseph to learn more about this fantastic program! 

Leading Great Lakes Days in Washington (Virtually) 
Along with our partners at Audubon NY, we lead a series of virtual meetings with members of New York’s congressional delegation to call for increased funding for Great Lakes restoration and clean water infrastructure as Congress develops its FY2023 federal budget. While we successfully fought for a historic $1billion investment in Great Lakes restoration in last year’s federal infrastructure bill, there is more work to do to restore the lakes and we cannot afford to let up on our efforts. While this year’s “Great Lakes Days” were held virtually, we’re looking forward to traveling back to Washington D.C. soon to fight for our federal priorities in person! 

Offshore Wind Leases Hit Record Highs in NY Bight 
Earlier this year, BOEM designated six offshore wind lease areas in the NY Bight off New York and New Jersey. Now, we have seen a record $4.37 billion sale for these leases after several intense days of auction. These leases are critical to keep up the progress we have made as a state to ensure we achieve 9,000MW of offshore wind by 2035. We think Interior Secretary Deb Haaland summed up this record $4+ billion sale best, stating: "This week's offshore wind sale makes one thing clear: the enthusiasm for the clean energy economy is undeniable and it's here to stay." 

Greening the Northport Yacht Club 
We are working with the Northport Yacht Club and Village of Northport to install a rain garden on Bluff Rd in Northport on Long Island. The garden will capture 15,000 gallons of storm water and remove harmful pollutants like motor oil, pesticides, and nitrogen fertilizer before the water enters Northport Harbor and Long Island Sound. In March, we joined Assemblyman Keith Brown, Northport Yacht Club, Northport Village, and community members to learn more about this exciting project at a press conference and a community meeting. Thank you to Long Island Sound Study and the Long Island Futures Fund for your support on this project. We can’t wait to see the rain garden this spring! 


Protecting Our Pollinators 
Declining honeybee populations and contamination of New York’s water resources from toxic neonicotinoid pesticides (AKA neonics) is widespread, threatening our health and environment across the state. Neonic treated corn, soy, and wheat seeds, as well as ornamental uses, pose an unnecessary risk to pollinators and our environment, while providing no net benefit to farmers and gardeners. CCE continues to fight to protect our birds, bees, water, and public health from toxic neonic pesticides by working to ban the most dangerous and unnecessary uses of neonics through passage of the Birds and Bees Protection Act! Help us advance this critical legislation by emailing your elected officials today! 

Long Island Lobby Coalition Goes to Albany 
After two years away, we headed back to Albany with the Long Island Lobby Coalition. We had great meetings with Senators and Assembly members from Long Island about funding for clean water, the Environmental Bond Act, sewers, transportation, social services, renewables, waste reduction, and more. Our 100+ member coalition fought to make sure this year's budget includes funding for critical programs to protect LI's water, health, and quality of life. Thanks to all who joined us for a very productive trip. 

Fighting to hold manufacturers—not taxpayers—responsible for their waste! 
New York State is suffering from a solid waste and recycling crisis—recycling costs for municipalities and taxpayers have skyrocketed, recycling rates have declined, and our environment and health are suffering from pollution caused by excessive plastic packaging. Currently, corporate brand owners bear no responsibility in managing the product packaging waste they have created. One of our big NYS priorities this year is Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging and paper, which will hold producers, not taxpayers, responsible for their waste. We have been fighting for an EPR policy which will reduce packing, eliminate toxins in packaging, encourage more recyclable materials, prevent plastic pollution and save taxpayers money. In March, both Tompkins County and New York City passed resolutions in support of a NYS EPR law and we are in Albany continuing to fight to make sure it gets done this year. 

Upcoming: Lunch and Learn on Offshore Wind in NY. 
Get the latest on offshore wind in NY! Join us on April 19th from noon-1pm for a virtual Lunch and Learn on NY's Offshore Wind Future. We'll join New York League of Conservation Voters and NYSERDA's Doreen Harris for a presentation on the 5 offshore wind projects that will power over 2 million homes in NYC and LI, followed by a Q&A. Register Now! 

Highlights and Happenings: February 2022


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

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VICTORY! Celebrating $1 Billion for Great Lakes Clean Up 
Our Associate Executive Director, Brian Smith, joined with Rep. Brian Higgins, Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, & the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency last month to celebrate a $1 billion investment from the bipartisan infrastructure bill in Great Lakes restoration. This funding will help clean up four toxic hot spots in NY’s Great Lakes waters (Buffalo River, Niagara River, Eighteen Mile Creek, Rochester Embayment) over the next several years! These toxic hot spots have polluted sources of drinking water and threatened public health for decades. This is a huge step forward!  

VICTORY! New York’s First Offshore Wind Farm Breaks Ground 
Last month, we celebrated the groundbreaking of NY’s first offshore wind farm – South Fork Wind. After 10 years of work with environmental organizations, labor partners, and the public, we were very excited that NY’s offshore wind future is finally becoming a reality. South Fork Wind will bring renewable energy to 70,000 homes and accelerate our just transition to green energy. Thank you to Governor Kathy Hochul, Secretary of Interior Deb Haaland, the Director of BOEM, Amanda Lefton, and NYSERDA for working so hard to make offshore wind a reality for NY. 


Protecting Our Pollinators 
We joined with advocates from across the state representing public health, farming and environmental groups for a virtual lobby day in support of the Birds and Bees Protection Act. We highlighted the critical need to limit unnecessary uses of toxic neonicotinoid pesticides (A.K.A neonics), which have decimated bee populations, polluted drinking water, and have been linked to adverse human health impacts. This coalition has been working to pass state legislation to ban the sale of neonic treated corn, soybean, and wheat seeds; and ornamental uses on lawns, gardens, and golf courses. By banning just these few uses, we could eliminate 85-90% of all neonics used in New York and protect our pollinators, water quality, and human health. Help us by emailing your elected representatives today and urge them to pass the Birds and Bees Protection Act! 

Pushing for Electric Vehicles 
In February, we joined Congressman Tom Suozzi as he announced $26 million in federal funds to help New York build a network of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. New York has a goal of 1 million EVs by 2035, which means we need charging stations installed throughout the state quickly and broadly. In addition to these federal funds, we are also working to pass state legislation allowing for uncapped direct sales of EVs in NY (there are currently only 5 EV direct sale locations permitted in downstate NY). Florida, which currently allows for the uncapped direct sales of EVs, had 60% higher sales of EVs than NY in 2020, and nearly twice as many EVs on the road. We need to catch up if we are going to meet our important climate change goals! 

Calling for Federal Investments in Climate and Environmental Solutions 
We joined state elected leaders and advocates for virtual events in both Western and Central New York calling on Senator Schumer to continue to his leadership and push for the U.S. Senate to make significant climate investments. These press conferences highlighted the impacts of climate change that are being felt in the upstate NY. Sewage overflows, increased flooding, lead drinking water pipes and harmful algal blooms are all threats that could be addressed with the $550 billion investment the House has already approved. Now we need Senator Schumer to continue to fight for New Yorkers and combat climate change by getting the $550 billion climate and environmental solutions investment to the Senate floor for a vote. Thank you NYS Senators Ryan, May and Mannion, Assemblyman Conrad, and our colleagues at the NY League of Conservation Voters and Mothers Out Front, for joining us in bringing attention to these federal investments that New York and the nation desperately need. 

Highlights and Happenings: January 2022


Image by planet_fox from Pixabay

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CCE Priorities in the NYS Executive Budget 
We are thrilled Governor Hochul’s 2022-2023 budget proposal includes many of our top environmental priorities. The final state budget is due by April 1, and we are working to ensure that these proposals (and more) make it into the final New York State budget. The proposed budget includes: 

$4 billion Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act: This historic bond act will go before the voters on the November ballot, and if approved, will support clean water, protect communities from climate change, and support over 65,000 jobs. 

An all-time high of $400 million for the Environmental Protection Fund (EPF): Allows communities to protect clean water, conserve open space, save family farms, bolster recycling programs, revitalize waterfronts, build community parks, support zoos, and more. 

$500 million to grow the offshore wind supply chain: Creates jobs and helps to ensure NY meets its ambitious 9,000 MW of offshore wind by 2035 target.

$500 million for clean water infrastructure: Supports clean drinking water, upgrades to sewer systems, and more. We are working to increase funding for this important program in the final budget. 

Holds manufacturers, not taxpayers, accountable for recycling their packaging waste: This policy would reduce packaging waste, improve recycling, prevent plastic pollution, and save local governments millions of dollars. A complimentary policy would ban toxic chemicals, like PFAS, in product packaging. 

Strengthening protections for our critical wetlands: The program will support the protection of more than a million additional acres of wetlands throughout the state. 

$200 million for state parks: Enhances and improves our state parks that provide amazing recreational opportunities and support tourism.

VICTORY: Killingly Gas Plant in Connecticut Cancelled! 
Federal regulators have delivered a final death blow to the proposed 650 MW gas-fired power plant, which would have significantly delayed Connecticut's progress on transitioning off dirty fossil fuels and combatting climate change. This decision clears the way for clean renewable energy and energy efficiency in our communities. Congratulations and thank you to everyone who weighed in on this important issue! 


New Wastewater Infrastructure on Long Island! Clean Water Project Breaks Ground 
In January we celebrated breaking ground for the Forge River sewer project. This project will finally provide residents of Mastic-Shirley with sewers that will replace their septics and cesspools with modern sewage treatment technology. After so many years of work, we were proud to join Suffolk County Executive Bellone, NYS DEC Commissioner Seggos, Congressman Zeldin, many state and local representatives, labor leaders, environmental partners, community stakeholders, and more for this historic event. This sewer project will reduce nitrogen loading in the Forge River by 70%. We look forward to a cleaner, healthier river! 

Protecting Plum Island 
We have fought for years to preserve Plum Island, an 840 acre, largely undeveloped island in Long Island Sound that serves as a critical habitat for birds and has tremendous ecological value. In January, the Preserve Plum Island Coalition stood together to urge NY Governor Hochul to support the coalition’s fight to preserve Plum Island and protect this irreplaceable natural resource. 

Urging our NY Legislators to Invest in Clean Water 
We joined our New York Clean Water coalition partners to host the 4th Annual Clean Water Legislative Briefing. The virtual event was attended by over 95 elected officials, staff, and clean water stakeholders to hear from experts on New York’s water quality needs and the coalition’s priorities. Last year, the coalition worked collaboratively to develop a shared 2022 agenda for clean water in New York. Priorities included, but were not limited to, increasing investments in clean water infrastructure, a $4 billion Environmental Bond Act, $400 million Environmental Protection Fund, protecting freshwater wetlands, replacing lead service lines, and more. We are pushing to ensure these important clean water programs and increased funding make it into the final budget. 

Learning More about the Sunrise and South Fork Wind Farms 
In January, we co-hosted a virtual forum with the New York League of Conservation Voters to hear from representatives from Orsted and Eversource on their South Fork and Sunrise Wind Farms. Thanks to all who joined us to find out more about these two projects off the coast of Montauk, which together will power hundreds of thousands of Long Island homes. If you missed it, you can watch the recording here. 

Highlights and Happenings: December 2021


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Victory! Governor Hochul Signs CCE Priority Bills into Law in NY 

In December, Governor Hochul signed several of our legislative priority bills into law. Thank you to all who helped to pass these critical bills by writing letters and signing petitions. The bills signed into law last month include: 

  • Requiring all water suppliers across NY to test drinking water for harmful emerging contaminants

  • Banning small, wasteful, and unnecessary plastic toiletry bottles at hotels (NYC hotels alone use 27 million bottles annually)

  • Protecting Long Island’s drinking water from nitrogen pollution

  • Banning dangerous flame retardants in furniture and electronics casings—protecting the health of our families and firefighters

  • Protecting drinking water from lead in schools (there is no safe level of lead in drinking water)

  • Requiring bioheating fuel in buildings currently using heating oil

We are also gearing up for our 2022 legislative session and are urging state leaders to increase the state’s Environmental Protection Fund, place a $4 billion Environmental Bond Act on the ballot in November, protect our pollinators from dangerous pesticides, pass a waste reduction and recycling bill that will place the cost of managing waste onto manufacturers instead of taxpayers, and more. Stay tuned on how you can help.  

Honoring our 2021 Connecticut Environmental Champions 

We are proud to recognize CT legislators who made it their mission to protect our planet. Last month, we selected four legislators who helped advance important environmental initiatives, including increasing recycling, preventing toxic pollution, combatting climate change and fighting for environmental justice. We are honored to present our 2021 Connecticut Environmental Champion Award to Senator Christine Cohen, Senator Matt Lesser, Representative Brandon McGee, and Representative Jonathan Steinberg. Congratulations to all our 2021 Environmental Champions!


Lou Rosado Burch honored with Environmental Champion award 

Our Connecticut Program Director, Lou Rosado Burch, was presented with Rivers Alliance of Connecticut’s 2021 Environmental Champion Award for his work on modernizing the state’s Bottle Bill. Increasing access to recycling in our communities is critical, both from an environmental protection and a resource conservation standpoint. Lou was deeply honored to receive this recognition from one of our valued advocacy partners and thanks the RA Staff and Board for the important work they do in Connecticut! 


Image by sipa from Pixabay

New York Styrofoam Ban is in Effect 

We are starting the new year off on the right foot—without styrofoam! Polluting polystyrene foam containers and packing peanuts are now banned in New York starting January 1st. This lightweight foam breaks apart easily, does not biodegrade, is not readily recyclable, and contributes to the growing plastic pollution crisis in our water ways. Many communities already have a ban in place but we're happy all New Yorkers will be seeing less of these items polluting our neighborhood and waterways! 

Gearing up for a 2022 Long Island Sound High School Summit 

Along with our partners at Atlantic Marine Conservation Society and Friends of the Bay, we will be planning a 2022 Long Island Sound High School Summit in the following months. We are excited to work with 8 great High Schools—Northport, Commack High School, Riverhead High School, Oyster Bay, Our Lady of Mercy School for Young Women, Brentwood High School, Rocky Point High School, and Smithtown High School West. The program will educate, engage and empower students to get involved in protection and restoration of the Sound. Thank you to the Long Island Sound Study for the support! If you missed the 2021 LIS High School Summit, check out our video here. 

Protecting Northport Harbor with Green Infrastructure 

On Long Island, we are working with the Village of Northport and the Northport Yacht Club to install over 27,000 feet of green infrastructure to prevent polluted stormwater runoff from reaching Northport Harbor and Long Island Sound. Our proposal to install a bioretention rain garden to capture, store, and filter contaminants while protecting the shoreline was selected for funding by the Long Island Sound Study through the Long Island Sound Futures Fund in December. 

Upcoming: Learn more about the Sunrise and South Fork Wind Farms 

We will be co-hosting a virtual forum with the New York League of Conservation Voters to hear from representatives from Orsted and Eversource on Wednesday, January 12, at 7pm. Join us to find out more about the Sunrise and South Fork Wind Farms off the coast of Montauk, which together will power hundreds of thousands of Long Island homes. The event will be hosted on zoom and is free to the public. RSVP here. 

Highlights and Happenings: November 2021


Image by Tracey O'Brien from Pixabay

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President Signs Infrastructure Bill! 

On November 15, President Joe Biden signed the bipartisan infrastructure bill, paving the way for historic investments in replacing dangerous lead drinking water pipes ($15 billion), restoring the Great Lakes ($1 billion) and Long Island Sound ($106 million), plugging abandoned oil and gas wells that leak toxic chemicals and methane ($4.7 billion), and more! The law will help provide clean drinking water, support environmental justice for disadvantage communities, fight climate change, and create thousands and thousands of good jobs! 

U.S. House Passes Build Back Better Act! 

The Build Back Better Act (BBBA) would invest a historic $555 billion to fight climate change by investing in renewable energy, expanding electric vehicles, and creating a thriving green energy economy. The bill would also reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 52% by 2030 and includes significant investments in fixing water infrastructure, remediating toxic sites, protecting marine habitats and more. In November, we joined with our friends New York League of Conservation Voters and labor to urge the US House of Representatives to vote YES on the BBBA. We are thrilled to announce the House has passed BBBA and we will keep pushing the US Senate to ensure we get this critical bill passed this year. 

Victory! Governor Hochul Signs Coal Tar Sealant Ban into Law 

Coal tar sealants are commonly used in parking lots to “beautify” asphalt every few years. It contains high amounts of PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), a known carcinogen. Within just a month the coal tar sealant is worn away and scraped off by car tires, and pieces are washed into storm drains and pollute rivers, lakes, and streams. After a decade of fighting to ban these unnecessary, harmful products New York’s ban on coal tar sealant has been signed into law! Thank you to Governor Hochul and our bill champions, Senator Sanders and Assemblywoman Rosenthal. 

Victory! NY’s First Offshore Wind Farm Gets Federal Approval 

In November, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) issued a Record of Decision on South Fork Wind Farm, the 130MW project off the coast of Montauk that will power the South Fork of Long Island and offsets the need for a new fossil fuel plant. LIPA selected this project in 2016 and we have been working hard to ensure that the wind farm and cable connection are done in an environmentally responsible manner while providing clean energy for tens of thousands of Long Island homes. We could not be more excited that this project has been issued this Record of Decision and that construction is set to start next year! A giant thank you to all our Wind Works Long Island partners and all of you who have wrote letters, made calls, and signed petitions in support of NY’s first offshore wind farm. 


Protecting NY’s Water from Forever Chemicals 

We joined our friends at Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) to give New Yorkers a virtual tour of potential PFAS pollution in waterways around the state. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that some 3,500 industrial facilities “may be handling” per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) across New York, a number that carries troubling implications for controlling the spread of these toxic “forever chemicals” in our environment and water supplies. PEER obtained the list of industrial facilities from EPA through a lawsuit (involving PFAS manufacture, import, handling, or storage) and has developed an interactive, online map of those facilities and joined us for a virtual tour to discuss the sources of PFAS contamination, how this chemical is impacting our waterways and public health in NY, and what we can do to fight back. 

Saying NO to Long Island’s Solar Tax 

The Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) is considering an ill-advised tax on solar customers that would disincentivize homeowners from going solar and penalize existing homes that have already switched to reusable energy. As we fight to meet our ambitious NY renewable energy goals, including 70% renewables by 2030 and 6,000 MW of solar by 2025, it is absurd to unjustly burden the Long Islanders who chose to go solar and are already doing their part to help improve air quality and public health in our communities. In November we rallied with NYS Senators Kevin Thomas, John Brooks, and Jim Gaughran, along with our allies, in the fight for clean energy to demand LIPA kill the proposed solar tax. 

Giving Thanks to Bees, Butterflies, and Pollinators 

This November, as we all gathered around the table for Thanksgiving dinner it is important to remember and give thanks to the bees, butterflies, and pollinators that made it all possible. Pollinators provide an estimated $439 million worth of pollination services to top New York State crops like apples, squash, tomatoes, blueberries, strawberries, cherries, and pears. Unfortunately, pollinator populations have been decreasing. The decline in pollinators is largely linked to the unnecessary overuse of neonicotinoid pesticides. Corn, soy, and wheat neonic treated seeds account for approximately 73% of all neonics used in NY, and lawn, garden, ornamental, and turf uses make up an additional 15% yet provide no net benefit. Help us eliminate these low benefit/high risk uses of neonics by signing a petition in support of the Birds and Bees Protection Act here. 

Highlights and Happenings: October 2021


Image by Julia Hanf from Pixabay 

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Victory! NY Votes Yes for Clean Water and Air! 

This fall, New Yorkers had the historic opportunity to establish the right to clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment in the Bill of Rights of the New York State Constitution. We joined the Vote YES for Clean Air and Water coalition to establish the highest legal protection available under law to protect public health and the environment. This initiative creates legal safeguards for New Yorkers to secure clean air and water for generations to come. Thank you to everyone who went out to the polls and votes YES for clean air and water. 

Victory: Full Protections Restored to the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts National Monument!

We applaud President Biden for restoring protections to the Atlantic’s only Marine National Monument. This area off the coast of New England will be protected from commercial fishing and offshore drilling, while ensuring safe, pristine ocean habitat that will benefit whales, dolphins and other marine life for generations to come. The monument serves as a living laboratory for scientific exploration and discovery, with two new species of coral discovered on just one recent expedition! 


Combatting PFAS Contamination in Connecticut 

In October, we hosted a virtual forum on PFAS, the “forever chemical” found in waters across the state and the nation. The forum was designed to educate our CT members on the most up-to-date science and efforts currently underway at the state level to protect public health from these toxic chemicals. The program featured expert guest speakers from Clean Water Action and Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), as well as an overview of the new PFAS law by State Rep. Jonathan Steinberg (D-Westport). Watch the full virtual forum here. 

Developing a Shared Vision for Clean Water in New York 

For the fifth year, we convened a broad, diverse group of stakeholders from around the state for our annual Clean Water Roundtable. This group of environmental leaders, water suppliers, wastewater treatment operators, environmental justice organizations, construction contractors, and other clean water stakeholders work together to develop a list of shared priorities for clean water in New York State. Roundtable participants heard from NYS Deptartment of Environmental Conservation Commissioner, Basil Seggos, as well as from experts who gave presentations on drinking and wastewater infrastructure needs, emerging contaminants, source water protection, and lead drinking water pipes. Based on the presentation and subsequent discussion, we will be creating a collaborative action plan our diverse group can work together to achieve in 2022, so stay tuned! 

Fighting for Clean Air in NY and CT 

The transportation sector is the largest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. and accounts for about 29% of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. The Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI) is a regional approach—among Northeast states—to addressing the pollution and climate change emissions from the transportation sector. The TCI would require oil companies to pay for the pollution their products cause, which will allow for needed investments in a clean transportation and public health improvements, such as expanded public transportation, more zero emission vehicles, making communities bike-friendly, and more. We are working to advance TCI in NY and CT. Find out how you can help here. 

Celebrating Long Island’s Largest Sewer Expansion in nearly 50 Years 

We are thrilled to announce that ground was broken in October on the Carlls River sewer project! We were proud to stand with Suffolk County Executive Steven Bellone, Assemblywoman Kimberly Jean-Pierre, Suffolk Legislators, and our environmental and labor partners to celebrate the Long Island's largest sewer expansion project in decades. This project is critical to achieve our goals of reducing nitrogen pollution, restoring water quality, and improving coastal resiliency. 

Cutting Climate Pollution in Downstate NY 

One major obstacle to meeting NY’s ambitious Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act’s mandates is that there is a “tale of two grids” In NYS. Upstate uses 88% zero-emission resources but only represents 1/3rd of the energy load, while downstate is 2/3rds of the load and uses 69% fossil fuels. NYC presents a unique challenge to achieving CLCPA goals and is very reliant on fossil fuels, with outdated local peaker plants polluting disadvantaged communities. In October, the state selected two projects - a 1300MW transmission line to bring wind and solar from upstate to the NY metro area and a transmission line to bring existing Canadian hydropower to the NYC grid – to help ensure that we meet our renewable energy goals. Last month, we co-hosted a public virtual forum on the Clean Path project and had a meeting with Hydro-Quebec to discuss these two critical projects. Learn more and view our virtual forums on both projects here. 

How Was Long Island’s Water Quality for Summer 2021? 

Want to know more about the health of Long Island's waters this year? We joined Dr. Chris Gobler, The Nature Conservancy in New York, and Suffolk Deputy County Executive Pete Scully to discuss what impairments we saw in our bays, estuaries, lakes and rivers at the release of the 2021 Long Island Water Quality Impairments map. Nitrogen pollution has once again caused harmful algal blooms, fish kills, depleted oxygen, and other problems in nearly every waterbody on the island. Efforts to reduce nitrogen from sewage has led to improved water quality in some areas, while many of our waterways saw worsening toxic tides due to excessive nitrogen pollution. 

Highlights and Happenings: September 2021


Help CCE build on our success, and support our campaigns to protect public health and the environment in NY and CT. Make a contribution today.



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Celebrating Our Equinox Gala 

We had an amazing night celebrating 36 years of grassroots accomplishments with our partners, supporters, and friends at our annual Equinox Gala. This year we were overjoyed to honor NY Senator Todd Kaminsky and NY Assemblyman Steve Englebright for their leadership in passing critical legislation to fight climate change, protect drinking water, combat plastic pollution, ban emerging contaminants, preserve open space, and more. A huge thank you to everyone who came out and made the night so unforgettable! 

Offshore Wind in New York Hits New Milestones 

September was another big month for offshore wind in New York. The state has already selected five offshore wind farms, which together, will get NY halfway to its goal of 9,000 MW of offshore wind by 2035. Each of these five projects will go through a full environmental review with opportunities for public comment before construction can begin. In September, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) kicked off the scoping process for the Sunrise Wind project, which will be located 30 miles off Montauk and bring clean power to 600,000 Long Island homes. Thanks to everyone who participated in the virtual public meetings and submitted comments in favor of this important offshore wind project. Also thank you to everyone who weighed in on designated new wind energy areas in the New York Bight at the beginning of the month. We cannot achieve 9,000 MW of offshore wind without these new designated areas for wind turbines! 


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Protect Our Pollinators from Toxic Pesticides 

Declining honeybee populations and contamination of New York’s water resources from neonic pesticides is widespread, threatening our health and environment across the state. Neonic treated corn, soy, and wheat seeds, as well as ornamental uses, pose an unnecessary risk to pollinators and our environment, while providing no net benefit to farmers and gardeners. In September, we were in Albany fighting to protect our birds, bees, water, and public health from toxic neonic pesticides. We joined our partners for a press event prior to testifying at the NYS Assembly hearing highlighting the need to ban the most dangerous and unnecessary uses of neonics through passage of the Birds and Bees Protection Act! 

Fighting for Clean Air in NY and CT 

Burning fossil fuels, including gasoline and diesel, releases greenhouse gas and other harmful air pollutants into the atmosphere. The transportation sector is the largest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. and accounts for about 29% of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. The Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI) is a regional approach to addressing the pollution and climate change emissions from the transportation sector. New York, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, Vermont, and the District of Columbia are working to tackle the massive challenge of reducing climate pollution from the transportation sector on a regional level. This unprecedented collaboration seeks to improve transportation, develop a clean energy economy, and reduce carbon emissions from transportation, but we need our elected leaders in NY and CT to sign on and work towards adopting TCI in our states. Find out how you can help here. 

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Building Long Island’s Offshore Wind Supply Chain 

We joined many of our #WindworksLI partners for a conference held by Congressman Tom Suozzi on Long Island's Offshore Wind Supply Chain in September. In addition to fighting climate change and playing a major role in transitioning NY from fossil fuels to renewables, offshore wind also presents an unprecedented opportunity to grow a green economy and 21st century jobs in New York. It was a great opportunity to discuss Long Island's growing offshore wind industry with leading suppliers, manufacturers, labor leaders, and environmentalists. If you missed it, you can watch a video of the conference here. 

Vote Yes for Clean Water and Air! 

This fall, New Yorkers will have the historic opportunity to establish the right to clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment into the Bill of Rights of the New York State constitution. We have joined the Vote YES for Clean Air and Water coalition to establish the highest legal protection available under law to protect public health and the environment. This election season, registered voters across New York State will be able to vote YES to guarantee: “Each person shall have the right to clean air and water, and a healthful environment.” Voting YES on environmental rights will create legal safeguards for New Yorkers to secure clean air and water for generations to come. And we’ll need your help to get the word out to voters from the Adirondacks to the Great Lakes to Long Island Sound and everywhere in between. Click here to learn more about the campaign and pledge to vote YES for clean water and air! 

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Celebrating Climate Week 

What a great Climate Week from September 20-26! We were thrilled to join Governor Kathy Hochul, Nassau County Executive Laura Curran, elected leaders, and community stakeholders to celebrate the grand opening of the Environmental Education and Resiliency Center at Hempstead Lake State Park on Long Island. It was a great ribbon cutting for the fantastic new nature center. Thank you to Governor Kathy Hochul for her leadership on fighting climate change. 

Be on the Watch for Harmful Algal Blooms 

As the weather begins to get warmer, and we start spending more time outside and lakeside, it is important to be aware of dangerous harmful algal blooms (HABs). HABs pose an immense threat to our communities’ drinking water, public health, outdoor recreation and wildlife! HABs are erupting across NY more frequently and more aggressively—in 2020, over 900 HABs were present in NY waterbodies. If you see a HAB in a lake or waterbody (looks like spilled green paint or pea soup), be sure to avoid it and report it using the DEC Suspicious Algal Bloom Report Form! 

Upcoming: Lunch and Learn Virtual Series – Clean Path NY 

We’ve teamed up with the New York League of Conservation Voters to offer a series of virtual public education forums that will explore clean energy proposals to potentially bring energy to downstate New York. To achieve our NYS goal of 70% renewable energy by 2030, we will need a wide range of large-scale renewable energy projects to deliver power to NYC. In September, NYS selected two projects, Hydro-Quebec’s project and Clean Path NY. On October 7th at noon, we will be hosting a virtual meeting on Clean Path NY. Register today. 

Highlights and Happenings: August 2021

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Help CCE build on our success, and support our campaigns to protect public health and the environment in NY and CT. Make a contribution today.



U.S. Senate Passes Historic Infrastructure Bill! 

The bipartisan $1.2 trillion “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act” passed the U.S. Senate in August (the U.S. House is tentatively scheduled to vote on the bill in late September)! We were successful in getting a number of our priorities funded in the bill, including: 

  • $55 billion for clean water infrastructure: This funding is necessary to upgrade wastewater infrastructure and prevent sewage overflows, replace lead service lines that provide drinking water to our homes, and treat drinking water for emerging contaminants, such as the “forever chemical” known as PFAS.

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  • $1 billion for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI): The GLRI has been a success in cleaning up toxic hot spots, fighting invasive species, and driving economic development, but there is still a lot of work to be done and this additional funding is greatly needed. Our Associate Executive Director Brian Smith stood with our clean water partners and Senator Charles Schumer at a press conference in August and called the funding a "once-in-a-generation opportunity to catapult Great Lakes restoration forward once and for all."

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  • $106 million for Long Island Sound restoration programs. This historic funding level for LI Sound will support critical aquaculture research, water quality monitoring, habitat restoration and citizen science throughout the LI Sound watershed, so that improvements in LI Sound can continue for generations to come. Last month, we joined Senator Charles Schumer in New York and Senator Richard Blumenthal in Connecticut for press conferences to celebrate the passage of this bill in the Senate and the inclusion of this critical funding for Long Island Sound.

  • $4.7 billion to plug abandoned oil and gas wells: New York has identified at least 2,400 orphaned oil and gas wells in the state, although state agencies estimate there may be as many as 34,000. These wells leak methane (a powerful greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change) and toxic chemicals that pollute groundwater. This funding will allow New York to plug and remediate all the documented orphan wells in the state, while creating thousands of jobs!


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Vote Yes For Clean Water and Air! 

This fall, New Yorkers will have the historic opportunity to establish the right to clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment into the Bill of Rights of the New York State constitution. We have joined the Vote YES for Clean Air and Water coalition to establish the highest legal protection available under law to protect public health and the environment. This election season, registered voters across New York State will be able to vote YES to guarantee: “Each person shall have the right to clean air and water, and a healthful environment.” Voting YES on environmental rights will create legal safeguards for New Yorkers to secure clean air and water for generations to come. And we’ll need your help to get the word out to voters from the Adirondacks to the Great Lakes to Long Island Sound and everywhere in between. Click here to learn more about the campaign and pledge to vote YES for clean water and air! 

Offshore Wind in New York Hits New Milestones 

August was a big month for offshore wind in New York. The state has already selected five offshore wind farms, which together, will get NY halfway to its goal of 9,000 MW of offshore wind by 2035. Each of these five projects will go through a full environmental review, including public comment. Over the last two months, we hit some big milestones for these important projects: 

We weighed in on all these projects and will continue to keep you updated on the status of crucial developments on offshore wind. We also want to give a giant thank you to everyone who joined in public meetings and submitted comments in favor of these projects and spoke out on the importance of transitioning from fossil fuels to offshore wind. We are closer than ever to seeing offshore wind in New York, so stay tuned throughout the fall to find more ways you can make your voice heard and say yes to renewable energy!   

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Get Long Island Water Quality Updates in Real Time 

We were thrilled joined with Dr. Chris Gobler and his partners at the Gobler Laboratory to announce a new Long Island water quality app. This is an amazing new tool that will allow Long Islanders to find out in real time about water quality, beach closures, and open shellfishing grounds, while encouraging us to get out and safely enjoy our amazing bays, estuaries, and rivers. 

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Kicking Butts in Western New York 

In August, we joined with our partners at Tobacco-Free Roswell Park, Buffalo-Niagara Waterkeeper, the Buffalo Sewer Authority, and other members of the Kick Butts Collaborative (KBC) for a press conference on the issue of cigarette butt pollution. Cigarette butts, which are made with plastic and can leak toxic chemicals into our environment, are the number one littered item found in beach cleanups around the Great Lakes. The KBC is educating the public about the problem and working to advance solutions to prevent cigarette butt pollution in our communities. 

Be on the Watch for Harmful Algal Blooms 

As the weather begins to get warmer, and we start spending more time outside and lakeside, it is important to be aware of dangerous harmful algal blooms (HABs). HABs pose an immense threat to our communities’ drinking water, public health, outdoor recreation and wildlife! HABs are erupting across NY more frequently and more aggressively—in 2020, over 900 HABs were present in NY waterbodies. If you see a HAB in a lake or waterbody (looks like spilled green paint or pea soup), be sure to avoid it and report it using the DEC Suspicious Algal Bloom Report Form! 

Upcoming: Lunch and Learn Virtual Series - Learn More about Innovative Proposals to Bring Clean Energy to Downstate New York 

We’ve teamed up with the New York League of Conservation Voters to offer a series of virtual public education forums that will explore clean energy proposals to potentially bring energy to downstate New York. To achieve our NYS goal of 70% renewable energy by 2030, we will need a wide range of large-scale renewable energy projects to deliver power to NYC. We have already hosted one forum on a proposal to bring excess Canadian hydropower to the city and we will be hosting three virtual events on proposed projects throughout September and October. You can learn more, view recordings of past events, and register for upcoming events here. 

Upcoming: What’s Brewing Offshore? 

Join CCE, along with our partners at The New York League of Conservation Voters, Climate Alliance for Jobs and Clean Energy, Long Island Association, and Long Island Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO for a happy hour event celebrating offshore wind in Long Beach on September 13th at 5:30pm. Have a drink while you learn more about the planned offshore wind projects and the labor and job opportunities expected on Long Island in the coming years as part of this emerging industry. Due to COVID-19 capacity restrictions, only those registered for the event will be able to attend, so register today

Upcoming: Long Island’s Offshore Wind Supply Chain Conference 

We will be joining many of our #WindworksLI partners for a conference held by Congressman Tom Suozzi on Long Island's Offshore Wind Supply Chain on September 17th.This is a great opportunity to discuss Long Island's growing offshore wind industry with leading suppliers, manufacturers, labor leaders, and environmentalists. You can find out more and RSVP here. 

Highlights and Happenings: July 2021

Image by Heiko Stein from Pixabay

Image by Heiko Stein from Pixabay

Help CCE build on our success, and support our campaigns to protect public health and the environment in NY and CT. Make a contribution today.




Victory! Celebrating Passage of Connecticut’s PFAS Law 

We were thrilled to attend a bill signing ceremony for a new law prohibiting the use of food packaging and firefighting foam treated with toxic PFAS in CT. The law will go a long way to protect human health from PFAS chemicals which can leach out of food packaging, and to prevent contamination of CT waterways from fluorinated firefighting foams. The law also authorizes CT to establish a buyback program to remove stockpiles of PFAS-treated foams that remain in storage at airports, military installations, and firefighting training facilities across the state. 

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Victory! Suffolk County, NY Passes Honeybee Protection Bill 

Honeybees are an integral component of our food web, but unfortunately, global populations of honeybees have declined since 2005. We worked with Suffolk County Legislator Al Krupski to craft and introduce an important bill to prevent exterminators in Suffolk County from exterminating honeybee hives without first calling a beekeeper. Beekeepers can come to resident’s homes, remove the hive and provide the honeybees with a safe home. 


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Voices for Wind 

Offshore wind will play a crucial role in allowing NY to reach our renewable energy targets under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Law. To ensure we meet these important goals, including 9,000MW of offshore wind, we have been working with a diverse coalition of student groups, community stakeholders, elected leaders, environmental experts, labor leaders, and more to voice support for offshore wind on Long Island. We recently compiled short videos from a variety of these prominent “Voices for Wind” in an interactive map, which allows our partners and the public to share why they support transitioning away from fossil fuels to offshore wind in their community. Check out our “Voices for Wind” series today! 

Vote Yes For Clean Water and Air! 

This fall, New Yorkers will have the historic opportunity to establish the right to clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment into the Bill of Rights of the New York State constitution. We have joined the Vote YES for Clean Air and Water coalition to establish the highest legal protection available under law to protect public health and the environment. This election season, registered voters across New York State will be able to vote YES to guarantee: “Each person shall have the right to clean air and water, and a healthful environment.” Voting YES on environmental rights will create legal safeguards for New Yorkers to secure clean air and water for generations to come. And we’ll need your help to get the word out to voters from the Adirondacks to the Great Lakes to Long Island Sound and everywhere in between. Click here to learn more about the campaign and pledge to vote YES for clean water and air! 


Fighting for Federal Action on PFAS 

We joined with U.S. Senator Blumenthal and our allies at Clean Water Action CT last month for a press conference calling attention to the use of toxic PFAS in many cosmetic products. Putting on lipstick and mascara in the morning should not mean increasing our risk of cancer. We are pushing for the adoption of bipartisan legislation prohibiting PFAS from cosmetics at the federal level. 

Slash Transportation-Section Carbon Pollution 

The transportation sector is the largest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions in the NY, CT and the U.S. The Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI) is a regional approach to addressing the pollution and climate change emissions from the transportation sector. TCI seeks to improve transportation, develop the clean energy economy, and reduce carbon emissions from the transportation sector. TCI would provide green jobs, protect the health of communities, help New York meet its greenhouse gas reduction targets and address climate change. However, New York has yet to commit to the TCI-P. We are urging Governor Cuomo to commit New York to the TCI program! Please sign on and urge Governor Cuomo to support an equitable and sustainable transformation of New York’s transportation sector by committing to TCI. 

Fire Island Wastewater Solutions 

In July, we were proud to announce the first ever Fire Island Wastewater Solutions Planning & Engineering Study. This critical process was spearheaded by Suffolk County Legislator Steve Flotteron and CCE Executive Director, Adrienne Esposito. Now we can take the first step towards understanding the extent of the Fire Island nitrogen pollution problem and finding solutions that protect our waterways, fisheries, and community. To learn more about this project, check out our press conference here. 

Be on the Watch for Harmful Algal Blooms 

As the weather begins to get warmer, and we start spending more time outside and lakeside, it is important to be aware of dangerous harmful algal blooms (HABs). HABs pose an immense threat to our communities’ drinking water, public health, outdoor recreation and wildlife! HABs are erupting across NY more frequently and more aggressively—in 2020, over 900 HABs were present in NY waterbodies. If you see a HAB in a lake or waterbody (looks like spilled green paint or pea soup), be sure to avoid it and report it using the DEC Suspicious Algal Bloom Report Form! 

Bringing Hydropower to New York 

Thanks to everyone who joined last month’s “Bringing Hydropower to NY Forum” to learn about how transporting excess Canadian hydropower to NYC can help us combat climate change and transition from polluting fossil fuel power plants to renewable energy. The virtual event, co-hosted by CCE and the NY League of Conservation Voters, and featuring experts from Hydro-Québec and Transmission Developers Inc., is available here. 

Telling the Story of a 20-year CCE Career 

We were honored to create a short video for the middle school and high school students of Junior Achievement of WNY as part of their Inspire Career Speaker Series. Check out this video of Brian Smith, CCE’s Associate Executive Director, speak about his two-decade career at CCE! 

Highlighting Smart Irrigation Month 

July is Smart Irrigation month, and we celebrated by joining members of the Suffolk County Legislature to discuss the importance of water conservation on Long Island. Water conservation is a critical component of protecting our sole source aquifer through the use of conservation measures, especially during peak water usage times in the summer months, and the use of smart irrigation systems. You can check out Adrienne Esposito’s remarks on the importance of water conservation here. 

Highlights and Happenings: June 2021


Help CCE build on our success, and support our campaigns to protect public health and the environment in NY and CT. Make a contribution today.



Victory! Priority bills that were passed by the New York State legislature (we’ll be working to ensure that all these bills are signed by the Governor) at the end of session in June: 

  • Protecting drinking water from emerging contaminants: This will require drinking water suppliers to test for additional toxic chemicals, including currently unregulated toxic PFAS chemicals. The bill would also require smaller water suppliers to test for emerging contaminants—helping to protect the drinking water for an additional 2.5 million New Yorkers.

  • Banning coal car sealant – After a decade of work, we have successfully lobbied the New York State legislature to pass a ban on the use of coal tar in paving products. Coal tar contains a known human carcinogen and contaminates local waterways. Safe and effective alternatives are readily available.

  • Expanding kelp aquaculture - Kelp aquaculture is a growing industry with significant economic, health, and environmental benefits. This legislation would allow for kelp aquaculture in Gardiners and Peconic Bays, create a local kelp farming industry, and help restore water quality and fish habitat in our Long Island east end bays.

  • Keeping drinking water lead-free at schools: This bill sets a more protective standard for lead in school drinking water and increases the frequency of testing. There is no safe level of exposure to lead, especially for our children.


Victory! Connecticut Legislative Victories: 

  • Modernizing the CT Bottle Bill- This law will expand CT’s container deposit law to cover juices, teas, sports drinks, hard seltzer and hard ciders; double the refundable container deposit from $.05 to $.10 cents, and significantly increase access to convenient recycling options for deposit containers! Gov. Lamont signed the bill into law in late June.

  • Protecting our health and water from toxic PFAS chemicals- The CT General Assembly unanimously passed a ban on toxic PFAS chemicals in food service packaging and in firefighting foams. The legislation will also enable the state to establish a buyback program for existing stockpiles of PFAS treated firefighting foams that remain in storage at airports and firefighting training facilities across CT.

  • Strengthening CT’s Sewage Right-to-Know Law - This is a much-needed update to CT’s sewage pollution right to know law, which requires wastewater treatment operators to provide timely public notification any time raw or partially treated sewage overflows into our waterways and ensures downstream communities are notified of these sewage overflows. This bill has been signed into law.

Victory! Suffolk County Passes Critical Environmental Bills 

In June, the Suffolk County Legislature passed two of CCE’s priority bills. Suffolk has passed a bee protection law that requires homeowners, pesticide applicators, and exterminators dealing with an unwanted honeybee infestation to first call a beekeeper, who can safely relocate the hive. The legislature also approved increased funding for the Suffolk County septic replacement program, which provides homeowners grants to replace outdated septic and cesspools with advanced, nitrogen-reducing systems that protect our drinking water and waterways. NYS provided $10 million, and Suffolk County will allocate $20 million for the program this year. Thanks to all who testified in support! 

Connecticut’s Plastic Bag Ban is in Effect! 

The statewide ban on single-use plastic shopping bags went into effect on July 1st! Plastic bags contaminate our waterways, threaten aquatic wildlife and create costly infrastructure problems. Connecticut residents (and everyone else) – remember to bring your own reusable bags to the store! 


Urging Congress to Invest in Clean Water Infrastructure 

Congress is currently developing next year’s federal budget while also considering a major infrastructure package. This provides our nation with a critical once-in-a-generation opportunity to finally address our long-standing clean water needs! We have launched our campaign pushing Congress to invest in upgrading sewage and drinking water systems and replacing lead service lines, which will protect public health, protect our drinking water for future generations, and create jobs. If you haven’t yet, take action today! 


Fighting for Environmental Justice in Brookhaven, NY 

A massive 228-acre solid waste transfer facility has been proposed on the last heavily forested area of Yaphank. The proposed facility would be the largest in the state, taking up to 6,000 tons of waste per day and then shipping the waste via rail off the island. Instead of going through an important public process, including public hearings, the Town of Brookhaven is considering allowing the federal government to usurp local control and ignore community voices. Last month, we joined the Brookhaven Town NAACP and concerned community members to call on the town to NOT relinquish local control to a federal agency for a massive solid waste facility. 

Exploring the Potential for Great Lakes Wind 

In June, we provided testimony at a hearing held by NYSERDA in support of a study to determine the feasibility of Great Lakes wind (if determined feasible, CCE strongly believes that any future offshore wind project is responsibly-sited and is evaluated to protect the Great Lakes ecosystem and the lakes’ many uses). In June, we also worked to oppose a resolution proposed in Erie County, NY that opposed Great Lakes wind, prior to the completion of the state’s feasibility study. The anti-wind resolution included misinformation on wind power and opposed Great Lakes wind before important studies have even been completed (the anti-wind resolution did not pass!). Want to learn more about exploring the potential for Great Lakes wind? 

Victory! Landfill Lawsuit May Bring Justice for Brookhaven Community Members 

For decades, those living and working in the Brookhaven community near the landfill have complained of foul odors, poor air quality, harmful health impacts, and decreased quality of life. Out of 105 employees at the Frank P. Long Middle School, which is immediately adjacent to the landfill, 38 have developed cancer and 10 have passed away. In June, the court rejected all the Town’s legal defenses in an action by 25 plaintiffs, including 6 estates. The court’s decision essentially assures there will be a trial in front of a jury where the community can get justice. 

Image by doskey12 from Pixabay

Image by doskey12 from Pixabay

Wind Works for Long Island 

In June, the US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management announced public scoping hearings on the Empire Wind project. This is an important step for advancing offshore wind in NY and meeting our goals of 9,000 MW by 2035. The Empire Wind Farm, located off the coast of Long Beach, will generate enough renewable energy to power 500,000 New York homes. We submitted comments in support of the project in June, but in case you missed it you can still attend a public meeting and weigh in in support of the offshore project on July 13th. 

Be on the Watch for Harmful Algal Blooms 

As the weather begins to get warmer, and we start spending more time outside and lakeside, it is important to be aware of dangerous harmful algal blooms (HABs). HABs pose an immense threat to our communities’ drinking water, public health, outdoor recreation and wildlife! HABs are erupting across NY more frequently and more aggressively—in 2020, over 900 HABs were present in NY waterbodies. If you see a HAB in a lake or waterbody (looks like spilled green paint or pea soup), be sure to avoid it and report it using the DEC Suspicious Algal Bloom Report Form! 


Upcoming: Bringing Hydropower to New York 

Join us to learn about how transporting excess Canadian hydropower to NYC can help us combat climate change and transition from polluting fossil fuel power plants to renewable energy in our communities. The free virtual event, co-hosted by CCE and the NY League of Conservation Voters and featuring experts from Hydro-Québec and Transmission Developers Inc. will take place July 14th at 12pm. Register today. 

Highlights and Happenings: May 2021

Image by Ben Scherjon from Pixabay 

Image by Ben Scherjon from Pixabay 

Help CCE build on our success, and support our campaigns to protect public health and the environment in NY and CT. Make a contribution today.




Hosting the First Ever Long Island Sound Student Summit 

We were thrilled to joined students from Brentwood, Northport, Smithtown, and Rocky Point High Schools on Long Island for the first Long Island Sound High School Summit. These future Long Island Sound leaders presented research projects on a variety for important topics, including water quality testing, storm drain monitoring, plastic pollution, and marine life in the Long Island Sound. Thank you to our partners AMSEAS, to Congressman Tom Suozzi for his inspirational opening remarks, and to the Long Island Sound Study and the Long Island Sound Futures Fund for their generous support of this project. These exceptional students are our future leaders and we are in great hands! 


Bee-ware! Ban Toxic Neonic Pesticides in NY 

We have been working aggressively over the last few years to address one of the biggest threats to pollinators—neonicotinoid pesticides (a.k.a neonics). These toxic pesticides are linked to the global decline of bee populations and are detected in water supplies in New York and across the nation. A law proposed in NY (Birds and Bees Protection Act) would ban certain unnecessary and harmful uses of neonics, including neonic treated corn, soybean, and wheat seeds, as well as ornamental, lawn, and garden uses. This would eliminate at least 85%-90% of all neonics used in the State! Help us pass this critical legislation and send an email to NYS Senate and Assembly Leadership. Want to know how you can protect pollinators at your own home? Take a look at CCE’s educational factsheet! 

Victory! Southampton Sand Mining Permit Ruled Illegal 

Sand Land, a 50-acre sand and gravel mine in Southampton, has long been controversial and is linked to groundwater contamination in the sole source aquifer of Southampton. We have been working for a decade with the Town of Southampton, Group for the East End, and the Noyac Civic Association to stop the expansion and close down the mine. In a landmark ruling in May, the NYS Supreme Court Appellate Division ruled in favor of aquifer protection and against the existing sandmining operation. Sand Land and the NYS DEC lost this critical court case and the courts ruled that DEC broke the law by issuing a permit extension and expansion to the sand mine located in the middle of a Special Ground Water Protection Area in Southampton Town. 


Pushing for the CT Bottle Bill 

We are fighting to pass legislation to improve and modernize Connecticut’s bottle bill (S.B. 1037) and we are making real progress. In May, we held a series of stakeholder and community meetings in New Haven, Hartford, Bridgeport and Waterbury to bolster support for this critical bill. We also participated in a number of litter cleanups across Connecticut to help clean up our communities and open spaces and talk to members of the public about the bottle bill. One of these great events was a workshop at the Reservoir Farm in Bridgeport to educate community members about our ongoing efforts to improve recycling in Connecticut. The program included a briefing from CCE’s Lou Rosado Burch and a litter cleanup around the farm. Thanks to everyone who participated and a big thank you to the Green Village Initiative for inviting us. 

Combatting PFAS: Long Island’s Toxic “Forever Chemicals” 

The EPA’s failure to regulate PFAS is causing tremendous health and economic damage on Long Island. In May, we joined expert panelists Phil Brown, University Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Health Sciences from Northeastern University; Tim Whitehouse, the Executive Director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility; and Kyla Bennett, the Science Policy Director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility for a virtual event to discuss the danger PFAS poses to Long Island’s environment and health and what needs to be done to combat these forever chemicals. The event, moderated by Christopher Sellers, the Professor of History at Stony Brook University, had a great turnout. If you missed it, - check it out here. 


Tackling NY’s Solid Waste Crisis 

New York State is suffering from a growing solid waste and recycling crisis. Recycling markets in China and elsewhere closed their doors to the U.S., forcing us to start managing our long-standing solid waste problems. We are fighting for the Extended Producer Responsibility Act in NY, which would minimize waste, improve recycling, prevent plastic pollution, reduce toxins in products, and save municipalities money. In May, we had productive meetings with our Senate and Assembly leaders and have continued to lobby in support of EPR, but we still need your help to make sure this bill passes this year. If you haven’t yet, send an email to your representatives in support of Extended Producer Responsibility in NY. 

Be on the Watch for Harmful Algal Blooms 

As the weather begins to get warmer, and we start spending more time outside and lakeside, it is important to be aware of dangerous harmful algal blooms (HABs). HABs pose an immense threat to our communities’ drinking water, public health, outdoor recreation and wildlife! HABs are erupting across NY more frequently and more aggressively—in 2020, over 900 HABs were present in NY waterbodies. If you see a HAB in a lake or waterbody (looks like spilled green paint or pea soup), be sure to avoid it and report it using the DEC Suspicious Algal Bloom Report Form! 

Long Island Sound: Driving Local Actions to Tackle Water Pollution 

In May, we joined our partners at Save the Sound and The Nature Conservancy to host a collaborative workshop series to advance local actions for cleaner waters and healthy watersheds in Long Island Sound. Thank you to everyone who joined us to hear from scientists and practitioners about approaches to combat pollution and clean up coastal waters in communities around Long Island Sound. This 3-week workshop series brought folks from across the Sound together to learn about advancements in technology and policy that tackles our biggest water quality challenges—including fecal bacteria, nitrogen, and plastic pollution. 

Upcoming: High School Presentation Series on Climate Change and Offshore Wind 

Recruiting all High School teachers! We are providing FREE zoom presentations on Combating Climate Change by Investing in Offshore Wind Energy. Reach out to our Project Coordinator Olivia Del Vecchio (odelvecchio@citizenscampaign.org / 516-390-7150) to set up your Climate & Wind presentation. Don’t delay, schedule today! 

Highlights and Happenings: April 2021

Photo by Tim Gouw from Pexels

Photo by Tim Gouw from Pexels

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NY Earth Day Victories 

The NYS Senate and Assembly passed key CCE priority bills as part of an Earth Day legislative package. Thank you to all our legislative champions and our environmental partners who helped push for these important bills. The following passed both houses and will be sent to the Governor for his signature: 

  • Ban on plastic toiletry bottles in hotels. NYC hotels alone use 27 million of these plastic bottles annually.

  • Ban on spreading fracking fluids on roads and fields. These fluids can contain toxic chemicals that put our water and health at risk.

  • 100% Zero Emission Vehicles sold in NY by 2035. The transportation sector is NY’s largest source of climate pollution, making it critical for NY to switch to electric vehicles.


Victory! Breaking Ground at the Bay Park Sewage Treatment Plant on Long Island 

After 15 years of hard work, we were thrilled to celebrate Earth Day with Governor Andrew Cuomo, Senator Todd Kaminsky, The Nature Conservancy in New York, and Operation Splash at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Bay Park Conveyance Project. This transformative project will connect the Bay Park and Long Beach sewage treatment plants, which were discharging treated sewage into Reynolds Channel, to an ocean outfall pipe at the Cedar Creek plant. We are closer than ever to restoring the Western Bays. We also held a virtual Save the Western Bays Educational forum last month. Check it out to learn more about this crucial project and ongoing efforts to combat nitrogen pollution in the bays. 

Celebrating Earth Day! 

We celebrated with a virtual advocacy event joined by our environmental colleagues and advocates from across New York. This event highlighted many aspects of the environmental movement with a broad legislative agenda aimed at protecting our water, land and pollinators, as well as addressing solid waste, toxics, and environmental justice issues. CCE and over 100 advocates from across the State called on the New York State Legislature to take action on key environmental issues this Earth Day! 



Supporting New York Offshore Wind 

New York State is advancing five offshore wind projects and working hard to transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. After years of frustrating delays at the federal level, we are thrilled the Biden administration committed to moving forward with offshore wind. In March, the administration announced they aim to generate 30 gigawatts of wind by 2030, designated a new wind energy area in the NY Bight (allowing New York to move forward with additional offshore wind farms), and are investing in important offshore wind infrastructure. In April, we participated in public meetings on the new wind energy areas and submitted comments in support to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. This is just the beginning of a long process, so stay tuned for more opportunities to support offshore wind in NY. 

Tackling NY’s Solid Waste Crisis 

New York State is suffering from a growing solid waste and recycling crisis. Recycling markets in China and elsewhere closed their doors to the U.S., forcing us to start managing our long-standing solid waste problems. We are fighting for the Extended Producer Responsibility Act in NY, which will hold manufacturers, not taxpayers, responsible for their waste. This bill would minimize packaging waste, improve recycling, prevent plastic pollution, reduce toxins in products, and save municipalities money. In April, we had a great educational forum and discussion with our Long Island Assembly leaders and have continued to lobby in support of EPR, but we still need your help to make sure this bill passes this year. If you haven’t yet, send an email to your representatives in support of Extended Producer Responsibility in NY. To learn more about the EPR, also check out this great video from our Executive Director, Adrienne Esposito, during the 2021 Earth Day Lobby Day. 

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Rallying for the CT Bottle Bill on Earth Day 

We were excited to join members of the State House of Representatives, coalition partners, and members of the public on Earth Day to highlight their work on the bottle bill and to call on members of the Senate to pass S.B. 1037 (the bill to modernize the CT bottle bill). At the rally, we presented a sign-on letter with more than 60 state & local organizations and 7 mayors/1st selectmen in support of expanding the container deposit to cover juices, teas, sports drinks and liquor ‘nips’, as well as to raise the deposit from $.05 to $.10 on covered containers. 

Be on the Watch for Harmful Algal Blooms 

As the weather begins to get warmer, and we start spending more time outside and lakeside, it is important to be aware of dangerous harmful algal blooms (HABs). HABs pose an immense threat to our communities’ drinking water, public health, outdoor recreation and wildlife! HABs are erupting across NY more frequently and more aggressively—in 2020, over 900 HABs were present in NY waterbodies. If you see a HAB in a lake or waterbody (looks like spilled green paint or pea soup), be sure to avoid it and report it using the DEC Suspicious Algal Bloom Report Form! 


Combatting Nitrogen Pollution on Long Island 

Degraded water quality, depleted oxygen, and harmful algal blooms plague nearly every waterway on Long Island, and excessive nitrogen from septic systems and cesspools is the primary culprit. The good news is that both Nassau and Suffolk Counties are making great progress helping homeowners upgrade to nitrogen-reducing septic systems. In April, Suffolk County announced $100 million in funding to upgrade septics and connect homes to sewers. In Nassau County, we celebrated the launch of Nassau County’s septic grants program with County Executive Curran. Grants are now available to homeowners in both counties to upgrade their old or failing septic tank to newer technology that combats nitrogen pollution on Long Island! 

Advancing Wind & Protecting Wildlife 

Last month, we hosted the third installment of our series of educational forums on offshore wind. Thank you to cohost NY League of Conservation Voters and expert panelists Dr. Howard Rosenbaum with Wildlife Conservation Society, Dr. Drew Carey with Inspire Environmental, and Catherine Bowes with National Wildlife Federation, who discussed impacts to marine mammals and fish species, potential “reef effects,” and more. If you missed it, you can check out a recording of the event here. 

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We Need the NYS Environmental
Bond Act 

Governor Cuomo and the NY State Legislature included an historic $3 billion Environmental Bond Act as part of the 2021-2022 state budget. This funding, which will be voted on by the public in November 2022, will allow New York communities to improve coastal resiliency, protect open space, upgrade water infrastructure, restore habitat, and combat harmful pollution. Last month, we were proud to stand with Senator Kaminsky, Assemblyman Englebright, the Nassau and Suffolk County Executives, and our environmental and labor partners from across the state in celebrating the importance of the Environmental Bond Act for NY communities. 

Upcoming - Long Island Sound: Driving Local Actions to Tackle Water Pollution 

We will be hosting a collaborative workshop series with our partners at Save the Sound and The Nature Conservancy to advance local actions for cleaner waters and healthy watersheds in Long Island Sound. Hear from scientists and practitioners about approaches to combat pollution and clean up coastal waters in communities around Long Island Sound. This 3-week workshop series will bring folks from across the Sound together to learn about advancements in technology and policy that tackles our biggest water quality challenges—from fecal bacteria, nitrogen, and plastic pollution. Click here to register! 

  • Tuesday, May 11 | 12:00pm-1:30pm | Fecal Bacteria Pollution

  • Wednesday May 19 | 12:00pm-1:30pm| Nitrogen Pollution

  • Tuesday, May 25 | 12:00pm-1:30pm | Marine Debris and Plastic Pollution

Upcoming - PFAS: Long Island’s Toxic “Forever Chemicals” 

Join us on May 18th from 12:00pm – 1:00pm for a live webinar on the toxic chemical PFAS. 

The webinar will feature expert panelists like Phil Brown, University Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Health Sciences from Northeastern University; Tim Whitehouse, the Executive Director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility; Adrienne Esposito, the Executive Director of Citizens Campaign for the Environment; and Kyla Bennett, the Science Policy Director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility. The event will be moderated by Christopher Sellers, the Professor of History at Stony Brook University. Click here to register.